Dynamic Display of Changing Posterior in Bayesian Survival Analysis: The Software

Hani J. Doss
Department of Statistics
The Ohio State University
Columbus, OH 43210
B. Narasimhan
Department of Statistics
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305

Revision: 1.34 of Date: 1998/07/02 17:16:33

Please note that this is an imperfect automatic translation of the file. The math typesetting is most likely clobbered.

Table of Contents


We consider the problem of estimating an unknown distribution function F in the presence of censoring under the conditions that a parametric model is believed to hold approximately. We use a Bayesian approach, in which the prior on F is a mixture of Dirichlet distributions. A hyperparameter of the prior determines the extent to which this prior concentrates its mass around the parametric family. A Gibbs sampling algorithm to estimate the posterior distributions of the parameters of interest is reviewed. An importance sampling scheme enables us to use the output of the Gibbs sampler to very quickly recalculate the posterior when we change the hyperparameters of the prior. The calculations can be done sufficiently fast to enable the dynamic display of the changing posterior as the prior hyperparameters are varied.

This paper provides a literate program completely documenting the code for performing the dynamic graphics.



We begin with our usual copyright.

<Copyright>= (U->)
;;;  $Revision: 1.34 $ of $Date: 1998/07/02 17:16:33 $
;;;  Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1998. Doss and Narasimhan
;;;  Hani J. Doss (doss@stat.ohio-state.edu) and 
;;;  B. Narasimhan (naras@stat.stanford.edu)
;;;  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;;;  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;;;  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
;;;  (at your option) any later version.
;;;  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;;;  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;;  GNU General Public License for more details.
;;;  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;;;  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
;;;  Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
Defines copyright (links are to index).



This document is a literate program implementing the theory described in our paper [cite doss:nara:1998b]. A literate program is a program written in a style that makes it easy for humans to read, understand and modify. For more information on Literate Programming, see [cite knut:1992]. A quicker introduction is available on the World Wide Web; see [cite lee:1994]. This document uses the Noweb [cite rams:1994], [cite rams:1994a], [cite rams:1995] literate programming tools. Although it is not required, we recommend that any serious user of this software have the Noweb tools installed. Noweb tools, besides being free, are extremely easy to install and require no special expertise other than basic knowledge about how TeX or LaTeX work. Having Noweb allows one to take full advantage of our software---syntax errors will be minimized and the code we have written can be reused with the user's modifications spliced into place automatically by Noweb.

We expect any serious user of our software to read the original paper [cite doss:nara:1998b], a copy of which is included in the software distribution.

This document is available in three forms: Postscript, PDF and HTML. All versions are accessible from the web pages of the authors.

We wish to remark that the software only does sensitivity analysis. No general facility is provided for generating observations from Markov chains. Indeed, since the range of models for which MCMC methods are applicable is large and such methods most likely involve problem-specific issues, it is our opinion that building such a supertool, if it is at all possible, is a non-trivial task. However, the Fortran program used in generating the output for our example is included along with this software and can be used for models similar to ours. Of course, any appropriate method may be used to generate the samples as long as the output is available in a form usable by our software. The requirements on the data that can be used with our software are spelt out below.

Corresponding to each Markov chain output, there must be two files with the extensions .in (input file) and .out (output file). For example, mc1.in and mc1.out.

The input file must have the following structure. The first four items in the file can be anything, string or number, either on a single line or any conceivable combination of lines. The next three items must be the shape of the Gamma distribution on , the scale of the Gamma distribution on ---the parametrization for shape a and scale b is proportional to ---and . The next three values values following these quantities can be anything, but the one following it should be the number of data points, or sets. Nothing else is read from the input file.

The output file must have the following structure for each data point generated by the Markov chain. The value of theta must be followed by the number of distinct values of the data points, which must be followed by a frequency table of the actual data value and the corresponding frequency. The layout of the values on lines does not matter as long as at least a single white space delimits values. If this structure is violated, errors will result. A peek at the data files included with this software will help the reader.

A note on performance. The calculations involved in reweighting are non-trivial and require a reasonably powerful computer for smooth performance. The efficiency can be improved by dynamically loading C programs that compute various quantities. The version of software described here does so by default. An older version that does not use dynamic loading which is available upon request from the authors. Without dynamic loading, the performance is very bad indeed.

Dynamic libraries for Windows and Macintosh are provided. Suggestions for various Unix platforms are also provided. Section [->] has more details.

It is assumed that a proper installation of Lisp-Stat described in [cite tier:1990] is available. The version number on Lisp-Stat should be 3.52.0 or higher since dynamic loading uses the new shared library mechanism.

