Dataset: bone_cover_bullet_spray.csv Source: J. Newton, A. Savage, N. Coupar, J. Fraser (2020). “Preliminary Investigation into the Use of Micro-CT Scanning on Impact Damage to Fabric, Tissue and Bone Caused by Both Round and Flat Nosed Bullets,” Science & Justice, Vol. 60, pp. 151-159. Description: Experimental results of shooting Round and Fat Nose Bullets at: Bones (1 = Shoulder, 2 = Leg) Covering (1 = None, 2 = Skin Substitute, 3 = Cotton, 4 = Denim) 12 Specimens per bone type (each covering was assigned to 3 shoulders and 3 legs) Responses: Distance of spray pattern (mm) Variable Names: boneType (1 = Shoulder, 2 = Leg) boneID (1-24) cover (None, SkinSub, Cotton, Denim) cover.grp (1 = None, 2 = Skin Substitute, 3 = Cotton, 4 = Denim) Y.flat (Distance of spray for Flat Nosed Bullet) Y.round (Distance of Spray for Round Bullet)