Dataset: manuf_learn.dat Source: A.B. Badiru (1991). "Manufacturing Cost Estimation: A Multivariate Learning Curve Approach," Journal of Manufacturing Systems, Vol. 10, #6, pp. 431-441. Description: Results of 2 replicates of a learning curve experiment. Model fit is: Y = Cumulative average cost per unit X1 = cumulative production units X2 = cumulative training time in hours Y = B0*(X1^B1)*(X2^B2)*eps E(eps) = 1 ==> ln(Y) = ln(B0) + B1*ln(X1) + B2*ln(X2) + ln(eps) Data/Columns Treatment Number 7-8 Observation number 15-16 Cumulative average cost (Y, in dollars) 18-24 Cumulative Production (X1, in Units) 26-32 Cumulative Training Time (X2, in hours) 34-40 ln(Y) 42-48 ln(X1) 50-56 ln(X2) 58-64