Some additions planned for the future are listed in Section [->].

The Software


The software consists of the following components.

(require "utility")
(require "call-by-reference")
(defpackage "BSA" (:use "XLISP" "USER" "UTILITY" "CALL-BY-REFERENCE"))
(in-package "BSA")
<The Master Prototype>
<The Slave Prototype>

The Master Object Prototype


The master prototype master-proto inherits from dialog-proto of Lisp-Stat and contains a number of slots. A rich set of methods facilitate interaction with the master.

<The Master Prototype>= (<-U)
(defproto master-proto 
  '(identifier number-of-markov-chains
  () dialog-proto
  "The Master prototype. Creates and manipulates a harem of slaves.")
<Methods for Master Prototype>
<Defaults for Master>
Defines current-hyperparameter-values, data-file-names, density-abscissae, density-ordinates, expectation-abscissae, expectation-ordinates, hyperparameter-names, hyperparameter-ranges, hyperparameter-sliders, hyperparameters-used-in-markov-chains, identifier, importance-weights, indicator-counts, initially-specified-hyperparameter-values, lazy, log-constants-of-proportionality, log-mixture-density, master-proto, number-of-data-values, number-of-markov-chains, number-of-months, number-of-points, number-of-slider-stops, shared-library, slaves, standard-deviation-ordinates, statistics, statistics-labels, statistics-print-formats, summary-data, superimpose, timing, work-space (links are to index).

Throughout, we shall use m for the number of Markov chains, and n for the number of data points in the output of each Markov chain. Note that arrays are indexed from 0 so that index i refers to the (i+1)-th position.

Here is a description of all the slots in master-proto.

holds a string that is used to identify instances of the object. This string also helps in repeating any interesting run---all inputs needed for the run are saved in a file whose name is generated by adding an extension .run to the string. In addition, a file with the extension .lsp is also created so that invoking xlispstat on that file with automatically recreate everything without annoying questions.
holds the number of Markov chains (m)to be used in the exploration.
holds the number of data points from each Markov chain (n) to be used in the exploration.
holds the number of data values, that is the number of sets.
holds the number of months for which the law of F(t) is computed. Default is given by the variable *default-number-of-months*.
holds a list of the data files corresponding to the Markov chains, without the extension. Dimension is m.
This slot holds the summary data from all the Markov chains. The data is stored as a 2-d array with each row holding (d_x, theta), where d_x is the the number of distinct values of the data points. The first set of n pairs correspond to the first Markov chain, the next set to the second and so on, which means that the indices have to be suitably translated to access values. There are mn pairs in all. Note that we only handle balanced data, i.e., same n for all Markov chains.
This slot is a 2-d array of size mn×2 containing the a count of the number of data-values less than t, the number of months. The number of columns in this array is indicated by the slot number-of-months. If this value is 61, say, then one would be able to calculate the law of F(t) for t ranging from 0 to 60 months.
holds a vector of estimates of the logs of the constants of proportionality, (C(kappa_i))^-1, in the paper. The first constant is implicitly -1 and so the dimension of this slot is m-1.
stores a list of slaves who need to be informed of changes in the hyperparameter values. Each slave is an instance of slave-proto.
stores an m by 3 array holding the values of hyperparameters at which the Markov chains were run. If a is the array by a, then a[j,i] is the value of the i-th hyperparameter for the j-th Markov chain, 0 <=j < m and 0 <=i < 3. The three hyperparameters in every row are alpha(R), the shape and scale of the Gamma prior on theta respectively.
is a 4×1 array of initial values for the hyper-parameters at which the exploration should begin. These values serve are used in starting and restarting the exploration. The one extra hyperparameter is the value of time t in F(t).
is a 4×1 array of the current values of the three hyperparameters. These are the quantities that are changed by the user via sliders.
holds a list of names for the hyper-parameters. Default is Alpha, Theta Shape, Theta Scale, and Time (Months).
is a an array holding logh_mix(x) at the data points. Size is mn. See [cite geye:1994]. For speed in dynamic graphics, this quantity is calculated once and saved.
holds the importance weights w[i], 0 <=i < nm, used for the Reweighting Mixtures (RM) scheme. See [cite doss:nara:1994] and [cite geye:1994].
stores a list of hyperparameter ranges to be used in exploration. For internal use only.
is a list of slider objects for internal use only.
is a slot used for storing results from dynamically loaded C routines.
holds a library for shared handle when dynamic loading is used. For internal use only.
is a vector of abscissa values between 0 and 1 at which the density of F(t) will be plotted. This is an array of length *default-number-of-plot-stops*.
is a vector of values of the density of F(t). This is an array of length
is a vector of values of E(F(t)) for t ranging from 0 to
*default-number-of-months* (minus 1, as we start at 0).
is a vector of values of E(F(t)) for t ranging from 0 to
*default-number-of-months* (minus 1, as we start at 0).
is a vector of values of sigma_F(t).
is a vector of 3 values that will hold E(F(t)), sigma_F(t) and the effective sample size. The effective sample size is calculated using the formula
Effective Sample Size = m * n / (1 + cv(W)^2),
where cv(W) is the coefficient of variation of the importance weights W. See, for example, [cite kong:liu:wong:1994].
is a list of lists indicating the format to be used in printing the statistics values.
is a list of strings (labels).
stores the number of slider stops for hyperparameters.
toggles superimposition on and off. Default is off.
signifies if timing is needed.
is a button for toggling timing on and off.
is a slot used for efficient synchronization. It is for internal use by programs and the user shouldn't mess with it.

