Miscellaneous Datasets

Climate Datasets (Link)

Categorical Data

Antiseptic as Treatment for Amputation - Upper Limb (Data)

Antiseptic as Treatment for Amputation - Upper Limb  (Description)

Antiseptic as Treatment for Amputation - All Cases  (Data)

Antiseptic as Treatment for Amputation - All Cases  (Description)

Price and Quality Ratings (Data)

Price and Quality Ratings (Description)

Fabric Upholstery in Philadelphia 1700-1775 (Data)

Fabric Upholstery in Philadelphia 1700-1775 (Description)

Fabric Table Coverings in Philadelphia 1700-1775 (Data)

Fabric Table Coverings in Philadelphia 1700-1775 (Description)

Artist Use of Feminist Art Theory (Data)

Artist Use of Feminist Art Theory (Description)

Peron Vote in 1946 Argentina (Data)

Peron Vote in 1946 Argentina (Description)

German Teachers and Nazi Party Membership  (Data)

German Teachers and Nazi Party Membership  (Description)

Cyclones around Antarctica  (Data)                Long Form  .csv

Cyclones around Antarctica  (Description)

Union Army Deaths by Rank and Duty (Data)

Union Army Deaths by Rank and Duty (Description)

Mortality/Demographics for Ohio Companies in Civil War  (Data)

Mortality/Demographics for Ohio Companies in Civil War  (Description)

Stability of Peace by War Type  (Data)

Stability of Peace by War Type  (Description)

Settlement of Civil Wars 1945-1993  (Data)

Settlement of Civil Wars 1945-1993  (Description)

Ribavirin as Treatment for SARS  (Data)

Ribavirin as Treatment for SARS  (Description)

UFO Encounters  (Data)

UFO Encounters  (Description)

Ballot Order and Voter Choice  (Data)

Ballot Order and Voter Choice  (Description)

Marijuana Use and Party/Dance Participation  (Data   .csv)           Individual Data  (.csv)

Marijuana Use and Party/Dance Participation  (Description)

Smoking, Age, and Death  (Data)

Smoking, Age, and Death  (Description)

Magazine Subscription Renewals  (Data)

Magazine Subscription Renewals  (Description)

Feminine Role Behavior and Personality Traits  (Data)

Feminine Role Behavior and Personality Traits  (Description)

Members and Survival of the Donner Party  (Data)

Members and Survival of the Donner Party  (Description)

Portuguese Sea Battles 1583-1663  (Data)

Portuguese Sea Battles 1583-1663  (Description)

Parole Violations, Prison Punishment, Prior Records  (Data)

Parole Violations, Prison Punishment, Prior Records  (Description)

Concussions in Male and Female College Athletes  (Data)

Concussions in Male and Female College Athletes  (Description)

Ginkgo and Acetazolamide for Acute Mountain Sickness in Himalayan Trekkers  (Data)

Ginkgo and Acetazolamide for Acute Mountain Sickness in Himalayan Trekkers  (Description)

John Snow Cholera Data - London 1850s  (Data)

John Snow Cholera Data - London 1850s  (Description)

Union Army Strength/Casualties at the Battle of Gettysburg  (Data)

Union Army Strength/Casualties at the Battle of Gettysburg  (Description)

Invasion of Barroom Tables wrt Gender and Markers  (Data)

Invasion of Barroom Tables wrt Gender and Markers  (Description)

Electoral Cohesion and Residential Location of Social Classes in Local Voting  (Data)

Electoral Cohesion and Residential Location of Social Classes in Local Voting  (Description)

Psychiatric Prognosis and Parole Outcome  (Data) 

Psychiatric Prognosis and Parole Outcome  (Description) 

Diagnostic Tests for Bird Flu  (Data)

Diagnostic Tests for Bird Flu  (Description)

Vaccine for Plague in Ferrets  (Data)

Vaccine for Plague in Ferrets  (Description)

Friday the 13th and Traffic Accidents  Finland 1971-1997  (Data)

Friday the 13th and Traffic Accidents  Finland 1971-1997  (Description)

Agency Control and Governor's Strength  (Data)

Agency Control and Governor's Strength  (Description)

Risk Taking and Framing of Choices  (Data)         (.csv)

Risk Taking and Framing of Choices  (Description)

Pravachol and Cardiac Events  (Data)

Pravachol and Cardiac Events  (Description)

Olestra Chips and Gastrointestinal Symptoms  (Data)

Olestra Chips and Gastrointestinal Symptoms  (Description)

Silicone Breast Implant Ruptures  (Data)

Silicone Breast Implant Ruptures  (Description)

Poverty and Migration  (Data)

Poverty and Migration  (Description)

Variety Seeking and Purchase Timing  (Data)

Variety Seeking and Purchase Timing  (Description)

Blood Types of sab Bondsmen and Noble Somalis  (Data)

Blood Types of sab Bondsmen and Noble Somalis  (Description)

Mice Radiation Experiment  (Data)

Mice Radiation Experiment  (Description)

Handedness over 50 Centuries  (Data)

Handedness over 50 Centuries  (Description)

Israeli Occuption Types, Sectors, and Political Party  (Data)

Israeli Occuption Types, Sectors, and Political Party  (Description)

Contact with the Dead by Ethnicity  (Data)

Contact with the Dead by Ethnicity  (Description)

Interfaith Dating by SES, Religion, and Gender  (Data)

Interfaith Dating by SES, Religion, and Gender  (Description)

Sex, Lies, and Religiosity  (Data)

Sex, Lies, and Religiosity  (Description)

Religion and Intesity of Wars  (Data)

Religion and Intesity of Wars  (Description)

Religious Attendance and Tolerance for Atheists  (Data)

Religious Attendance and Tolerance for Atheists  (Description)

Motorcycle Riding and Erectile Dysfunction  (Data)

Motorcycle Riding and Erectile Dysfunction  (Description)

Professional Autonomy and Attitude Toward Dissidents Among Clergy  (Data)

Professional Autonomy and Attitude Toward Dissidents Among Clergy  (Description)

Innoculation for Typhoid  (Data)

Innoculation for Typhoid  (Description)

Fish Distribution and Extent of Injury in Cold temperature  (Data)

Fish Distribution and Extent of Injury in Cold temperature  (Description)

Ankle Sprain by Shoe Type and Prophylactic Protection  (Data)

Ankle Sprain by Shoe Type and Prophylactic Protection  (Description)

Flow Channels on Stages of a Whitewater Rafting Trip  (Data)

Flow Channels on Stages of a Whitewater Rafting Trip  (Description)

Height of Fall and Injury Severity in Singapore 1991-1992  (Data)

Height of Fall and Injury Severity in Singapore 1991-1992  (Description)

Blues Guitarists Hand Posture and Thumbing Style by Region and Birth Period  (Data  .csv)

Blues Guitarists Hand Posture and Thumbing Style by Region and Birth Period  (Description)

Gender, Sexual Activity, and Survival in Slasher Horror Movies  (Data)

Gender, Sexual Activity, and Survival in Slasher Horror Movies  (Description)

Hair Length and Age among US Women  (Data)

Hair Length and Age among US Women  (Description)

Disspelling Old Wives' Tales - Cleanliness       Data            Description

Cognitive Dissonance and Students' Attitudes Toward US Occupation of Iraq              Data          Description

Keyboard Preference by Gender                       Data             Description

Gender by Appearance Factors in MTV Ads             Data             Description

Crop Circles by Country and Field Type               Data (.csv)          Description

Comparison of 2 Methods for Detecting Sperm in Sexual Assault Victims - External Measurements      Data       Description

Comparison of 2 Methods for Detecting Sperm in Sexual Assault Victims - Internal Measurements       Data       Description

UFO Sightings in the US: Date, Shape, and State                                 Data (.csv)             Description

Police Traffic Stops in a Large Southeastern City in 2016          Data (.csv)          Description

Complete/Fail to Complete among 4 Diets in a Weight Loss Study       Data             Description

Results of 67 ESP Experiments of 3 Types                           Data           Description

Women's Shirt Color and Cyber-Attractiveness                  Data             Description

Affect of Large-Scale Loss on Risk Taking                     Data (.csv)           Description

Judge's Instructions and Oral Arguments Effects on Jurors' Award Decisions in Product Liability Cases        Data (.csv)          Description

Defendant's Remorse Level and Juror's First Vote in Capital Punishment Trial          Data (.csv)         Description

Mental Accounting Choice Experiment                             Data (.csv)            Description

Avalanche Survival by Country and Amount Buried      Data (.csv)        Description

Building Damage from 1915 Nepal Earthquake by Structure    Data (.csv)    and by Storey   Data (.csv)     Descriptions   

Linear, Nonlinear, Logistic, Poisson, and Negative Binomial Regression

LR1) Cross-sectional Data

LR 1a)  Linear Regression/Correlation

Math Scores and Drug Concentrations                                                      Data   .csv (More accurate)    Description

Tombstone Weathering                                                                               Data        Description

British Bus Company Costs/Profitability - Cross-sectional Analysis       Data          Description

