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> pdf("rpd8_5.r")
> xy <- matrix(c(
+ 1, -1, -1, -1, 53,
+ 1, -1, -1, 1, 54,
+ 1, -1, 1, -1, 40,
+ 1, -1, 1, 1, 37,
+ 1, 1, -1, -1, 84,
+ 1, 1, -1, 1, 76,
+ 1, 1, 1, -1, 40,
+ 1, 1, 1, 1, 50,
+ 1, 0, 0, 0, 50,
+ 1, 1.215, 0, 0, 61,
+ 1, -1.215, 0, 0, 54,
+ 1, 0, 1.215, 0, 39,
+ 1, 0, -1.215, 0, 67,
+ 1, 0, 0, 1.215, 44,
+ 1, 0, 0, -1.215, 61,
+ 2, -1, -1, -1, 50,
+ 2, -1, -1, 1, 42,
+ 2, -1, 1, -1, 31,
+ 2, -1, 1, 1, 28,
+ 2, 1, -1, -1, 57,
+ 2, 1, -1, 1, 78,
+ 2, 1, 1, -1, 49,
+ 2, 1, 1, 1, 54,
+ 2, 0, 0, 0, 50,
+ 2, 1.215, 0, 0, 76,
+ 2, -1.215, 0, 0, 45,
+ 2, 0, 1.215, 0, 33,
+ 2, 0, -1.215, 0, 54,
+ 2, 0, 0, 1.215, 45,
+ 2, 0, 0, -1.215, 38,
+ 3, -1.2500, -1.8867, -0.6350, 46,
+ 3, 0.8600, -2.2200, -0.4250, 66,
+ 3, 1.0000, -2.2400, -0.3100, 68,
+ 3, 2.1165, -2.4167, -0.1450, 75,
+ 3, 2.5825, -2.4900, -0.0800, 75,
+ 3, 3.2475, -2.6667, 0.0800, 68,
+ 3, 1.1760, -1.3333, 0, 78,
+ 3, 1.4700, -1.6667, 0, 93,
+ 3, 1.7640, -2.0000, 0, 96,
+ 3, 2.0580, -2.3333, 0, 66), byrow=T, ncol=5)
> y <- xy[,5]
> x01 <- c(rep(1,15),rep(0,25))
> x02 <- c(rep(0,15),rep(1,15),rep(0,10))
> x03 <- c(rep(0,30),rep(1,10))
> x1 <- xy[,2]
> x2 <- xy[,3]
> x3 <- xy[,4]
> x11 <- x1*x1
> x22 <- x2*x2
> x33 <- x3*x3
> x12 <- x1*x2
> x13 <- x1*x3
> x23 <- x2*x3
> xf <- cbind(x01,x02,x03,x1,x2,x3,x11,x22,x33,x12,x13,x23)
> betaf <- solve(t(xf) %*% xf) %*% t(xf) %*% y
> yhatf <- xf %*% betaf
> ssef <- t(y-yhatf) %*% (y-yhatf)
> dfef <- nrow(xf)-ncol(xf)
> s2f <- ssef[1,1]/dfef
> varbetaf <- s2f[1]*solve(t(xf) %*% xf)
> sebetaf <- sqrt(diag(varbetaf))
> tbetaf <- betaf/sebetaf
> print(cbind(betaf,sebetaf,tbetaf))
x01 61.8439867 3.440772 17.97386986
x02 56.5106534 3.440772 16.42383008
x03 70.4079421 8.227833 8.55728856
x1 9.1271660 1.771973 5.15084855
x2 -9.8516000 1.854669 -5.31178429
x3 0.2632813 1.861929 0.14140246
x11 -1.2601941 1.464480 -0.86050616
x22 -6.4976734 2.014588 -3.22531071
x33 -2.9849162 2.952339 -1.01103449
x12 -0.9339081 1.510510 -0.61827327
x13 2.2419511 2.150452 1.04254858
x23 -0.1392224 2.137808 -0.06512388
> print(cbind(s2f,dfef))
s2f dfef
[1,] 76.53377 28
> xr <- cbind(x01,x02,x03,x1,x2,x22)
> betar <- solve(t(xr) %*% xr) %*% t(xr) %*% y
> yhatr <- xr %*% betar
> sser <- t(y-yhatr) %*% (y-yhatr)
> dfer <- nrow(xr)-ncol(xr)
> s2r <- sser[1,1]/dfer
> varbetar <- s2r[1]*solve(t(xr) %*% xr)
> sebetar <- sqrt(diag(varbetar))
> tbetar <- betar/sebetar
> print(cbind(betar,sebetar,tbetar))
x01 59.034845 2.429201 24.302170
x02 53.701512 2.429201 22.106660
x03 70.560136 7.603604 9.279828
x1 9.212551 1.474434 6.248197
x2 -9.820102 1.759983 -5.579658
x22 -6.895506 1.558674 -4.423957
> print(cbind(s2r,dfer))
s2r dfer
[1,] 69.08662 34
> ffullred <- ((sser-ssef)/(dfer-dfef))/(ssef/dfef)
> ffrcrit <- qf(.95,dfer-dfef,dfef)
> probffr <- 1-pf(ffullred,dfer-dfef,dfef)
> print(cbind(ffullred,ffrcrit,probffr))
[1,] 0.4486023 2.445259 0.8397384
> dev.off()
null device