STA 3024              Introduction to Statistics II           Fall 2010

Instructor:  Maria Ripol  

Department of Statistics, University of Florida  




Tuesday December 14, 2010


EXAM 3 and Final Grades in the Class are now Posted in Sakai.

Please note that these grades are FINAL – there were many opportunities to bring your grade up during the semester, including the quizzes and projects and in particular the Extra Credit Quiz.


I enjoyed teaching this class, and hope that you feel you learned something worthwhile.

Hope you all have a Wonderful Break, and Happy Holidays!



Monday December 6, 2010

·         Extra Credit Quiz:  Ends Today 4pm. 

·         Answers:

1.E      2.B    3.G    4.D    5.J     6.L    7.E    8.I     9.K  10.H

11.H  12.F  13.D  14.F  15.H  16.C  17.G  18.I  19.G   20.C




Friday December 3, 2010


·         EXAM 3 INFO–

WHEN: Wednesday December 8, in class, 50 minutes

COVERS:  Contingency Tables, Logistic Regression, Noparametrics and

                Choosing Which Case (for all procedures learned in Stats 1 and 2)

FORMAT:  34 Multiple Choice Questions, more interpretations than computations

BRING: Pencils and Eraser for scantron sheet provided,

Picture ID,

Calculator (NO graphing calculators or phones allowed)

REVIEW:  all this week in class – go over topics and more examples

                            next Monday in class – answer questions from students

            STUDY:  Practice Problems, Suggested Homework, Quizzes, Lecture Notes,

                          Read chapters from Textbook

HELP:  Office Hours and Tutoring Hours are posted in Sakai




Wednesday December 1, 2010


·         Continue Review for Final Exam

·         MISTAKE on Extra Credit Quiz – I think I was able to fix it while the quiz is still running, but that means that, if you took the quiz before Tue 11am, your grade may have changed, either up or down, to reflect the correct answer.  No grades were lost, but just in case, everyone has 4 chances at this quiz.



Monday November 29, 2010


·         Start Review for Final Exam

·         Extra Credit Quiz:  Starts TODAY at 10:30am, Ends Mon Dec 6, 4pm.  Questions on choosing the best statistical procedure for each scenario.

·         Project 2 grades – now posted

·         Practice Questions for Exam 3 – click here



Monday November 22 – Friday November 26, 2010

·         No Stats 2 Classes – HAPPY THANKSGIVING

·         Quiz 4:  Ends Mon Nov 22, 4pm.

·         MONDAY OFFICE HOURS: I will be in my office Monday from 9:35 – 3pm (with a lunch break somewhere in there) if anyone wants to discuss where they stand in the class, look over their Exam 2 or collect their Project 1.

·         NO OFFICE HOURS Tuesday or Wednesday.



Friday November 19, 2010


·         More Nonparametric Methods-Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test.

·         Project 2:  Due TODAY at 5pm, in my mailbox – please follow project instructions.



Wednesday November 17, 2010


·         Continue Nonparametric Methods – more Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test and Kruskal-Wallis. 


Monday November 15, 2010


·         Start Ch 15 – Nonparametric Methods.  Will probably finish by Friday – then there will be NO CLASS the week of Thanksgiving.

·         Computer output – click here

·         Quiz 4:  Starts TODAY at 4pm, Ends Mon Nov 22, 4pm. 

Questions on Contingency Tables and Logistic Regression.

·         Extra Credit Quiz – week after Thanksgiving

·         Exam 2 – There was ALSO a mistake on the key for form B, so those scores have been adjusted.



Friday November 12, 2010


·         Started and Finished Logistic Regression – sec 13.6



Wednesday November 10, 2010


·         Finished Contingency Tables



Monday November 8, 2010


·         Continue Contingency Tables

·         Project 2 info – click here

·         Exam 2 – There was a mistake on the key for form C, so those scores have been adjusted.

·         Project 1 grades are posted in Sakai.



Friday,  November 5, 2010


·         Start Contingency Tables (Chi-Squared Test for Two Categorical Variables) – Ch11

·         Project 2 info coming Monday

·         Exam 2 scores are now posted.

·         Results for the whole class, and statistical analysis – click here

·         To see your test, go to the following office hours:



Fri 11/5





(except 11/11)



2:00 – 3:30 pm

FLO 209

 Maria Ripol

12:50 – 2:45

FLO 117C


3:00- 6:00 pm

FLO 218


3:00- 6:00 pm

FLO 218


1:30 – 4:30 pm

FLO 209


1:30 – 3:30 pm

FLO 209




Wednesday, November 3rd , 2010



·         WHEN: Wednesday November 3rd , in class, 50 minutes

·         COVERS: Simple Linear Regression(ch 13 and 12), Multiple Regression (ch 13)

·         FORMAT:  34 Multiple Choice Questions,

·         BRING: Pencils and Eraser for scantron sheet provided,

Picture ID,

Calculator (NO graphing calculators or phones allowed)

·         HELP:  Office Hours and Tutoring Hours are posted in Sakai



Monday, November 1st , 2010


·         Finish Exam 2 Review, Answer student’s questions.