Hosiery Mill Production/Costs                                                                   Data           Description

U.S. SMSA Per Capita Retail Sales 1992                                                 Data          Description

Airfare and Demand 2002Q4                                                                     Data           Description

U.S. County Vote for Clinton 1992 & Demographics                                Data          Description

New Home Mortgage Yields                                                                       Data  (.csv)       Description

Japanese Emigration to Pacific Northwest 1880-1915                               Data          Descrption

Immigrant Salaries and Skills, U.S. 1909                                                   Data          

Texas January Temperature                                                                       Data          

Delta Airlines Airborne Times from Atlanta - October, 2004                   Data           

PGA Performance Statistics and Winnings, 2004                                      Data           

Delta Scheduled/Actual Flight Times from ATL- October, 2004              Data        

Industrial Conflict and Right-to-Work Laws                                             Data         

Television Station Selling Prices                                                                Data          

Birth Rates and Economic Development                                                   Data           Description

Electricity Prices/Consumption in Great Britain 1930s                             Data         

Heat Wave Mortality in France, August 2003                                           Data         

U.S. State Population and Wine Consumption Circa 1988                        Data         

British County Crime Rare and Social Factors circa 1850                        Data          Description

NASA Rocket Experiments with Nozzle Sizes and Propellant Ratios      Data        

Efficiency of Muscle Work - Case 1: British Subjects                               Data         

Efficiency of Muscle Work - Case 2: Algerian Subjects                            Data          Description

Patterns of Bird Species in Andes Mountains                                            Data          Description

Brightness of Egyptian Cotton Varieties                                                    Data (.csv)         

Ballistics Tests on Layers of Cloth Ballistic Panels                                  Data (.csv)         Description

Population and Other Factors Relating to Agricultural Intensity             Data          Description

Numbers of Glands in Right and Left Legs of 2000 Pigs                          Data           Description

Per Pupil Costs/School Size, Teacher Salary in ATL Schools - 1938        Data           Description

Agricultural Output and Resources for 22 Nations Circa 1950                Data           Description

LPGA Tour Performance Measures 2008                                                Data             Description

PGA/LPGA Driving Distance and Accuracy  2008                                  Data            Description

CO2 Uptake in Plants from 2 Locations in 2 Treatments - Repeated Measures         Data        Description

Heat Capacity and Temperature for Hydrogen Bromide - Polynomial Regression     Data         Description

Nitrogen Levels in Skeletal Bones of Various Ages and Interrnment Lengths            Data        Description

Sports Dyads and Performace, Cohesion, and Motivation - Multi-Level Data             Data       Description

Hydrocarbon Viscosity, Critical Pressure, and Critical Temperature by Carbon Number       Data       Description

Airline Costs as Function of 7 Operating Variables                                Data       Description

Time-to-Incapacitation for Animals Exposed to Burning Aircraft Materials          Data        Description

Gravity Measurements Made from Half-Second Pendulums at 13 Stations in North America - 1891     Data       

Productivity Factors for Chinese Container Ports                     Data       Description

Effects of Natural Fiber Length and Content on Strength of Reinforced Polyester Composite         Data       Description

Profit Rates and market Structure for High-Level Advertizing Firms          Data         Description

Probability of Winning Assessments in Texas Hold'em Poker              Data         Description

Factors Related to Numbers of Species of Animals on 42 British Isles                 Data       Description

Bird Presence in California Suburbs                                          Data            Description

Response Times and Intra-Pair Distances on Evaluating Pairs - Random Coefficient Regression        Data      Description

Construction Plant Maintenance Costs               Data         Description

Paddy Fields Soft Layer Depth and Bearing Capacity                 Data             Description

Paddy Soil Adhesion to Rubber and Steel                   Data          Description

Water Pressure Level and Tensile Strength of Islands-in-the-Sea Fibers           Data           Description

Relation between Area of Wires of Couplings and Deflection of Galvonometer in Explosion Experiment         Data        Description          Data (.csv)        

RKO Films Costs and Revenues 1930-1941                        Data       Description

Stitch Length and Breaking Strength of 3 Yarn Counts               Data         Description

Diversity of Artifacts Among Forts in Western Canada                 Data                 Description

Head Size and Brain Weight                                    Data                   Description

Time to Complete Tasks Under Varying Complexity for US and non-US Nuclear Power Plant Workers        Data         Description

Blood Alcohol Concentration Repeatability in 9 Subjects             Data              Description

Relation Between Leather Jacket Ensemble and Comfort Characteristics              Data        Description

Blood and Breath Alcohol Elimination Rates among Austrian Males and Females          Data        Description

Cotton Output by Yarn Count for Mule and Ring Spinning in New England Early 1900s         Data        Description

9 Physiochemical Properties and 7 Textural Measures for 30 Rice Cultivars                 Data           Description

Expert and Consumer Ratings for 26 Hungarian Fruit Juices and Nectars                       Data          Description

Stature, Hand Length, and Foot Length Among Males and Females                              Data (.csv)            Description

Peak Intensity and MPA Standard Suspension - Pharmaceutical Experiment                     Data (.csv)          Data       Description

Peak Area and MPA Standard Suspension - Pharmaceutical Experiment                               Data (.csv)       Description

Height and Various Stature Measurements among Female Police Officer Applicants                Data         Description

Recycling Capacity, Items Collected and Average Yield for Scottish Local Authorities                 Data          Description

Spread of Shotgun Pellets by Distance of Shot                                                   Data     Data (.csv)         Description

Spread of Shotgun Pellets by Distance of Shot  (Second Experiment)                         Data (.csv)            Description

Risk Factors for British Bridges                                                              Data              Description

Higher Heating Values of Low Rank Coals by 4 Input Factors              Data                Description

Cruise Ship Capacity, Dimensions, and Crew Size                                        Data            Description

Building Costs and Size Dimensions of Reinforced Concrete and Steel Buildings in Hong Kong        Data           Description

LPGA Performance Statistics for 2009                                 Data                   Description

LPGA Performance Statistics for 2008                   Data (.csv)         Description  

LPGA Performance Statistics for 2022              Data (.csv)         Description    

Left Footprint Lemgth and Height in Indian Adult Male Tamils                    Data                Description

Plant Diversity on Northeastern North American Islands               Data (.csv)          Description

Antioxidant Levels and Activity in 40 Varieties of Lager Beer        Data (.csv)         Description 

Triple-Jump Distance and Vertical Jump Height in 40 Collegiate Athletes            Data (.csv)          Description

Factors Related to Compressive Strength of Amphibolite Rocks                     Data (.csv)        Description

Factors Related to Surface Free Energy in Asphalt Binder                  Data (.csv)         Description

Factors Related to Susceptibility of Indian Coal to Spontaneous Heating                     Data (.csv)        Description

Variables Associated with Permeability and Porosity of Rocks               Data              Description

Energy Consumption in Luxury Hotels in Hainan Province, China            Data (.csv)               Description

Hybrid Vehicle Prices, Acceleration, Fuel Economy, and Model Class        Data (.csv)               Description

Physical and Acoustic Variables for 12 Gothic Churches                    Data (.csv)        Description

In-vivo and 3 In-Vitro Methods for Assessments of SPF for 32 Sunscreen Products         Data (.csv)         Description

NBA 2013-2014 Player Heights and Weights            Data         .csv     Description

NHL 2013-2014 Player Heights and Weights     (Teams are Incorrect)      Data (.csv)       2014-2015 Season (Correct Teams)   Data (.csv)          

EPL 2014-2015 Player Heights and Weights            Data (.csv)

Determination of Age of Old Carpets by Chemical Levels      Data (.csv)       Description

Factors Effecting Mercury Levels in Kuwaiti Fishermen        Data (.csv)         Description

Age, Body Weight, and Number of Beak Increments in Juvenile Octopi              Data          Description

Manufacturing Learning Curves                                        Data     .csv          Description

Color Parameters and Phenolics for 3 Red Wines During Aging         Data (.csv)         Description

NBA Game Betting Odds and Outcomes 2014-2015 Season              Data (.csv)      Description

Chloromethane Peak Ratio and Concentration                                 Data (.csv)      Description

National GNP per Unit Energy Use and Internet Users per 100 Population - 2010            Data (.csv)

Biodiesel Transesterification from Rapseed Oil in 3 Alcohols               Data (.csv)              Description

Borehole Yield as Function of  Geoelectrical Variables at 54 Spatial Locations       Data (.csv)        Description

Performance Characteristics of an Air Conditioning System           Data (.csv)         Description

Compressive Strength of Rocks, Mineral and Geometric Properties           Data (.csv)        Description

Viscosity of Polyacrylamide Copolymers by Concentration and Shear Rate       Data (.csv)        Description  

Effort and Size of Software Development Projects          Dataset 1 (.csv)     Description 1          Dataset 2 (.csv)      Description 2

Throughput Volume and Ship Emissions for 24 Major Ports in People's Republic of China        Data (.csv)         Description

Fuel Usage and Ship Emissions for 34 Ports in Australia                      Data (.csv)           Description

