Dataset: italy_ag.dat Source: G. Federico and P. Malanima (2004). "Progress, Decline, and Growth: Product and Productivity in Italian Agriculture, 1000-2000," Economic History Review, Vol. LVII, #3, pp.437-464. Description: Agricultural Production, population, and various measures for Central/Northern Italy Agricultural production. Full data for 1310-1870. One model fit: log(output/worker) = a + b*log(pop) for pre-industrial period (1300-1800). Variables/Columns Year (begin of decade) 4-8 price index of ag goods 10-16 price index of non-ag goods 18-24 price index 26-32 urban wages 34-40 ag wages 42-48 ag product per capita 50-56 population (1000s) 58-64 gross ag product 66-72 ag workforce as % of pop 74-80 ag workforce 82-88 output per worker 90-96