Dataset: lmr_levee.dat Source: A. Flor, N. Pinter, W.F. Remo (2010). "Evaluating Levee Failure Susceptibility on the Mississippi River Using Logistic Regression Analysis," Engineering Geology, Vol. 116, pp. 139-148. Description: Factors relating to presence/absence of a levee failure at a site on middle Mississippi River, with predictors: Site underlain by coarse-grain channel fill (sediment) Borrow pit indicator Meander location (1=Inside bend, 2=outside bend, 3=chute, 4=straight) channel width floodway width constriction factor land cover type (1=open water, 2=grassy, 3=agricultural, 4=forest) vegetative buffer width channel sinuosity dredging intensity bank revetement Variables/Columns Failure 8 /* 1=Yes, 0=No */ year 12-16 river mile 18-24 sediments 32 borrow pit 40 meander 48 channel width 50-56 floodway width 58-64 constriction factor 66-72 land cover 80 veg width 82-88 sinuosity 90-96 dredging 98-104 revetement 112