U.S. State Wine Consumption (millions of liters) and Population (millions) - 2013           Data (.csv)          Description

Sugar Equivalent and Chewiness of Berries                                       Data (.csv)        Description  

Sugar Equivalent and Springiness of Berries                                       Data (.csv)        Description

Bollywood Films Grosses and Budgets  2013-2017                            Data (.csv)       Description

Phenolic Content and Antioxidant Activity of 68 Chinese Herbs         Data (.csv)          Description

Factors Affecting Noise Annoyance of a Forklift Operation                   Data (.csv)       Description

Bird Species Migration in trans-Saharan Africa                                 Data (.csv)         Description

Factors Affecting Auto Energy Consumption                                        Data (.csv)          Description

Grit-Blasting Process in Thermal Spraying                                           Data (.csv)           Description

Migration of Lead in Brandy Decanters                                              Data (.csv)              Description

Sewing Thread Consumption                                                                Data (.csv)                Description

Cohesion Behavior of New Zealand Wools                                          Data (.csv)                 Description

Subsidence and Water Table Levels for 3 Crop Types in the Florida Everglades               Data (.csv)      Description

Temperature and Humidity Effects on Ice Cream Cone Strength and Weight              Data (.csv)      Description

Temperature, Water and Salt Content Effects on Ice Cream Cone Batter Velocity        Data (.csv)      Description

Moisture, Protein and Ash Contents on Viscosity of Flour used in Baking Ice Cream Cones        Data (.csv)     Description

Sound Absorption of Fabrics                                                                         Data (.csv)             Description

Air Permeability of Woven Fabrics                                                            Data (.csv)              Description

Characteristics of Multifunctional Knitted Textiles                                   Data (.csv)            Description

Static Friction Coefficients of Lavender Flowers by Surface and Moisture Content         Data (.csv)      Description

Dynamic Friction Coefficients of Lavender Flowers by Surface Moisture Content, and Sliding Velocity         Data (.csv)       Description

Factors Affecting DVD-ROM Cover Shrinkage                                                                    Data (.csv)           Description

Galton Height Data (Individual Measurememts)                                                      Data (.csv)       Description

Hotel Energy Consumption for Hotels in Lagos and Singapore                            Data (.csv)        Description

Features of Avalanches in South-western China           Data (.csv)       Description

Right Hand and Foot Lengths of Rajputs from North India by Gender        Data (.csv)         Description

Latitude and Longitude for 48 Locations in Iberia - Ptolemy's Geography and WGS 84 System        Data (.csv)        Description

Shotgun Spread by Shot Range and Pellet Size             Data (.csv)                Description

Costs of U.S. Military Jets                                      Data (.csv)     Description

Mozart Sonatas and the Golden Ratio           Data (.csv)       Description

Rating Scores for 15 Fragrance Varieties      Data (.csv)     Description    

Prediction Model for Longitudinal Stiffness for Embroidered Fabric      Data (.csv)       Description     

Log Retention Times for 84 Pesticides                                        Data (.csv)       Description  

LR 1b)  Nonlinear and Polynomial Regression

Gunpowder Experiments                                                         Data    Data  (.csv)      Description

Measurements on the Weight of Distilled Spirits                 Data           Description

Destroyer Power Performance                                               Data           Description

Nitrogen Fertilizer and Yield                                                   Data               Description

Inter-City Air Passenger Traffic and Distances for 41 Pairs of Cities circa 1955                    Data             Description      

Bird Species, Land Area and Distance Among Solomon Islands                                              Data              Description

Orlistat to Reduce Fat Absorption                                                                                               Data             Description

King Penguin Breeding Pairs at Crozet Archipelago during 1967-2003                                     Data            Description

Predicting Lifetime of Fluorescent Lamps                                                                                   Data              Description

Exponential Decay of Beer Foam after pouring glass                                                                 Data               Description

Exponential Decay of Beer Foam for 3 Brands after pouring glass                                           Data   (wide)            Description    (wide)    Data  (tall)    Description (tall)

Experiments of Dose and Yield of Salmonella                                                                              Data            Description

Relation between Power Bench weight lift and Shot Putt Distance in Female Collegiate Shot Putters             Data (.csv)             Description

Relation Between Container Ship Speed and Fuel Consumption for Various Type Ships/Voyages              Data (.csv)            Description

Monthly Container Ship Throughput for 3 Taiwan Ports Jan 2003-Dec 2006                      Data(.csv)              Description

Distance and Admission Rate at State Asylum for Massachusetts Counties 1832-1849                Data            Description

Ice Cream Sensory Experiment                                                       Data (.csv)                    Description

Harry Potter Films Weekly Domestic Revenue                       Data (.csv)                      Description

Octopus Age Estimation by Beak Characteristics                      Data (.csv)                  Description

Kinetics of Carbonyl Sulfide Hydrolysis with Alumina or Titania as Catalysts            Data (.csv)          Description

Color Change in Roasted Hazelnuts                                                                           Data (.csv)              Description

Production Costs of USAF C-141 Plane Lots                                                            Data (.csv)               Description

Evaporative Resistance of Chinese Clothing                                 Data (.csv)          Description

Total Construction Costs of Shanghai Residential High-Rise Buldings        Data (.csv)        Description

Lateral Lumbar Infusion Surgery Learning Curve                          Data (.csv)         Description  

Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty Learning Curve                         Data (.csv)       Description     

Kentucky Derby Winning Times                            Data (.csv)  

LR 1c)  Response Surface Regression

Response Surface for Orange Juice Emulsions with 3 Predictors and 5 Responses                  Data            Description

Response Surface for Degradation of Coconut Residue with 5 Factors                                    Data            Description

NASCAR Track Top Speeds                                                                                                      
Data             Description

Sound Transmission Loss in Non-Woven Fabric - Response Surface Design                          Data            Description

Factors Affecting Roughness of Surface Finish of Machine Parts                                             Data           Description

Factors Affecting Iron, Aluminum, and Titanium in Clear and Glass Waste Bottles                Data            Description

Factors Affecting Methanol Fuel Conversion Percentage                                                          Data            Description

Factors Affecting Production of Flat Bread from Flour                                                               Data            Description

Factors Affecting Whiteness of Bleached Cotton                                                                       Data            Description

Factors Affecting Surface Roughness and Cutting Forces for CBN Tool                                Data            Description

Factors Affecting Flank Wear for a Zirconia Cutting Tool                                                        Data             Description

Factors Affecting Tool Life and Surface Roughness in a Machine Turning Operation           Data              Description

Optimization of Olive Oil Quality                                                                                              
Data              Description

Entrapment Optimization of a Sodium Bisphosonate                                                                Data              Description

Factors Affecting Crude Oil Removal                                                                                        Data              Description

Fermenting Conditions of Sugarcane Wine                                                                                 Data           Description

Biodiesel from Waste Canola Oil                                                                                               Data             Description

Castor Seed for Biodiesel Fuel                                                                                                   Data              Description

Factors Affecting Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) Activity in Malting                                      Data               Description

Compost Rate for Unshredded Crab Scrap                                                                               Data               Description

Compost Rate for Shredded Crab Scrap                                                                                   Data               Description

Experiment in Bioleaching of Uranium                                                                                       Data              Description

Factors Affecting Impact Resistance of Honeycomb Sandwich Structures                             Data                 Description

Factors Affecting a Multi-Gravity Separator for Coal Cleaning                                            Data                 Description

Factors Affecting Ethyl Carbimate Peak Area in Alcoholic Beverages                                Data                  Description

Factors Affecting Moisture, Fat Contents and Breaking Strength of Fried Potato Chips        Data (.csv)       Data                Description

Factors Affecting Rolling Resistance of Camel Drawn Carts                                                Data                 Description

Effects of Temperature and Dietary Protein on Nile Tilapia Hematalogical Values            Data                 Description

Effects of Temperature, Catalyst, and  Methanol-to-Sunflower Oil Ratio on Fatty Acid Methyl Ester Yield           Data  (.csv)            Description

Factors Affecting Yellow Dye Removal                                                                                 Data                     Description

Factors Affecting Thermal Cracking of Petroleum Residue                                                   Data                   Description

Factors Affecting Mango Wine                                                                                                Data                   Description

Factors Affecting Colour and Chemical Removal in Pulp Paper Bleaching Process          Data (.csv)          Description

Factors Affecting Diclofenac and Curcumin in Transdermal Drug Delivery                       Data (.csv)         Description

Factors Affecting Energy Consumption in a Thermal Stabilization Process                         Data (.csv)          Description

Factors Affecting Lipstick Color Characteristics                                                                   Data (.csv)            Description

Factors Affecting Damaged Rice in Bioethanol Production                                                Data (.csv)              Description

Brewing Process for Cordyceps Rice Wine                                                                         Data (.csv)                Description

Beta-Cyclodextrin Citrate and Essential Oils in Mosquito Repellant in Cotton Fabric        Data (.csv)           Description

Factors Affecting GuHCl Extraction in Murals                                                                   Data (.csv)            Description

