Dataset: phsynco2u.dat Source: C.Potvin, M.J.Lechowicz,S.Tardif (1990). "The Statistical Analysis of Ecophysiological Response Curves Obtained from Experiments Involving Repeated Measures," Ecology, 71(4), pp.1389-1400. Description: Photosynthetic rates (CO2 Uptakes) for 2 plant populations (Quebec and Mississippi), under 2 treatments (control and chilled), at 7 CO2 conentrations (95, 175, 250, 350, 500, 675, 1000 muL/L). 3 Reps at each pop/trt combination. Data entered as uniivariate response (one line per plant per CO2 concentration) Variables/Columns Population 8 /* 1=Quebec, 2=Mississippi */ Treatment 16 /* 1=Control, 2=Chilled */ Plant id 23-24 CO2 Concentration 28-32 CO2 Uptake 36-40