The methods for master-proto can be broken down as follows.

<Methods for Master Prototype>= (<-U)
<The Master :identifier Method>
<The Master :number-of-markov-chains Method>
<The Master :number-of-points Method>
<The Master :number-of-months Method>
<The Master :number-of-data-values Method>
<The Master :summary-data Method>
<The Master :indicator-counts Method>
<The Master :log-constants-of-proportionality Method>
<The Master :slaves Method>
<The Master :initially-specified-hyperparameter-values Method>
<The Master :hyperparameter-names Method>
<The Master :current-hyperparameter-values Method>
<The Master :number-of-hyperparameters Method>
<The Master :hyperparameters-used-in-markov-chains Method>
<The Master :hyperparameter-ranges Method>
<The Master :hyperparameter-sliders Method>
<The Master :log-mixture-density Method>
<The Master :importance-weights Method>
<The Master :loglik Method>
<The Master :compute-log-hmix Method>
<The Master :calc-weights Method>
<The Master :isnew Method>
<The Master :graphical-interface Method>
<The Master :process-run-file Method>
<The Master :process-frequency-table Method>
<The Master :create-run-file Method>
<The Master :synchronize Method>
<The Master :consolidate-computation Method>
<The Master :reset Method>
<The Master :effective-sample-size Method>
<The Master :print-all-statistics Method>
<The Master :labelled-hyperparameter-values Method>
<The Master :statistics Method>
<The Master :statistics-print-formats Method>
<The Master :statistics-labels Method>
<The Master :superimpose Method>
<The Master :toggle-timing Method>
<The Master :close Method>

Some of these methods are mere accessor and modifier methods for the slots and we can get them easily out of the way.

The :identifier Method


<The Master :identifier Method>= (<-U)
(defmeth master-proto :identifier (&optional name)
  "Method args: (&optional name)
Sets or retrieves the identifier slot."
  (if name
      (setf (slot-value 'identifier) name)
    (slot-value 'identifier)))
Defines :identifier (links are to index).

The :number-of-markov-chains Method


<The Master :number-of-markov-chains Method>= (<-U)
(defmeth master-proto :number-of-markov-chains ()
  "Method args: ()
Returns m, the number of Markov chains used."
  (slot-value 'number-of-markov-chains))
Defines :number-of-markov-chains (links are to index).

The :number-of-points Method


<The Master :number-of-points Method>= (<-U)
(defmeth master-proto :number-of-points ()
  "Method args: ()
Returns n, the number of data points."
  (slot-value 'number-of-points))
Defines :number-of-points (links are to index).

The :number-of-months Method


<The Master :number-of-months Method>= (<-U)
(defmeth master-proto :number-of-months ()
  "Method args: ()
Returns n, the number of months for which F(t) is computed."
  (slot-value 'number-of-months))
Defines :number-of-months (links are to index).

The :number-of-data-values Method


<The Master :number-of-data-values Method>= (<-U)
(defmeth master-proto :number-of-data-values ()
  "Method args: ()
Returns n, the number of data values, or sets."
  (slot-value 'number-of-data-values))
Defines :number-of-data-values (links are to index).

The :summary-data Method


<The Master :summary-data Method>= (<-U)
(defmeth master-proto :summary-data ()
  "Method args: ()
Returns the summary data containing pairs theta and number of distinct
data points. A 2d array of size mn by 2."
  (slot-value 'summary-data))
Defines :summary-data (links are to index).