Factors Affecting Alcohol Output in Ayurvedic Fermented Medicine                           Data (.csv)      Description       

LR 1d)  Binary Response Regression

Presence/Absence of Gold Deposits as Function of Water/Chemical characteristics in India      Data            Description

Beetle Toxicity from Pyrethrin and Piperonyl Butoxide                                                                  Data            Description

Pre-Challenger Temperature and Field-Joint O-Ring Failures                                                       Data            Description

Herbicide Picloram for Killing Larksur Plants                                                                                 Data            Description

NFL Field Goal Attempts 2003                                                                                                         Data           Description

Presence of Growth of CRA7152 in Apple Juice                                                                            Data             Description

Delayed Brand Recall After Exposure to Comedic Violence Advertisements                             Data             Description

Delayed Brand Recognition After Exposure to Comedic Violence Advertisements                   Data             Description

Triangle Test for Discriminating Pairs of 5 Coffee Varieties in 12 Raters                                  Data            Description

Factors Relating to Levee Failures on the Lower Mississippi River                                     Data            Description

Factors Relating to Levee Failures on the Middle Mississippi River                                      Data              Description

Lobster Survival by Size in Tethering Experiment
    (Individual Level data)                        Data                  Description

Stability of Coal Mine Pillars                                                                                                  Data                  Description

NFL Field Goal Attempts by Kicker with Situational Info                                                Data (.csv)          Description

Fouling of a Sludge Centrifuge Dryer                                               Data (.csv)           Description

Judge's Instructions and Oral Arguments Effects on Jurors' Award Decisions in Product Liability Cases        Data (.csv)          Description

Influence of Waitress Shirt Color and Customer Gender on Incidence of Tipping in France           Data (.csv)       Description

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) of Pallets of Consumer Goods                                      Data (.csv)            Description

Shirt/Hat Match in Identifying Criminals at Showups                                                          Data (.csv)              Description

Factors Affecting Damage to a Conveyor Belt                                              Data (.csv)       Description  

LR 1e)  Count Response Regression

Air Traffic Controller Errors by Age and Experience                                   Data       Description

Apprentice Migration to Edinburgh in Late 18th Century                            Data        Description

West Nile Virus in Birds and Equines in South Carolina                              Data         Description

Fowl Pox Virus Titration                                                                                 Data          Description

Freshwater Mussel Species in U.S. Rivers                                                   Data         

Elephant Poaching and Law Enforcement in Zambia                                    Data         Description

Afghanistan Terror Incidences by Province 1994-2008                                Data          Description

British Rail Accidents and Miles Travelled 1947-2002                                Data           Description

Caution Flags and Lead Changes at NASCAR Races  1975-1979                                      Data          Description

LR 1f)  Ordinal Response Regression

Damage Scores for Picea Sitchesis Shoots at Varying Temperatures and Ozone Levels         Data          Description           

LR 1g)  Gamma and Beta Regression

Ford Proportional Prize Winnings for NASCAR Races 1992-2000           Data (.csv)

Napa Valley Marathon Times by Age and Gender 2015                           Data (.csv)    

Efficiency of Angolan Thermal Power Plants                         Data (.csv)       Description

LR2 (Time Series Data)

Partisan Voting in U.S. House of Representatives 1861-1974                 Data          Description

Spanish Silver (Data)

Spanish Silver (Description)

Water Evaporation  (Data)

Water Evaporation (Description)

Municipal Rapid Transit (Data)

Municipal Rapid Transit (Description)

British Bus Company Expenses/Mileage - Time Series Analysis (Data)

British Bus Company Expenses/Mileage - Time Series Analysis (Description)

Demand Curve for Cigarettes (Data)

Demand Curve for Cigarettes (Description)

Cobb-Douglas Production Function - Victoria 1907-1929 (Data)

Cobb-Douglas Production Function - Victoria 1907-1929 (Description)

U.S. Cotton Production Efficiency 1834-1860  (Data)

U.S. Cotton Production Efficiency 1834-1860  (Description)

U.S. Wine Consumption and Population 1934-2002  (Data)

U.S. Wine Consumption and Population 1934-2002  (Description)

Cobb-Douglas Production Function - U.S. 1899-1922  (Data)

Cobb-Douglas Production Function - U.S. 1899-1922  (Description)

World Population and Growth Rate - 1 Million BC-1990  (Data)

World Population and Growth Rate - 1 Million BC-1990  (Description)

NASCAR Winston Cup Crashes and Leader Changes 1975-1979  (Data)

NASCAR Winston Cup Crashes and Leader Changes 1975-1979  (Description)

UK Tea Consumption, Price, National Income 1924-1936  (Data)

UK Tea Consumption, Price, National Income 1924-1936  (Description)

Temperature and Hair Growth  (Data)

Temperature and Hair Growth  (Description)

U.S. Cotton Acreage and Previous Year Prices 1910-1943  (Data)

U.S. Cotton Acreage and Previous Year Prices 1910-1943  (Description)

Prices and Quantities of Imported Butter from Denmark and New Zealand in Britain 1930-1936  (Data)

Prices and Quantities of Imported Butter from Denmark and New Zealand in Britain 1930-1936  (Description)

Advertising and Cigarette Sales for 6 U.S. Firms 1945-1960  (Data)

Advertising and Cigarette Sales for 6 U.S. Firms 1945-1960  (Description)

Firm Investment, Value and Capital for 10 firms 1935-1954  (Data)

Firm Investment, Value and Capital for 10 firms 1935-1954  (Description)

U.S. Wool Production, Price Index, and Inter-Product Competition  1922-1934  (Data)

U.S. Wool Production, Price Index, and Inter-Product Competition  1922-1934  (Description)

Relation Among Fruit Prices and Sales - NYC 1924-1938  (Data)

Relation Among Fruit Prices and Sales - NYC 1924-1938  (Description)

UK Spirits Consumption, Income, Price 1870-1938  (Data)

UK Spirits Consumption, Income, Price 1870-1938  (Description)

US Sugar Consumption and Price 1896-1914  (Data)

US Sugar Consumption and Price 1896-1914  (Description)

Argentine Wheat Yield, Rainfall, and Temperature 1890-1919  (Data)

Argentine Wheat Yield, Rainfall, and Temperature 1890-1919  (Description)

Diffusion of Oil Service Nationalization in Developing Countries 1960-1979  (Data)

Diffusion of Oil Service Nationalization in Developing Countries 1960-1979  (Description)

Italy Agricultural Productivity 1300-2000          Data            Description

China Carbon Emissions and Population Characteristics  1978-2008        Data         Description

Amount of Water Exprted to California's Central Valley and the Number of Salmon Trapped in Pumps      Data         Description

Factors Relating to Water Evaporation in Growing Season in India          Data          Description

Factors Relating to US Residential Energy Consumption 1984-2010         Data            Description

Atlantic City Casino Annual Aggregated Profits, Slots and Table Revenues  1978-2012       Data        Description

U.S. Clothing Expenditures 1929-2013     Data (.csv)    Description

Wages and Consumer Price Index in Romania    1/2000 - 9/2010         Data (.csv)       Description

Wine Phenology and Climate Factors for Bordeaux Wine 1980-1995          Data (.csv)           Description  

Annual Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Population for 10 Large Nations 1970-2012       Data (.csv)      Description

Experimental Design/Observational Studies/ANOVA

ED a) 1-Way ANOVA/ Independent Samples t-test

Age at Death Among Europeans           Data             Description

Comparison of Treatments for Removing Spots from Paper Art and Historic Documents        Data         Description

Mollusc Nervous Impulse Rates                  Data                 Description

Maze Learning in Adults and Children                  Data               Description

Occurrence of Nouns in Shakespeare's Plays                   Data                  Description

Iron Levels in Chesapeake Bay                                        Data                   Description

Number of Vertebrae in Adult Sardines by Location             Data

Anthropometric Measurements on Lahoul and Kulu Kanets in Punjab          Data (.csv)           Data                  Description

Repeatability of Running Distances                           Data              Description

Methods to Innoculate Entozoic Amoebae                        Data                 Description

Comparison of 3 Methods for Meniscal Repair on 3 Outcome measures                  Data                 Description

Pore Counts of Eggs among 14 Hens                              Data                     Description

ESP Matching Scores for Skeptics and Believers                         Data                  Description

Effect of Pests on Sugar Cane Yield and Juice Quality                    Data                   Description

Counts of Beet Webworm Larvae on Plots Exposed to 4 Treatments                Data                   Description

Comparison of 2 Methods for Teaching Chidren Metaphors                       Data                    Description

Ratings for 8 Sampled Products                       Data              Description

Beer Head Formation for 3 Bottlings                        Data               Description

Apple Procyanidin B-2 for Hair Growth                    Data             Description

Infarct Volumes of  Mice after Cerebal Artery Occlusion              Data               Description

Alpha Acids in 10 Varieties of Beer                   Data                Description

Children Participating in Cooking and Calorie Intake             Data (.csv)         Description

Metabolic Quotient of Soil Amended with Charcoal Produced at 5 Temperatures      Data (.csv)       Description

