Dataset: cfc_mdi.csv Source: L.I. Harrison, I. Soria, A.C. Cline, B.P. Ekholm (1999). "Pharmacokinetic Differences Between Chlorofluorocarbon and Chlorofluorocarbon-free Metered Dose Inhalers of Beclomethasone Dipropianote in Adult Asthmatics," Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, Vol. 51, Issue 11, pp. 1235-1240. Description: Comparison of 3 formulations beclomethasone diproprianote in a 3-period crossover design. Formulations: 1 = 200 mu g HFA (hydrofluoroalkane HFA-134a) 2 = 400 mu g " " " " 3 = 400 mu g CFC (chlorofluorocarbon) Study had 23 subjects complete and no information on periods/sequences/carryover Responses: Maximum concentration, Area Under Curve, Time to Max for Beclamethasone and its esters Variable Names: subject (1-13,15-24) formulation (1 = 200 mu g HFA, 2 = 400 mu g HFA, 3 = 400 mu g CFC) Cmax_Be (Maximum concentration of beclamethasone esters, pg/mL) AUC_Be (Area Under Concentration Time Curve of beclamethasone esters, pg h / mL) Tmax_Be (Time to Maximum concentration of beclamethasone esters, h) Cmax_B (Maximum concentration of beclamethasone, pg/mL) AUC_B (Area Under Concentration Time Curve of beclamethasone, pg h / mL) Tmax_B (Time to Maximum concentration of beclamethasone, h)