Dataset: abundance.dat Source: D.K. Kimura (1988). "Analyzing Relative Abundace Indices with Log-Linear Models," North American Journal of Fisheries Management, Vol. 8, pp. 175-180 Description: 2-Way ANOVA relating Catch-per-unit-effort (tons/1000 hooks) for 6 areas in the Gulf of Alaska (Shumagin, Chirikof, Kodiak, and Yakutat) over 6 years (1978-1983). One "replicate" per "treatment". Author used log transformed abundance: Y'=ln(Y) Variables/Columns Year 8 /* 1=1978, ..., 6=1983 */ Location Area 4 /* 1=S, 2=C, 3=K, 4=Y */ Catch-per-unit area 18-24 ln(catch) 26-32