Dataset: muscle2.dat Source: M. Greenwood (1918). "On the Efficiency of Muscular Work," Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B, Containing Papers of a Biological Character, Vol.90, #627, pp.199-214 (Originally from Jules Amar (1910), 'Le Rendement de la Machine Humaine') Description: Measurements of Heat Production (calories) at various Body Masses (kgs) and Work levels (Calories/hour) on a stationary bike. Note original observation for Case 19 (Heat Output) is clearly a typo in original paper and has been changed from 3936 to 2936 (which makes all calculations in agreement with authors) Models Considered: (i) E(H)=a0+a1*M+a2*W (ii) E(H)=b0+b1*M+(W/(b3+b4*M)) Variables/Columns Body Mass 5-8 Work Level 12-16 Heat Output 21-24