Dataset: hazelnut_color.csv Source: A. Simsek (2007). "The Use of 3-D Nonlinear Regression in Mathematic Modeling of Colour Change in Roasted Hazelnuts," Journal of Food Engineering, Vol. 78, pp. 1361-1370. Description: Changes in L colour parameters for 3 varieties of hazelnuts (Fosa, Palaz, Tombul) under Whole and Ground conditions at various temperatures (C) and minutes of exposure. Note that the control condition (Process=1) was included in 1-Way ANOVAs comparing the process conditions, but not in regression models. The mean values were used in regressions as individual observations. There were 3 replicates per process condition. Regression Models: (Y=L change, X1=Temp, X2=Minutes) Model 1: Y = B0 + B1*X1 + B2*X2 Model 2: Y = B0 + B1*X1 + B2*X2 + B11*X1^2 + B22*X2^2 Model 3: Z = B0 * exp[-0.5 * (((X1-B01)/B1)^2 + ((X2-B02)/B2)^2)] Model 4: Z = B0 / [[1+ ((X1-B01)/B1)^2] * [1 + ((X2-B02)/B2)^2)]] Models 3 and 4 are called Gaussian and Lorentz regression models, respectively. Variable Names (W=whole, G=ground, mn=mean, sd=std. dev.): Process tempC minutes fosaWmn fosaWsd fosaGmn fosaGsd palazWmn palazWsd palazGmn palazGsd tombulWmn tombulWsd tombulGmn tombulGsd