Dataset: fruitprice.dat Source: S. Hoos (1941). "An Investigation on Complimentary Relations Between Fresh Fruits," Journal of Farm Economics, Vol. 23, #2, pp. 421-433. Description: Price and Sales (Unloads) of Pears, Plums, Peaches, and Oranges in NYC, and NY state factory wages for years 1924-1938. Variables/Columns Year 5-8 Pear Price ($/100lb) 12-16 Pear Unloads (tons) 19-24 Plum Price 28-32 Plum Unloads 35-40 Peach Price 44-48 Peach Unloads 51-56 Orange Price 60-64 Orange Unloads 67-72 NY Factory wages 75-80