Friday, October 29, 2010


·         Finish Multiple Regression Examples – predicting Reaction Time on a computer game from Distance and Hand used.

·         Start reviewing for Exam 2



Wednesday, October 27, 2010


·         More Multiple Regression Examples – predicting Wages from Length of Service and Size of Company.


Monday, October 25, 2010


·         More Multiple Regression Examples – predicting College GPA from 16 other variables, and Quadratic Regression of Electrical Consumption on Temperature.

·         We will finish Multiple Regression this week and start reviewing for EXAM 2.

·         Practice Questions for Exam 2 with answers in back– click here

·         SLR Quiz Problems with answers in back – click here  NOTE – there is a mistake on the answer key.  Number 3 should be A.



Friday, October 22, 2010


·         More on Regression with Dummy Variables – predicting weight from height and gender.



Wednesday, October 20, 2010


·         Continue Multiple Regression – we’ll use the output that I posted last week for the next several lectures- here’s the link again:  Multiple Regression Examples

·         Here’s more output for the WT vs HT and Gender example



Monday, October 18, 2010


·         Start Multiple Regression – chapter 13

·         Quiz 3:  Was supposed to end today 4pm but there is one problem missing or using wrong sample size.  If you get the problem about doctor measuring reaction time use n=5.  Quiz is extended until tomorrow (Tuesday 10/19)  at 4pm and everyone has one more chance.

·         PROJECT 1: Information,  Data Collection Slips,  Minitab Info

NOTE – Wait until Wednesday (October 20th ) to download Minitab.  You only get it for 30 days.  Project 2 will be due November 19th and October has 31 days.

·         To see your TEST from now on, please stop by the instructor’s office hours – they will NOT be in the TA’s office hours any more.



Friday, October 15, 2010


·         Homecoming – no class



Wednesday, October 13, 2010


·         Finished Simple Linear Regression –Residual Plots.



Monday, October 11, 2010


·         Continue with Simple Linear Regression – Confidence and Prediction Intervals, Residuals.

·         Correlation Applets:  :Influential Points,    Guessing Correlation

·         Quiz 3:  Starts today

·         To see your test this week, go to the following office hours:







 Maria Ripol

12:50 – 2:45

FLO 117C


3:00- 6:00 pm

FLO 218


3:00- 6:00 pm

FLO 218


1:30 – 4:30 pm

FLO 209





Friday, October 8, 2010


·         Continue with Simple Linear Regression – Testing for the Slope

·         Quiz 3:  Starts Mon Oct 11, 10:30am, Ends Mon Oct 18, 4pm.  Questions on SLR.

·         Project 1 info after Homecoming.



Wednesday, October 6, 2010


·         Exam 1 Results for the whole class, and statistical analysis – click here

·         Continue with Simple Linear Regression – more on ANOVA.

·         Here are some examples we’ll use in class – please print them:

·         Simple Linear Regression Output (one page to be used this week)

·         Multiple Regression Examples (about 15 pages to be used in the next few weeks)




Monday, October 4, 2010


·         Started Inference for Regression – Chapter 12



Friday, October 1st, 2010


·         Start Regression – Basics Chapter 3

·         Exam scores are NOW posted in Sakai. 

·         You will be able to see your test during the TA’s office hours starting next Tuesday, where you will be able to compare your scantron to the answer key and ask questions about what you got wrong on the test. 








3:00- 6:00 pm

FLO 218


3:00- 6:00 pm

FLO 218


1:30 – 4:30 pm

FLO 209


1:30 – 3:30 pm

FLO 209



Wednesday, September 29, 2010

·         EXAM DAY



Monday, September 27, 2010


·         Review for Exam 1



Friday, September 24, 2010


·         Finish Two-Way ANOVA – bring computer output posted last Friday.

·         Correction to Practice Question #8

Look only in the F table at α=.05.  Then p-value will be:

·         less than 0.05               b) greater than 0.05                    c) equal to 0.05

d)  a lot less than 0.05        e)  a lot greater than 0.05


·         Quiz 2:  closes today, 4pm


·         EXAM 1 INFO–

·         WHEN: Wednesday September 29, in class, 50 minutes

·         COVERS:  Review of STA2023(ch 10), One-Way and Two-Way ANOVA (ch 14)

·         FORMAT:  34 Multiple Choice Questions, more interpretations than computations

·         BRING: Pencils and Eraser for scantron sheet provided,

Picture ID,

Calculator (NO graphing calculators or phones allowed)

·         REVIEW:  Friday in class – go over TOPICS

Monday in class – answer questions from students

·         HELP:  Office Hours and Tutoring Hours are posted in Sakai




Wednesday, September 22, 2010


·         MoreTwo-Way ANOVA – please bring examples posted last Friday.  

·         Quiz 2 continues. 




Monday, September 20, 2010


·         ContinueTwo-Way ANOVA.  

·         Quiz 2 continues.  If you took the quiz Friday or Saturday, there were some problems and you should have received an email from me.

