Dataset: nyt_globe_word.dat Source: J. Dilevko and K. Grewal (1998). "Neutrality and Media Literacy at the Reference desk: A Case Study," The Journal of Academic Librarianship, Vol. 24, Issue 1, pp. 21-32. Description: Word Counts for articles in NY Times and re-prints in Globe for articles in 5 Categories (1=Atts,Lifestyle,Personality, 2=Business, 3=Science/Technology,4=International Politics,5=Environment,Race,Gender) Authors fit ANCOVA relating word count difference (NYT-Globe) to category and NYT word count. One article in category 5 was not included. Square root transformation was applied to word count difference. Variables/Columns Category 8 Category 1 Dummy 16 Category 2 Dummy 24 Category 3 Dummy 32 Category 4 Dummy 40 Category 5 Dummy 48 NYT Word Count 52-56 Word Count Difference (NYT - Globe) 60-64