Dataset: authentic_whisky.csv Source: W.M. MacKenzie and R.L> Aylott (2004). "Analytic Strategies to Confirm Scotch Whisky Authenticity. Part II: Mobile Brand Authentication," Analyst, Vol. 129, pp. 607-612. Description: Measurements made on 20 suspect (S1-S20) and 15 other Scotch Whisky brands (X1-X15). Variable Names: sampleID methanol (Volatiles/g (100 litres absolute alcohol)^-1) nPropanol "" isobAlc (Isobutyl Alcohol) "" methBut23 (2- and 3- Methyl Butanol) "" GCsumz2 (sum z^2 by gas chromatography) authGC (authenticity by GC) UVsumz2 (sum z^2 by UV/VIZ spectroscopy) authUV (authenticity by UV)