·         Instructor’s Office Hours today will be a bit different – 5th and 6th period

·         Practice Questions for Exam 1 – click here




Friday, September 17, 2010


·         Start Two-Way ANOVA.  Print these examples we’ll use in class.

·         Quiz 2:  Starts today.




Wednesday, September 15, 2010


·         More one-way ANOVA examples.

·         Instructor’s Office Hours today will be shorter than usual – 6th period ONLY.  One of our TA’s, Jorge, will have office hours 3-6pm.  See “Syllabus” and “Getting Help” link in Sakai for all office hours and locations.

·         Quiz 2:  Starts Fri Sept 17, 10:30am, Ends Fri Sept 24, 4pm.  Questions on one-way ANOVA.

·         EXAM 1 – Wednesday September 29, in class.  Covers Review of STA2023, one-way ANOVA and two-way ANOVA.  More details coming soon.




Monday, September 13, 2010


·         Continue with one-way ANOVA – comparing means (sec 14.2) including Bonferroni method.

·         Quiz 1 grades have been fixed.  Everyone should have an even grade – if your grade was an odd number, you had the question with the wrong point value.  Please let me know if there are any problems.




Friday, September 10, 2010


·         Continue with one-way ANOVA.  We’ll look at the F table.

·         Quiz 1 CLOSES today at 4pm.



Wednesday, September 8, 2010


·         Start Analysis of Variance, Chapter 14.  Please print these examples we’ll be using in class.

·         Quiz 1 continues – see below for details.




Friday, September 3, 2010


·         Finish review – determine which case from examples posted before, plus a few more examples.

·         Quiz 1 starts – see Wednesday’s post below for details.  PLEASE let me know immediately if there are any problems – I’m still trying to figure out the quiz function in Sakai.

·         MISTAKE on Quiz 1 points – one of the questions accidentally is valued at 1point instead of 2.  That means that, if you have that question and answer everything correctly, you would get a 9/10 on the quiz, instead of 10/10.  Since that is the ONLY way to get 9/10, I will just fix your score by hand once the quiz is closed, rather than retract the quiz to fix this and lose all the scores for students who already finished it.




Wednesday September 1, 2010


·         Continued review of STA 2023:  third example from handout and one more.  We’ll finish with the review Friday and start our first online quiz then.

·         All quizzes – you have 1 hour to complete each quiz, 3 chances, highest one counts

·         Quiz 1:  Starts Fri Sept 3, 10:30am, Ends Fri Sept 10, 4pm.  Questions on review of STA2023 – determining which case, writing Ha, interpreting p-value and confidence interval.  Please READ questions carefully – they are randomly selected and may be different stories although they look almost the same.




Monday August 30, 2010


·         Continued review of STA 2023:  more examples from handout.  We’ll finish with the review by Friday and start our first online quiz then.

·         In addition to the office hours held by the instructor and the TA’s (posted on the syllabus) you can also get help in the Teaching Center in Broward Hall.  Go to their website for more information





Friday August 27, 2010


·         Continued review of STA 2023:  more info about p-values, started the examples from handout.  If you are having trouble with any of the material, go back and review Chapter 8 – Confidence Intervals, Chapter 9 – Significance Tests, Chapter 10 – Comparing Two Groups.  Remember there are suggested homework problems posted in e-learning, and office hours to get help.




Wednesday August 25, 2010


·         We reviewed some of the basic concepts covered in STA 2023:  graphs, numerical measures of summary (mean and standard deviation), statistical inference (confidence intervals and significance tests).

·         TA office hours are now posted on the syllabus – there are at least two hours of office hours each day of the week.  Please make use of them if you have trouble with anything we’re doing in class, or the suggested homework problems posted in e-learning, so you don’t fall behind.




Monday August 23, 2010


·         First class:  Course Intro, go over the Syllabus.  Please print the syllabus and keep it for your records.  We will start with a brief review of STA2023, beginning next lecture.  Please print this Statistical Inference table and Examples to bring to class next time.  You will also need a copy of the t table and the Z table for upper and lower z-scores.


·         Note-taker needed for a student with disabilities, $75 for whole semester.  If interested, please contact the instructor in class Wednesday.


·         If you are enrolled in one of my two sections, you should now have access to the course webpage in e-learning-Sakai.  Please log on using your gatorlink username and password, just to check that you can get in.  There’s not much to see there yet, just this page and the syllabus.  Our first online quiz will probably start next week, after we’re done with the review, and all the grades during the semester will be posted there.  Problems?

·         If you are unable to access e-learning at all, you need to contact the CIRCA Help Desk (

·         If you can access e-learning but you do not see STA 3024 listed as one of your courses, please make sure you logged on to SAKAI and not the old system.  Also make sure you are officially registered for one of my sections (7660, 4433) - access to e-learning may take up to 24 hours after your registration is complete. 

·         If you still can’t see the course, email me (mripol AT and make sure you include the following information:  Name, Gatorlink Username, UFID#.