Measurement of 5 Isotopes in 495 Elephat Tusks in Africa and Asia Regions            Data (.csv)       Description

Tensile Strength and Extension of Blue Jeans Designed Manually and with Laser Beams         Data (.csv)      Description

Suture Quilting to Reduce Abdominal Drainage in Breast Reconstruction          Data (.csv)         Description

Anthocyanin Extract from Berries of 6 Sugar Content Groups                Data (.csv)           Description

Durations of Seal Lion Barking Calls at 7 Locations in Australia           Data (.csv)           Description

Comparison of 5 Treatments to Reduce Mosquito/Human Contact                Data (.csv)        Description

Rock Densities at 3 Locations in Iran                           Data (.csv)           Description

Comparison of Traditional and Multimedia for Teaching Physics Vocabulary to Rwandan Students       Data (.csv)         Description

Slip Resistance of Oil and non-Oil Resistant Footwear in Winter Conditions                      Data (.csv)          Description

Influence of Ad Type (Social Responsibility vs Sex Appeal) on Consumers' Attitudes toward Clothing Firm          Data (.csv)         Description

Comparison of 3 Methods of Brewing Espresso                             Data (.csv)       Description

Depth of Penetration for 8 mm Alumina Tested at 6 Laboratories      Data (.csv)          Description

Effects of Different Lidocaine Doses on Surgical Time in Cattle Castration         Data (.csv)       Description

Seasonal Effects on Stock Market Returns by Month                                            Data (.csv)         Description

Comparison of 4 Virtual Methods to Teach Lifeboat Launching Operation         Data.csv         Description

Product Color and Attractiveness Ratings (1-Way and 2-Way ANOVA)              Data (.csv)         Description

Comfort Ratings for 13 Military Fabrics            Data (.csv)       Description

Bioequivalence Study for Sulfanamide and Pyrethamine in Parallel Groups Study       Data (.csv)       Description

Strength Tests for 4 Types of Concrete          Data (.csv)        Description    

ED b)    Multi-Factor ANOVA

Steel Plate Construction Experiments            Data           Description

Potato Cooking Quality                    Data                 Description

Barley Variety and Pearling Rate effects on Shochu Koji              Data           Description

Combability of Hair for 2 Shampoo formulations                       Data                 Description

Grain Production Costs 1896-1930                    Data                  Description

Thalidomide for Weight Gain in HIV+ Patients with and without TB                Data                 Description

Iowa Monthly Hog Prices 1924-1931               Data              Description

Fungal Invasion of Apples                 Data                Description

Moisture Content of Tree Branch Cuts             Data            Description

Factors Affecting Lightness and Saturation                Data                        

Nylon Climbing Rope Performance                             Data                       Description

Factors Relating to Strength and Elongation in Cotton Yarns - Sudan Textile Factory Method              Data                

Factors Relating to Strength and Elongation in Cotton Yarns - Khartoum Spinning and Weaving Factory Method        Data                  Description

Fabric Treatment and Cycle Effects on Wool Shrinkage                   Data                  

Fabric Treatment and pH Effects on Wool Shrinkage                       Data                    Description

CO2 Exchange Measurements Under Wet and Dry Conditions Over Time            Data               Description

Lacrosse Helmet Impact                      Data                      Description

Beauty and Judgment - Halo Effect                     Data                      

Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone on Weight Gain in Rats                Data                  Description

Water Levels of Florida Swamps of Varying Sizes                    Data                   Description

Comparison of 3 Formulations for 2 Brands of Self-Tanning Products             Data                   Description

Shrinkage Results for Several Laundry Drying Factors                     Data               Description

Variation in Cotton Roving by Day, Spindle, and Position                  Data                   Description

Hairiness of Fabric of Various Twist Levels, Test Speeds, and Bobbins                Data                Description

Comparison of 2 Fabrics and 7 Levels of Layers for Ballistic Tests on Bullet-proof Fabric              Data              Description

Business Indices from 8 Sources over 18 Years                         Data                        Description

Diffusion Coefficients for Wool Dyes by Stirring Rate, Weight, Length                 Data                            Description

Fraction of Wool Dye in Bath by Treatment and Observer                    Data                    Description

Water Uptake in Malting Barley                     Data                         Description

Effects of a Late Fee Policy on Picking up Childeren in Day Care Centers           Data                        Description

Alkaline and Acid Beam test Responses for 4 Marijuana Varieies from 4 states at 3 Time points                Data                   Description

Group Risk Taking at the Race Track                    Data                   

Prior Belief and Pro/Anti-Psi Argument Effects on ESP Matching Scores                       Data                       Description

Effects of Seat Position and Horse/Rider Combination on Canter Step Length                Data                             Description

Cola Caffeine Content by Brand, Formulation, Restaurant                        Data                      Description

Women's Professional Bowlers Tour - 15 Bowlers on 4 Oil Patterns 2009                 Data                     

Color Among 3 Fabrics exposed to 4 soils, washed at 2  temperatures with 2 surfectants            Data          Description

Poker Skill, Hands, and Bet Limits                                              Data             Description

Edge Abrasion of Denim Jeans by Denim Treatment and Laundering Cycles           Data              Description

Energy Effectiveness of 4 Dryer Types on 3 Clothing Categories                           Data             Description

Viewer Recognition of Product Placement in Movies by Genre and Gender          Data              Description

LPGA Tournament Golf Scores 2003                               Data                          Description

Masters Golf Tournament Scores by Player/Round  1934-2004                    Data                   

Masters Golf Tournament Scores by Player/Year  1934-2004              Data              Description

Age at Career Peak for Novelists/Poets                                      Data                Description

Deflection of Makiwara Punching Boards of 4 Wood Types and 2 Board Types                Data           Description

Water Accumulation in Multi-Layer Fabrics by Fabric Types
               Data               Description

Blood Alcohol Levels Measured by 6 Machines on 3 Subjects            Data                 Description

Ash Content of Saltgrass by Location and Salinity Level                      Data                 Description

Deviations from Nominal Position for automobile Body Side Panels by Batch and Group(Batch)              Data            Description

Head Retention of Beer by Brand, Lab, and Source of Carborundum             Data         Description

Attractiveness, Willingness to Try, and Hedonic Liking by Food Appearance (Balance and Color)           Data         Description

Sensory Ratings for 8 Assessors on 5 Products                   Data          Description

Ratings of 10 White and 10 Red Wines by 9 Judges             Data           Description

Malting Weight Loss by Variety and Germination Time        Data           Description

Drumstick Weight by Diet                    Data             Description

Reading Times by E-Reader Device and Lighting Conditions               Data          Description

Relative Abundance of Sablefish at 4 Locations in Gulf of Alaska Over 6 Years          Data            Description

Random Effects Model with 3 Operators Measuring 10 Parts 3 Times             Data                 Description

Quality Measurements Made on Semiconducter Wafers - Random Effects/ Variance Components        Data      Description

Patronage Likelihood for a Unisex Hair Salon by Ethnicity and Gender                  Data                 Description

Vardenafil and Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusionon Functionality in Mice            Data                   Description

Effects of Impact, Specimen Layers, and Quilting on Energy Absorption of Body Armour         Data          Description

Ratings for 6 Dancers by 2 Judges on 3 Occasions                   Data              Description

Factors Affecting Red and Orange Dye Sorption             Data                Description

Factors Affecting Lower Back Pain in a Lifting Task          Data            Description

Oil Holding Capacity of 3 Banana Cultivars Pre-treated with 3 doses of 3 acids         Data           Description

Reliability of Foot Joint Inversion and Eversion Measurements for a Biometer                Data          Description

Ethics Scores by Gender and Rank by Members of U.S. Coast Guard                             Data             Description

Chicken Whole Breast Weight by Diet                                                        Data              Description

Repeatbility and Reproducibility in Steel Production Measurements           Data (.csv)              Description

Repeatbility and Reproducibility in Wood Drilling Measurements                 Data (.csv)           Description

Grain Diameter of Birch Pollen by Species and Location          Data           Description

Repeatability and Reproducibility in Vision Based Measurements on Parts - 2 Operators    Data        Description

Repeatability and Reproducibility in Vision Based Measurements on Parts - 4 Part Locations       Data       Description

Measurement of Temperature for 5 Brake Discs at 8 Time Points with 2 Gauges         Data         Description

Split-Plot Experiment with 2 Pretreatments and 4 Wood Stains on Water Resistance      Data (.csv)        Description

Observational  Split-Plot Experiment for Normal/Alzheimers Subjects for Axion Densities in Right/Left Eyes      Data (.csv)       Description

Split-Plot Experiment with 4 Types of Chymosin and 4 Ripening Times of Cheese             Data (.csv)        Description

Blood Pressure Measures for 85 Subjects with 3 Methods - 3 Replicates per ubject/Method            Wide Format      Data (.csv)             Description     Long Format  Data (.csv)   Description

Milk Fat Content Measures of 45 Subjects with 2 Methods                
Data (.csv)             Description

Plasma Measures for 99 Subjects with 2 Normal Values                          
Data (.csv)             Description