The :indicator-counts Method


<The Master :indicator-counts Method>= (<-U)
(defmeth master-proto :indicator-counts ()
  "Method args: ()
Returns the data values a 2d array of size mn by number-of-months."
  (slot-value 'indicator-counts))
Defines :indicator-counts (links are to index).

The :log-constants-of-proportionality Method


<The Master :log-constants-of-proportionality Method>= (<-U)
(defmeth master-proto :log-constants-of-proportionality ()
  "Method args: ()
Returns a list of values of the log constants of
proportionality for the posteriors for each Markov chain."
  (slot-value 'log-constants-of-proportionality))
Defines :log-constants-of-proportionality (links are to index).

The :slaves Method


<The Master :slaves Method>= (<-U)
(defmeth master-proto :slaves ()
  "Method args: () Retrieves the slaves."
  (slot-value 'slaves))
Defines :slaves (links are to index).

The :initially-specified-hyperparameter-values Method


<The Master :initially-specified-hyperparameter-values Method>= (<-U)
(defmeth master-proto :initially-specified-hyperparameter-values ()
  "Method args: ()
Returns a list of initially specified values of the hyper
parameters. Used mainly for resetting the hyper parameter values
before dynamic exploration." 
  (slot-value 'initially-specified-hyperparameter-values))
Defines :initially-specified-hyperparameter-values (links are to index).

The :hyperparameter-names Method


<The Master :hyperparameter-names Method>= (<-U)
(defmeth master-proto :hyperparameter-names (&optional index)
  "Method args: (index)
Returns a string identifying the hyperparameter index or the whole slot."
  (if index
       (select (slot-value 'hyperparameter-names) index)
     (slot-value 'hyperparameter-names)))
Defines :hyperparameter-names (links are to index).

The :current-hyperparameter-values Method


<The Master :current-hyperparameter-values Method>= (<-U)
(defmeth master-proto :current-hyperparameter-values (&optional i x)
  "Method args: (&optional i x)
Returns a list of hyper-parameter values. If i is given and a sequence,
then all values in the list are set. The dimensions must match. If i is
not a sequence, returns the i-th value. If x is specified, sets the 
i-th hyperparameter value to x. Note that x is ignored if i is a sequence."
  (if x
      (if (slot-value 'timing)
             (setf (elt (slot-value 'current-hyperparameter-values) i) x)
             (send self :synchronize)))
           (setf (elt (slot-value 'current-hyperparameter-values) i) x)
           (send self :synchronize)))
    (if i
        (if (sequencep i)
                (setf (slot-value 'lazy) t)
                (dotimes (j (send self :number-of-hyperparameters))
                    (send (select (slot-value 'hyperparameter-sliders) j)
                          :value (select i j)))
                (setf (slot-value 'lazy) nil)
                (send self :synchronize))
           (elt (slot-value 'current-hyperparameter-values) i))
      (slot-value 'current-hyperparameter-values))))
Defines :current-hyperparameter-values (links are to index).

The :number-of-hyperparameters Method


<The Master :number-of-hyperparameters Method>= (<-U)
(defmeth master-proto :number-of-hyperparameters ()
  "Method args: ()
Returns the number of hyperparameters."
  (length (slot-value 'current-hyperparameter-values)))
Defines :number-of-hyperparameters (links are to index).

The :hyperparameters-used-in-markov-chains Method


<The Master :hyperparameters-used-in-markov-chains Method>= (<-U)
(defmeth master-proto :hyperparameters-used-in-markov-chains ()
  "Method args: ()
Returns the hyperparameter-values used in running the Markov
chains. 2D array of size number-of-markov-chains by 3." 
  (slot-value 'hyperparameters-used-in-markov-chains))
Defines :hyperparameters-used-in-markov-chains (links are to index).

The :hyperparameter-ranges Method


<The Master :hyperparameter-ranges Method>= (<-U)
(defmeth master-proto :hyperparameter-ranges (&optional ranges)
  "Method args: (&optional ranges)
Returns the ranges within which the hyperparameters will be
varied. List of lists. This is calculated as the maximum and minimum 
of all the values used in the Markov chains if not given."
  (if ranges
      (setf (slot-value 'hyperparameter-ranges) ranges)
    (if (slot-value 'hyperparameter-ranges)
        (slot-value 'hyperparameter-ranges)
      (let* ((values (column-list 
                  (slot-value 'hyperparameters-used-in-markov-chains)))
          (max (mapcar #'max values))
          (min (mapcar #'min values)))
     (append (mapcar #'(lambda (x y) (list x y)) min max)
             (list (list 0 (1- (slot-value 'number-of-months)))))))))
Defines :hyperparameter-ranges (links are to index).

