Dataset: natron_glass_prod.csv Source: M. Phelps, I.C. Freestone, Y. Gorin-Rosen, B. Gratuze (2016). "Natron Glass Production and Supply in the Late Antique and Early Medieval Near East: The Effect of the Byzantine-Islamic Transition," Journal of Archaeological Science, Vol. 75, pp. 57-71. Description: Chemical elements for 128 specimens from 4 identified groups of specimens in the Middle East. Elements NA2O-FE2O3 are percents, B2O3-PBO are parts per million. Variable Names: specimen group Na2O3 MgO Al2O3 SiO2 P2O5 K2O CaO TiO2 Fe2O3 B2O3 MnO CoO SrO ZrO2 Sb2O3 BaO PbO