Cardiac Output in 12 Subjects with 2 Methods - Varying Replicates per Subject            
Data (.csv)             Description

Arrowhead Penetration by Clothing Type, Fit, and Arrowhead Type                    Data (.csv)       Description

Shoe Tread Orientation, Width, and Depth and Friction                              Data (.csv)         Description

Color Effects on Perceived Quality of Online Shopping Web Page               Data (.csv)          Description

Temperature and Extraction Pressure Effects on Foam Index of Espresso Coffee          Data (.csv)          Description

Product Type and Endorser Type on Feamale Consumers Attention                                 Data (.csv)          Description

Reading Times for 3 E-Reader Devices at 4 Illumination Levels                
Data      Description

Measurement of Diameter of 10 Parts with Three Lathe  Machines - Single Appraiser                Data (.csv)         Description

Measured and Labeled Alcohol Content in Distilled Spirits                                             Data (.csv)           Description

Multivariate Repeatability and Reproducibility of Roughness of Parts Made by a Turning Process           Data (.csv)          Description  

Factors Effecting Absorbed Energy in Burning of Chef Jackets                        Data (.csv)              Description

Momentums of 8 Models of Animal Traps                                                         Data (.csv)                 Description

Age at Peak for Creative Professionals by Category and Style                        Data (.csv)              Description

Reliability of Skull Measurements Among Observers                                Data (.csv)      Description

4 Responses on Satsuma Stored for 4 Lengths at 3 Temperatures              Data (.csv)          Description

Spray Distance of Flat Nosed and Round Bullets by Bone Type and Covering             Data.csv           Description

Stinging, Itching, and Burning Scoreds for 8 Shampoos in 8 Experimental Runs           Data (.csv)        Description

Effects of Blocking Car Color and Blocked Motorist Gender on Time to Honk/Blink at Traffic Light      Data (.csv)        Description

Air Permeability of Jeggings of 9 Fleece Materials and 2 Yarn Counts              Data (.csv)        Description

Factors Affecting Vibration in Agricultural Flights                               Data (.csv)           Description

Factors Affecting Moisture Content of Pineapple Cubes                Data (.csv)          Description

Factors Affecting Oil Extraction from Meadowfoam Flakes          Data (.csv)     Description

Willingness to Friend a Facebook Profile Owner by Gender and Picture       Data (.csv)        Description

Movie Brand Recall by Gender and Genre                               Data (.csv)       Description

Buffet Food Waste by Serving Style and Dual Intervention         Data (.csv)         Description

ED c) Randomized Block Design (& Repeated Measures w/ all Subjects Receiving Each Treatment)
& Paired t-test

Comparison of 6 Lengths of Chop Sticks of Feeding Efficiency               Data                 Description

Theophylline Interactions with Heartburn Medication              Data              EXCEL              Description

Interviewer Variability Experiment                  Data           

U.S. Airline Data -- Pre-/Post-9/11                         Data                      Description

Antiperspirant Formulations                         Data                  Description

Caffeine and Endurance                 Data   (Narrow Form)            EXCEL       Description   (Narrow Form)    Data (Wide Form)   Description   (Wide Form)

Naming Numbers Experiment                        Data                      Description

Digging Rates with Steel and Wooden Tools                  Data                    Description

Production Rates with Steel and Wooden Tools                    Data                  Description

Ford Falcon Prices quoted to 8 Interviewers by 28 Dealers in BIBD                    Data                           Description

Comparison Among 4 Brands of Antiperspirant on Sweat Reduction               Data                Description

Navigational Techniques of Web Maps                                             Data (.csv)            Description

Food Shoveling Times for spatulas of 4 Lengths, 4 Angles, Performed by 8 Subjects          Data             Description

Comparison of 4 Warm-Up Protocols Among 10 Dancers on Vertical Jump Height                  Data            Description

Temperatures in Compost Reactors Under 4 Mixing conditions and 2 Experimental runs         Data            Description

Times for Soccer players to Complete a Sprint in 6 Trials                  Data                Description

Movement Initiation Times for Cricket Players by Ball Color and Light Level                 Data            Description

Distances Covered by 8 Soccer Players in Short-Sided Games on 3 Field Sizes            Data                   Description

Bioequivalence Study for Pitavastatin in Healthy Chinese Volunteers              Data          Description

Task Completion Times on Mobile Device by Display Size and Task Difficulty      Data       Description        Multivariate Data (.csv)

Interference Effect in Color Reading                     Data (.csv)      Description

Comparison of 3 Methods of Measuring Blood Alcohol Content       Data (.csv)       Description      Multivariate Data (.csv)

Comparison of 21 Tomato Varieties in 21 Blocks of Size 5 - BIBD         Data (.csv)        Description

Comparison of 15 Cotton Varieties in 15 Blocks of Size 4  - PBIBD(2)       Data             Description

Left Brow Electromyogram Amplitudes Under 4 Conditions in 22 Subjects        Data (.csv)        Description

Comparison of 2 Methods of Determining S^87/S^86 Isotopic Ratio in Wine         Data (.csv)         Description

Comparison of Water Intake by Cats Under Still and Flowing Sources          Data (.csv)          Description

Comparison of 3 Driving Speed Reduction Markings                   Data (.csv)         Description

Comparison of 3 Means of Valuating and Measuring Logs          Data (.csv)        Description

Comparison of 4 Golf Club Drivers                                   Data (.csv)             Description

Emotional Reactivity Test Scores and Cortisol Levels in 16 Explosives Detecting Labrador Retrievers     Data (.csv)        Description

Effect of 3 Swim Cap Conditions on Measured Body Volume in 30 Swimmers           Data (.csv)      Description

Comparison of 3 Glass Ionomers on 99 Teeth - BIBD                      Data (.csv)        Description

Comparison of Information Recall for 3 Weather Displays in 23 Pilots        Data (.csv)      Description

Comparison of 7 Attributes for 4 Treadmill Models by 57 Trained Runners       Data (.csv)        Description

Comparison of 3 Formulations of Beclamethasone Dipropionate in Metered Dose Inhalers         Data (.csv)      Description

ED d)  Analysis of Covariance

Teaching Sight-Singing to 4th Graders                        Data                           

Head-Length and Standard-Length for Trout from 2 Lakes                    Data                     Description

Botox for Migraine Headaches                              Data                            Description

Measurements on Wool Fibers under 6 Treatment Conditions with a Covariate                   Data                     Description

Oxygen Consumption of Fish in Marine and Freshwater Environments                                  Data                     Description

Effects of Different Methods of Trombone Practice                                Data                               Description

Counter Display Effects of Felt Marker Sales                                         Data                        Description

NY Times and Globe Word Counts in 5 Subject Categories                  Data                Description

Cloud Seeding Experiment                               Data                  Description

Pollution, Material Source, and Storage Period  Effects on Weight Loss of Aluminum in a Factory in Taiwan              Data      Description

Stratigraphical Thickness Measures of Sediments in Ohio       Data (.csv)        Description

Comparison of 3 Treatments for Skin Softness                  Data (.csv)              Description

Effect of a Facebook Based Program on Learning Achievement in Pre-Service Teachers       Data (.csv)        Description

Acupuncture vs Placebo for Pain in Rotator Cuff Tendinitis           Data (.csv)          Description

ED e)  Latin Square Designs

Juice Sales by Container, Store and Month - Latin Square Design                        Data                             Description

Apple Sales by Marketing Practice by Store by Day and Traffic - Latin Square with Covariate                  Data                  

Variation in Tea Valuation and Chemical Components                           Data                             Description

Irrigation Scheduling and Corn Yield in the Great Plains over 6 Seasons                    Data                           Description

Effects of Shelf Space on Sales in 4 Product Categories - Latin Square                      Data                            Description

Quality Ratings for Wine by Country of Origin by Week and Wine Label                  Data                            Description

Sales of Red Apples by Color Range in 9 stores over 3 Sales Periods                       Data                            Description

Bioavailability of Sulpride Under 3 Conditions in 6 Subjects and 3 Time Periods             Data                    Description

Pharmacokinetics of 3 Doses of Carbamazepine in Rats                                                 Data (.csv)             Description

Comparison of Medium Readings                                                                                 Data (.csv)            Description

ED f) Repeated Measures and Crossover Designs

CO2 Exchange Measurements Under Wet and Dry Conditions Over Time                Data                     Description

Photosynthetic Rates for 2 Plant Populations Under 2 Treatments at 7 CO2 Concentrations - Univariate                 Data               Description

Photosynthetic Rates for 2 Plant Populations Under 2 Treatments at 7 CO2 Concentrations - Multivariate              Data               Description

Apple Sales in 3-Period Crossover Design with Carryover Effects                    Data                Description

Yogurt Sales in 3-Period Crossover Design with Carryover Effects                  Data                  Description

Effect of Mint Drink on Nicotine/Cotinine Levels in Jordanian Smokers              Data                   Description

Effects of Zylkene of Cats with Anxiety    Univariate    Data (.csv)      Description        Multivariate       Data                    