The :hyperparameter-sliders Method


<The Master :hyperparameter-sliders Method>= (<-U)
(defmeth master-proto :hyperparameter-sliders ()
  "Method args: ()
Returns the sliders associated with the hyperparameters."
  (slot-value 'hyperparameter-sliders))
Defines :hyperparameter-sliders (links are to index).

The :log-mixture-density Method


<The Master :log-mixture-density Method>= (<-U)
(defmeth master-proto :log-mixture-density ()
  "Method args: ()
Returns the log of the mixture density at each of the data points. 
An array of nm values."
  (slot-value 'log-mixture-density))
Defines :log-mixture-density (links are to index).

The :importance-weights Method


<The Master :importance-weights Method>= (<-U)
(defmeth master-proto :importance-weights ()
  "Method args: ()
Retrieves the importance sampling weights. An array
of size number-of-markov-chains by number-of-points." 
  (slot-value 'importance-weights))
Defines :importance-weights (links are to index).

The :loglik Method


<The Master :loglik Method>= (<-U)
(defmeth master-proto :loglik (n)
  "Returns the log-quasi-likelihood as a function of n. The dimension 
of n should be one less than the number of Markov chains."
   (let ((result (slot-value 'work-space)))
      (call-by-reference-oldcfun "logLikelihood" 
                     (slot-value 'shared-library)
                     (coerce n '(vector c-double)) result)
         (aref result 0)))
Defines :loglik (links are to index).

The :compute-log-hmix Method


<The Master :compute-log-hmix Method>= (<-U)
(defmeth master-proto :compute-log-hmix ()
"Method args: ()
Computes the log of the mixture density at the various data points."
   (call-by-reference-oldcfun "computeLogHmix"
                        (slot-value 'shared-library)))
Defines compute-log-hmix (links are to index).

The :calc-weights Method


<The Master :calc-weights Method>= (<-U)
(defmeth master-proto :calc-weights ()
"Method args: ()
Calculates the importance weights."
  (call-by-reference-oldcfun "calcWeights" (slot-value 'shared-library)))
Defines :calc-weights (links are to index).

The :isnew Method


The :isnew method for master-proto is a bit involved.

<The Master :isnew Method>= (<-U)
(defmeth master-proto :isnew (&key identifier?
  "Method args: (&key identifier?
Please refer to the literate program and the paper for a thorough
  <Set up slot values for master object>
  (send self :calc-weights)
  <Create slaves of master object>
  <Set up dialog and wait for user input>
  <Some final touches>)
Defines :isnew (links are to index).

The :synchronize message at the end of this method forces the computations anyway, so we avoid the computations now. In other words, initially, we want to be lazy in performing intensive computations.

<Set up slot values for master object>= (<-U) [D->]
(setf (slot-value 'work-space) 
      (make-array 1 :initial-element 0.0 :element-type 'c-double))
(setf (slot-value 'lazy) t)

We need to determine m, the number of chains and n, the number of data points to be used. If the argument identifier? is given, then all the necessary inputs can be read from the ``run'' file. Otherwise, we need to prompt the user for everything.

<Set up slot values for master object>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
(setf (slot-value 'hyperparameter-names)
      (list "M(R)" "Theta-Shape" "Theta-Scale" "Time (months)"))
(setf (slot-value 'shared-library) 
          (shlib::shlib-open *default-shared-lib-name*))
(setf (slot-value 'statistics) (make-array 3 :initial-element 0.0
                                   :element-type 'c-double))
(setf (slot-value 'statistics-print-formats)
(setf (slot-value 'statistics-labels)
(if identifier?
        (setf (slot-value 'identifier) identifier?)
        (send self :process-run-file :number-of-points? number-of-points?))
  (send self :graphical-interface :identifier? identifier?
             :number-of-markov-chains? number-of-markov-chains?
             :number-of-points? number-of-points?
             :file-names? file-names?
             :log-constants? log-constants?))

Time to get information on how the exploration is to proceed.

<Set up slot values for master object>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
<Set up Hyperparameter-ranges and stops>
(setf (slot-value 'current-hyperparameter-values)
      (copy-vector (send self :initially-specified-hyperparameter-values)))

This code chunk sets up a large dialog box for all the various quantities. In most cases, the user will just continue without change.

