Dataset: fish_transport.csv Source: K. Thongprajukaew, S. Takaeh, N. Esor, S. Saekhow, S. Malawa, N. Nuntapong, W.Hahor, A. Choodum (2023). "Optimal water volume for transportation of male Siamese fighting fish (Betta splendens)," Aquaculture Reports, Vol. 28, Description: Skin coloration scores for Siamese fighting fish when shipped in various water volumes. Responses: L* (0=darkness, 100=brightness) and a*(+a=red, -a=green). Treatments: Control (1,not transported), 40mL(2), 60mL(3), 80mL(4), 100mL(5), 120mL(6), 140mL(7) n=15 fish per treatment in Completely Randomized Design (each fish in different container). Data generated to match means and SDs (paper reported SEMs). No attempt to generate multivariate (L*,a*) Variable Names: shipTrt (labels given in Description) trtID (Fish ID within Trt)