Effects of Zylkene on Dogs with Emotional Disorders        Univariate    Data (.csv)     Description       Multivariate              Data                      

Physiological and Behavioral Effects of Dextroamphetamine on Beagles in a Crossover Study                    Data               Description

Brain Polarization for Depression                  Data                  Description

Rogaine Clinical Trial in Women - Multivariate Responses on Time                Data               Description

Rogaine Clinical Trial in Women - Univariate Responses on Time                   Data                Description

U.S. City Crime Rates 1985,1991,1999                  Data                  Description

Caffeine versus Placebo for Psychomotor Vigilance Lapses under Sleep Deprivation - Multivariate Form       Data         Description

Large Mouth Bass Biomass by Presence/Absence of Vegetation by Period and Cove Location        Data         Description

Three Delivery Treatments for Post-Menopausal Women                          Data         Description

Heart Rates of Novice and Experienced Skydivers at 5 Time Points in Flight              Data (.csv)         Description

ED g) Full and Fractional 2^k and 3^k Designs   (Also see Response Surface Designs Under Regression)

Plackett-Burman Design to Screen 8 Factors on Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) Activity in Malting        Data        Description

Factors Relating to Nuclear Plant Reactor Coolant Pump Input                                       Data          Description

Factors Effecting Hand-Arm Vibration Using a Grass Trimmer                                       Data          Description

Factors Effecting Crush Radius of Motorcycle Wheels                                         Data                 Description

Factors Effecting Pb(II) Removal in Solutions                                             Data          Description

Factors Effecting Chemical Oxygen Demand Removal in Distillery Spent Wash          Data          Description

Factors Affecting Strength of Medical Wire                            Data                         Description

Factors Affecting Bean Yield                                        Data (.csv)                       Description

ED f) Mixture Experiments

Physicochemical and Sensory Properties of Wheat Chips Based on 3 Legume Flour Types    Data (.csv)    Description

Breaking Point and Softening Point of Lipstick Made with Sweet Almond Oil and 3 Wax Types    Data (.csv)       Description

Time Series

U.S. Grain Prices (Data)

U.S. Grain Prices (Description)

Yakutsk Average Monthly Temperature (Data)

Yakutsk Average Monthly Temperature (Description)

Annual Humanoid/Alien Encounters 1980-2003  (Data)

Annual Humanoid/Alien Encounters 1980-2003  (Description)

U.S. Vehicle Production  (Data)

U.S. Vehicle Production (Description)

Monthly DVD Player Sales (Data)

Monthly DVD Player Sales (Description)

Diesel vs Steam Engines 1925-1959  (Data)

Diesel vs Steam Engines 1925-1959  (Description)

U.S. Monthly Oil Imports and Prices 1973-2004 (Data)

U.S. Monthly Oil Imports and Prices 1973-2004 (Description)

Wars by Year   1482-1939  (Data)

Wars by Year   1482-1939  (Description)

U.S. Monthly Nuclear Testing  (Data)

U.S. Monthly Nuclear Testing  (Description)

U.S. Business Failures 1867-1932  (Data)

U.S. Business Failures 1867-1932  (Description)

U.S. Monthly Retail Sales by Category 1992-2003  (Data)

U.S. Monthly Retail Sales by Category 1992-2003  (Description)

English Exports to American Colonies 1693-1774  (Data)

English Exports to American Colonies 1693-1774  (Description)

Glacier Annual net Accumulation 1657-1973  (Data)

Glacier Annual net Accumulation 1657-1973  (Description)

U.S. Airline Available/Sold Seat Miles  1/79-1/04  (Data)

U.S. Airline Available/Sold Seat Miles  1/79-1/04  (Description)

U.S. Airline Departures/Flight Length  1/79-1/04  (Data)

U.S. Airline Departures/Flight Length  1/79-1/04  (Description)

U.K. Textile/Clothing/Footwear Sales 1/1986-9/2004  (Data)

U.K. Textile/Clothing/Footwear Sales 1/1986-9/2004  (Description)

U.K. Motor Vehicle Production 1/1977-9/2004  (Data)

U.K. Motor Vehicle Production 1/1977-9/2004  (Description)

U.S. Outstanding Debt 1791-2004  (Data)

U.S. Outstanding Debt 1791-2004  (Description)

U.S. Airline On-Time Performance  1/1997-10/2004  (Data)

U.S. Airline On-Time Performance  1/1997-10/2004  (Description)

U.S. Census Population  1790-2020  (Data)

U.S. Census Population  1790-2020  (Description)

Dow Jones Dividends  1920-1934  (Data)

Dow Jones Dividends  1920-1934  (Description)

Philadelphia Monthly Rainfall 1825-1869  (Data)

Philadelphia Monthly Rainfall 1825-1869  (Description)

Florida Lotto Winning Numbers and Payouts 10/27/99-9/24/05  (Data)

Florida Lotto Winning Numbers and Payouts 10/27/99-9/24/05  (Description)

Florida Lotto Winning Numbers 10/27/99-9/14/2022    Digits 1-6 (Smallest to Largest, from 1-53)    (.csv)

Times between British air accidents  (Data)

Times between British air accidents  (Description)

Times between British mine accidents  (Data)

Times between British mine accidents  (Description)

London Births by Gender 1629-1710  (Data)

London Births by Gender 1629-1710  (Description)

Triple Crown Winning Times 1926-2022  (Data .csv)

Triple Crown Winning Times 1926-2022  (Description)

U.S. Strikes by Month 1927-1936             Data      

Minneapolis/St. Paul Monthly Weather 1900-2014         Data (.csv)          Description

Boston Monthly Weather 1920-2014             Data .csv           Description

Miami Monthly Weather 1949-2014              Data .csv            Description

Orlando Monthly Weather 1960-2014            Data.csv             Description

Los Angeles Monthly Weather 1945-2014       Data .csv          Description

Buffalo Monthly Weather 1922-2014                Data .csv          Description

St. Louis Monthly Weather 1949-2014             Data .csv           Description

New Orleans Monthly Weather 1958-2014      Data .csv             Description

Houston Monthly Weather 1947-2014              Data.csv              Description

Seattle Monthly Weather 1949-2014                 Data .csv              Description

Mississippi River Monthly Discharge at Alton, IL 1/1916-12/1988        Data .csv     Description


Spatio-Temporal Data

U.S. County Population 1930-1990 (Data)

U.S. County Population 1930-1990 (Description)

U.S. Beer Consumption by Region 1934-1958  (Data)

U.S. Beer Consumption by Region 1934-1958  (Description)

Scottish/British Imports/Exports with Colonial Regions 1740-1791  (Data)

Scottish/British Imports/Exports with Colonial Regions 1740-1791  (Description)

U.S. Housing Starts by Region 1959-2003  (Data)

U.S. Housing Starts by Region 1959-2003  (Description)

Annual Average Temperature for 55 U.S. Cities 1960-2020   (Data  .csv)

Annual Average Temperature for 55 U.S. Cities 1960-2020   (Description)

Spatial Data

U.S. County Latitude and Longitude Coordinates  (Data)

U.S. County Latitude and Longitude Coordinates  (Description)

Wheat Yields on 20x25 Lattice  (Data)

Wheat Yields on 20x25 Lattice  (Description)

2004 US Presidential Vote by County  (Data)

2004 US Presidential Vote by County  (Description)

Iowa County Land Values and Agriculture Measures 1925  (Data)

Iowa County Land Values and Agriculture Measures 1925  (Description)

Longitudinal Data

US Quarterly Airfare & Volume for 4177 Routes over 26 Quarters  1996Q3-2002Q4  (Data)

US Quarterly Airfare & Volume for 4177 Routes over 26 Quarters  1996Q3-2002Q4  (Description)

Population and Location Info for 4177 air routes (Data)

Population and Location Info for 4177 air routes (Description)

Survival Data

Survival of Ventilated and Control Flies            Data

Business Mortality in Poughkeepsie, NY 1843-1936                    Data              Description

Experiments with Colour and Heat                             Data                    Description

Factors Relating to Automobile Tire Survival             Data (.csv)          Description

Univariate/Multivariate Data

Department Store Earnings (Data)

Department Store Earnings (Description)

Rhone River Maximum Daily Discharge  1826-1936  (Data)

Rhone River Maximum Daily Discharge  1826-1936  (Description)

Mississippi River Maximum Daily Discharge  1890-1939  (Data)

Mississippi River Maximum Daily Discharge  1890-1939  (Description)

English Premier League Soccer Scores 2006/2007 Season  (Data)

English Premier League Soccer Scores 2006/2007 Season  (Description)

Fibre Diameters and Breaking Strenghs for Nextel 610 Fibres  (Data)

Fibre Diameters and Breaking Strenghs for Nextel 610 Fibres  (Description)

New York Yankees 1927 Offensive Statistics by Player/Game       Data       Description

New York Yankees 1927 Team Runs Scored/Allowed by Game/Opponent/Pitcher      Data         Description

Metals in Albacore from Eastern Mediterranean              Data              Description 