<Set up Hyperparameter-ranges and stops>= (<-U)
(let* ((dialog-items ())
       (result nil)
       (ranges (select (send self :hyperparameter-ranges) (iseq 3)))
       (init-vals (if identifier?
                     (slot-value 'initially-specified-hyperparameter-values)
                    (mapcar #'(lambda(x) (* 0.5 (sum x))) ranges)))
       (stop-vals (if identifier?
                     (slot-value 'number-of-slider-stops)
                    (mapcar #'(lambda(x) (1+ (- (second x) (first x))))
       (hypernames (select (slot-value 'hyperparameter-names) (iseq 3)))
        (send text-item-proto :new
              (format nil 
                "You can change the interval between which the~%~
                hyperparameters may be varied and the number~%~
                of stops in the interval (end points included).~%~
               Please note that NO ERROR CHECKING is done!~%~%~
               The default settings computed from the data files~%~
               are shown below. Please click OK when done.")))
       (col-1 (send text-item-proto :new "Hyperparameter"))
       (col-2 (send text-item-proto :new "Minimum"))
       (col-3 (send text-item-proto :new "Maximum"))
       (col-4 (send text-item-proto :new "Stops"))
       (col-5 (send text-item-proto :new "Initial"))
       (headings (list col-1 col-2 col-3 col-4 col-5))
       (widths (map-elements #'send headings :width))
       (hnames (mapcar #'(lambda(x)
                           (send text-item-proto :new x)) hypernames))
       (mins (mapcar #'(lambda(x) 
                         (send edit-text-item-proto :new 
                               (format nil "~g" (select x 0))
                               :text-length 10))
       (maxs (mapcar #'(lambda(x) 
                         (send edit-text-item-proto :new 
                               (format nil "~g" (select x 1))
                               :text-length 10))
       (stops (mapcar #'(lambda(x) 
                          (send edit-text-item-proto :new
                            (format nil "~g" x)
                            :text-length 10))
       (inits (mapcar #'(lambda(x) 
                          (send edit-text-item-proto :new 
                            (format nil "~g" x)
                            :text-length 10))
       (abort (send modal-button-proto :new "Abort" :action #'top-level))
       (dialog nil)
       (ok (send modal-button-proto :new "OK" 
                      (map-elements #'send mins :text)
                      (map-elements #'send maxs :text)
                      (map-elements #'send stops :text)
                      (map-elements #'send inits :text))))))
  (dotimes (i (length hnames))
           (send (select hnames i) :width (select widths 0))
           (send (select mins i) :width (select widths 1))
           (send (select maxs i) :width (select widths 2))
           (send (select stops i) :width (select widths 3))
           (send (select inits i) :width (select widths 4)))
  (setf dialog-items
        (list prompt-item
              (list (mapcar #'(lambda (x y z w u) (list x y z w u)) 
                            hnames mins maxs stops inits))
              (list ok abort)))
  (setf dialog (send modal-dialog-proto :new  dialog-items))
  (send dialog :title "Hyperparameter Ranges and Stops")
  (setf result (mapcar #'convert-to-numbers (send dialog :modal-dialog)))
  (send self :hyperparameter-ranges
          (mapcar #'(lambda(x y) (list x y)) 
                  (select result 0) (select result 1))
         (list (list 0 (1- (slot-value 'number-of-months))))))
  (setf (slot-value 'initially-specified-hyperparameter-values)
    (make-array 4 :element-type 'c-double 
        :initial-contents (append (select result 3)
                                    (* 0.5
                                    (slot-value 'number-of-months)))))))
  (setf (slot-value 'number-of-slider-stops)
       (append (select result 2) (list (slot-value 'number-of-months)))))

Now, make the initial arrays for calling the C functions.

<Set up slot values for master object>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
(setf (slot-value 'density-abscissae) 
       (make-array *default-number-of-plot-stops*
             :initial-contents (rseq 0 1 *default-number-of-plot-stops*)
              :element-type 'c-double))
(setf (slot-value 'density-ordinates) 
       (make-array *default-number-of-plot-stops*
             :initial-element 0 :element-type 'c-double))
(let ((number-of-stops (send self :number-of-months)))
    (setf (slot-value 'expectation-abscissae)
            (make-array number-of-stops
               :initial-contents (iseq 0 (1- number-of-stops))
               :element-type 'c-double))
    (setf (slot-value 'expectation-ordinates)
            (make-array number-of-stops
               :initial-element 0 :element-type 'c-double))
    (setf (slot-value 'standard-deviation-ordinates)
            (make-array number-of-stops
               :initial-element 0 :element-type 'c-double)))

The current values of the hyperparameters must be those specified initially.

<Set up slot values for master object>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
(let ((tmp-array (send self :initially-specified-hyperparameter-values)))
  (setf (slot-value 'current-hyperparameter-values) 
      (make-array (length tmp-array) :initial-contents tmp-array
              :element-type 'c-double)))

We set up the number of points to be used in Reverse Logistic Regression if necessary. After that, all the data areas will have been set up and so we pass addresses of the data-arrays to the C routines.

<Set up slot values for master object>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
(let* ((n (slot-value 'number-of-points))
       (nc (min *default-number-of-points* n)))
    (unless (or log-constants? identifier? 
            (= (slot-value 'number-of-markov-chains) 1))
      (setf nc
        (select (get-tested-value-dialog
           (format nil "How many points should I use from each chain for~%~
                 estimating the constants of proportionality?~%~
                 Unless you are prepared to wait for a long time, you~%~
                 should go with the default or less!~%")
         :initial nc
         :test #'(lambda(x) (and (numberp x) (> x 0) (<= x n)))
         :error-message "Invalid entry. Please try again!")
  <Pass data array addresses to C Routines>)

<Pass data array addresses to C Routines>= (<-U)
(call-by-reference-oldcfun "initializeAddress"
          (slot-value 'shared-library) (slot-value 'summary-data)
          (slot-value 'hyperparameters-used-in-markov-chains)
          (slot-value 'current-hyperparameter-values)
          (slot-value 'importance-Weights)
          (slot-value 'log-mixture-density)
          (slot-value 'log-constants-of-proportionality)
          (slot-value 'number-of-markov-chains)
          (slot-value 'number-of-points)
          (slot-value 'number-of-months)
          (slot-value 'number-of-data-values)
          (slot-value 'indicator-counts)
          (slot-value 'statistics)

If the constants of proportionality have to be estimates, this is the time to do it after duly notifying the user.

<Set up slot values for master object>+= (<-U) [<-D]
(unless (or log-constants? identifier?)
    (unless (= (slot-value 'number-of-markov-chains) 1)
        (message-dialog "The Constants of proportionality will now be~%~
                     be estimated by Reverse Logistic Regression.~%~
                     This will take a while and only happens once.~%~%~
                     You will see the results of iterations on the~%~
                     Console as the maximization is done.~%~%
                     Click OK to continue.")
        <Perform Reverse Logistic Regression>))
(unless identifier? 
        (send self :compute-log-hmix)
        (send self :create-run-file))

<Perform Reverse Logistic Regression>= (<-U)
(flet ((loglik (n) (send self :loglik n)))
   (setf initial-guess
         (nelmeadmax #'loglik (slot-value 'log-constants-of-proportionality)
                  :epsilon *default-maximization-tolerance*
                  :count-limit 50000))
   (dotimes (i (length initial-guess))
        (setf (aref (slot-value 'log-constants-of-proportionality) i)
              (select initial-guess i))))

We are ready to create the slave objects, a plot of the density of F(t) as well as a plot of E(S(t)) for various values of t.

<Create slaves of master object>= (<-U)
(setf (slot-value 'slaves) 
            (send slave-proto :new self)
            (send slave-proto :new self :survival-plot t)))
(send (second (slot-value 'slaves)) :title 
                     (strcat "Plot of E(S(t))-" (slot-value 'identifier)))

The sliders for controlling the hyperparameters need to be set up. There are three dialog items that correspond to every hyperparameter: a text-item where the hyperparameter name will be displayed, a value-text-item where the value of the hyperparameter will be displayed and underneath the first two, a slider showing the slider stop. Figure [->] shows a typical slider. For nice looks, the width of the hyperparameter name string and the value string should add up to the width of the slider.

A typical slider in a dialog [*]

<Set up dialog and wait for user input>= (<-U)
(let* ((hyperparameter-labels (send self :hyperparameter-names))
       (hyperparameter-ranges (send self :hyperparameter-ranges))
       (triples <Make triples for sliders>)
       (slider-and-dialog-items <Make sliders with triples>)
       (dialog-items (select slider-and-dialog-items 0))
       (sliders-alone (select slider-and-dialog-items 1))
       (reset-button (send button-item-proto :new "Reset"
                           :action #'(lambda() (send self :reset))))
       (timing-button (send button-item-proto :new "Timing:OFF"
                           :action #'(lambda() (send self :toggle-timing))))
       (stats-button (send button-item-proto :new "Statistics"
                           :action #'(lambda() 
                                       (send self :print-all-statistics)))))
  (setf (slot-value 'hyperparameter-sliders) sliders-alone)
  (setf (slot-value 'timing-button) timing-button)
  (call-next-method (list (list reset-button stats-button timing-button)
                          (list dialog-items))))

Let us first create the triples we need for the hyperparameter sliders for use with the function make-sliders. The triples are (a) the label for the hyperparameter, (b) the range within which the hyperparameter will be varied, and (c) the action that is to be taken when the slider is pressed as a function.