NFL 2014 Combine Performance Results                         Data                 Description

Rock 'n' Roll Marathon 2015 Results                             Data       .csv          Description

Nevada Casino Square Footage  by Activity                   .csv

Breaking Strengths of Rayon Fibers                              Data                 Description

Simon Newcomb's Experimental Measurements of the Passage Time of Light          .csv       Description

Albert A. Michelson's Experimental Measurements of the Velocity of Light in Air       .csv     Description

Michelson, Pease,  Pearson, Speed of Light in Partial Vacuum (circa 1931)         .csv      Description

Henry Cavendish's Experimental Measurements of the Earth's Density              .csv       Description

James Short's Experimental Measurements of the Parallax of the Sun            .csv     Description

Predicting Shear Strength of Reinforced Concrete Beams         .csv          Description

Shaquille O'Neal Career Regular Season Statistics by Game      .csv           Description

Michael Jordan Career Regular Season Statistics by Game       .csv          Description

Red Shifts for 73 Galaxies in the Virgo Cluster                    .csv           Description

Testosterone Measures in Determining Doping Among Athletes           .csv       Description  

Chemical Sediment Deposits at 64 Sites in the Arctic Ocean           .csv           Description

Permeability of Woven Fabrics and Porosity Measures                 .csv            Description

Estery Aroma Scores and Alcohol/Ethyl Compound Concentrations for 23 Lager Beers          Data        Description

Malting Quality Variation in Barley Variety 'Alexis'                        .csv        Description

WNBA Player Home/Away Per Game Points/Rebounds/Assists - 2014          .csv

Classification of 244 Marble Samples from 6 Groups       .csv         Description

Hydrochemical and Radiological Levels of Serbian Spa Waters      .csv          Description

NASCAR Race Results by Driver 1975-2003                          Data               Description     Data .csv

NASCAR Race Results by Race 1975-2003                             Data               Description       Data .csv

NBA Team/Game Statistics for 2016/2017 Regular Season and Playoffs        .csv

Movie Shot Scale Data for 388 Films                    Data .csv         Description

Movie Average Shot Length for 11001 Films           Data .csv       Description

Multivariate and X-Ray Analysis of Pottery at Xigongqiao Archaeology Site    Data .csv         Description

NFL 2017 Preseason Rosters       Data  .csv

Regular Season Match Results for England, France, Germany, Italy, Spain Premier Soccer Leagues 2013/4 Season        Data (.csv)      Description

NBA Player/Game Statistics for 2016/2017 Regular Season            Data .csv 

Wilt Chamberlain Career Regular Season NBA Game Statistics         Data  .csv

Lead Content of 223 Lip Products                         Data  .csv          Description

World Wine Consumption by Nation                      Data  .csv

Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Populations for World Countries and Regions - 2010        Data .csv        Description

IMDB User Ratings for 4 Movies            Data (.csv)          Description

Composers' Birth Country, Birth/Death Years, Production, and Nations' War Years During Lifetime              Data (.csv)      Description

Hydrogen Bonding Intensity in Beer                                                           Data  (.csv)              Description

Chemical Composition of  21 Seized Cocaine Samples                           Data (.csv)            Description

Thermophysical and Compositional Properties of 24 Varieties of Cheese          Data (.csv)       Description

Sensory Attributes of 30 Australian Cabernet Sauvignon Products                   Data (.csv)         Description

Chemical Composition and Condition of Aged Paper Documents                     Data (.csv)           Description

Chemical Composition of Ceramic Specimens at an Archaeological Site in Mexico           Data (.csv)      Description

Chemical Composition of Orichalcum Ingot Specimens at an Underwater Archaeological Site           Data (.csv)        Description

Chemometric Levels for 32 Scotch Whiskys                  Data (.csv)        Description

Particle Induced X-Ray Emission  Experiments Measuring Chemical  Compositions of Prehispanic and Colonial Mural Paintings from Mexico      Data (.csv)     Description

Chemical Composition of  128 Ancient Glass Vessels in the Middle East            Data (.csv)           Description

Box Office Revenues and Rotton Tomato Critic Reviews for Movies Making $80M Through Year 2012       Data (.csv)      Description

Chemical and Ethanol Contents of 25 Fake and 25 Original Perfumes             Data (.csv)         Description

Maya Moore Regular Season WNBA Stats by Game 2011-2018           Data (.csv)

Compositions of Red Wines made from 2 Varieties of Grapes in NW Spain          Data (.csv)       Description

Instagram Accounts with > 2.5 Million Followers on 01/06/2020 (in millions)            Data (.csv)

Disney World Marathon Times and Miles/Hour - 1/12/2020                      Data (.csv)

William Playfair Data for Statistical Chart of Area, Population, Tax Revenues for European Countries     Data (.csv)     Description

Sue Bird Regular Season WNBA Stats by Game 2002-2022     Data (.csv)

NCAA Men's Basketball Tournaament Results 1985-2023 (64+ Team Tournament)   Data (.csv)    

Sports Betting Lines and Game Results

Major League Baseball 2015-2019         Data (.csv)

National Football League  2006-2019      Data (.csv)

Women's National Basketball Association  2010-2019      Data (.csv)

National Basketball Association 2006/7-2018/9      Data (.csv)

National Hockey League 2006/7-2018/9          Data (.csv)

English Premier Football (Soccer) League   2000/1-2018/9      Data (.csv)

Data reported as Summary (Sufficient) Statistics

Comparison of 4 Diets  (Data)

Comparison of 4 Diets  (Description)

Interference in Serial Verbal Reactions  (Data)

Interference in Serial Verbal Reactions  (Description)

Comparison of Two Tooth Whitening Formulations  (Data)

Comparison of Two Tooth Whitening Formulations  (Description)

Appearance and Task Evaluation  (Data)

Appearance and Task Evaluation  (Description)

Consumer Response to New Coke - 1985  (Data)

Consumer Response to New Coke - 1985  (Description)

Fluoxetine for Borderline Personality Disorder  (Data)

Fluoxetine for Borderline Personality Disorder  (Description)

Luvox for Children with Anxiety Disorder  (Data)

Luvox for Children with Anxiety Disorder  (Description)

Sexual Side Effects Among 4 Antidepresants  (Data)

Sexual Side Effects Among 4 Antidepresants  (Description)

Comparison of 3 Drawing Training Conditions  (Data)

Comparison of 3 Drawing Training Conditions  (Description)

Interviewer Effects on Religious Attitudes  (Data)

Interviewer Effects on Religious Attitudes  (Description)

Psychological Evaluation of Ex-Partners  (Data)

Psychological Evaluation of Ex-Partners  (Description)

Viagra for Premature Ejaculation  (Data)

Viagra for Premature Ejaculation  (Description)

Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone on Weight Gain in Rats  (Data)

Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone on Weight Gain in Rats  (Description)

Femur Lengths of Prehistoric Adults by Period/Gender  (Data)

Femur Lengths of Prehistoric Adults by Period/Gender  (Description)

Breaking Strengths and Stretch Percentages for 4 Lengths of Viscose Rayon  (Data)

Breaking Strengths and Stretch Percentages for 4 Lengths of Viscose Rayon  (Description)

Area of Gunshot Residue from Gunshots at 7 Distances  (Data)

Area of Gunshot Residue from Gunshots at 7 Distances  (Description)

Nutritional Values of Tortillas by Proceesing Method and grain  (Data)

Nutritional Values of Tortillas by Proceesing Method and grain  (Description)

Scallop Heights at 9 Locations in Canada's Gilbert Bay  (Data)

Scallop Heights at 9 Locations in Canada's Gilbert Bay  (Description)

Influence of Ad Type (Social Responsibility vs Sex Appeal) on Consumers' Attitudes toward Clothing Firm  (Data)

Influence of Ad Type (Social Responsibility vs Sex Appeal) on Consumers' Attitudes toward Clothing Firm  (Description)

Excel Spreadsheets

U.K. Railway Class Counts 1842-1843 - Passengers and Revenues by Country (EXCEL)

U.K. Railway Class Counts 1842-1843 - Passengers and Revenues by Country (Description)

UF Football Game History  (EXCEL)

Heights of Adult Chidren and their Parents from Galton's Natural Inheritance  (EXCEL)

LPGA 2008 Performance Statistics - Thru 11/16/08  (EXCEL)

Texas Average Max, Mean, Min Temperatures by Month - 369 Stations  (EXCEL)

Samsung LCD Television Prices and Characteristics  (EXCEL)

Presidential Vote by U.S. County 2004/2008  (EXCEL)

Cell Phone Radiation Ratings by Model/Brand  (EXCEL)

Railroad Accidents in the U.S. 2010  (EXCEL)                 Description

All-Time Movie Box-Office Revenues and Rotten Tomatoes Reviews  (EXCEL)

Winning Florida Lotto Numbers  (EXCEL)

WNBA 2013 Player Heights and Weights  (EXCEL)

NBA 2013-14 Player Heights and Weights  (EXCEL)

WNBA 2014 Player Stats by Game   (CSV)

Cruise Ship Data   (EXCEL)