<Make triples for sliders>= (<-U)
   #'(lambda(x y z) 
       (list x y #'(lambda(w)
                      (send self :current-hyperparameter-values z w))))
   hyperparameter-labels hyperparameter-ranges
       (iseq (send self :number-of-hyperparameters)))

We are now ready to create the sliders and associated text and value items. The function make-sliders returns a multiple-values list of slider-items using triples with a specified layout along with a list of the appropriate scroll-items. A slider-item is a list of two elements, the first element being a list containing a text-item and a value-item and the second is a scroll-item.

<Make sliders with triples>= (<-U)
    (make-sliders triples 
          :layout (list (list t) (list t t) (list t))
          :formats *default-hyperparameter-print-format*
          :no-of-slider-stops (slot-value 'number-of-slider-stops)))

Finally, we create a decent title, become alert once again as opposed to being lazy and then synchronize everything and show those windows.

<Some final touches>= (<-U)
(send self :title (strcat (send self :identifier) "-Master"))
(let ((hd (send self :number-of-hyperparameters))
      (hyper-sliders (slot-value 'hyperparameter-sliders))
      (hyper-vals (send self :current-hyperparameter-values)))
   (setf hyper-vals (coerce hyper-vals 'list))
   (send (select hyper-sliders 1) :display-value)
   (dotimes (l hd)
      (unless (= l 1)
        (send (select hyper-sliders l) :value (select hyper-vals l)))))

(setf (slot-value 'lazy) nil)
(send self :synchronize)

The :process-run-file Method


In handling the ``run'' file, note the assumptions made about the file structure and how some irrelevant headings are expected and skipped.

<The Master :process-run-file Method>= (<-U)
(defmeth master-proto :process-run-file (&key number-of-points?)
"Method args: (&key number-of-points?)
 Processes a run file to get all inputs."
(format t "~%Processing Run file ... ")
(let ((fh (open (strcat (slot-value 'identifier) ".run") :direction :input))
      (file-names nil)
      (alpha-shape-scale nil)
      (constants nil)
      (m nil)
      (n nil)
      (mn nil)      
      (index 0)
      (indicator-counts nil)
      (summary-data nil)
      (log-hmix nil))
  <Read number of Markov chains>
  <Read number of points>
  (setf mn (* m n))
  <Read number of sets>
  <Read number of months>
  (setf (slot-value 'importance-weights) 
        (make-array mn :initial-element 0.0 :element-type 'c-double))
  <Process the table containing info on Markov chains>
  <Process Hyperparameter Ranges etc.>
  <Read summary data, log mixture density, indicator counts>
  (setf (slot-value 'indicator-counts) indicator-counts)
  (setf (slot-value 'summary-data) summary-data)
  (setf (slot-value 'log-mixture-density) log-hmix)
  (close fh))
  (format t "done~%"))

<Read number of Markov chains>= (<-U)
;; Ignore the information in first line---just some info.
(read fh nil) 
;; Ignore the heading "Number of Markov chains"
(read fh nil)
(setf m (read fh nil))
(setf (slot-value 'number-of-markov-chains) m)

<Read number of points>= (<-U)
;; Ignore the heading "Number of Points"
(read fh nil) 
(setf n (read fh nil))
(if number-of-points?
    (setf n number-of-points?))
(setf (slot-value 'number-of-points) n)

<Read number of sets>= (<-U)
;; Ignore the heading "Number of Data Values"
(read fh nil) 
(setf (slot-value 'number-of-data-values) (read fh nil))

<Read number of months>= (<-U)
;; Ignore the heading "Number of Months"
(read fh nil) 
(setf (slot-value 'number-of-months) (read fh nil))

<Process Hyperparameter Ranges etc.>= (<-U)
;; Ignore the leading line
(read fh nil)
(let ((range nil)
      (r (iseq 3))
      (s (iseq 3))
      (i (iseq 3)))
  (dotimes (j 3)
    (read fh nil) (read fh nil)
    (setf range (cons (read fh nil) nil))
    (read fh nil)
    (setf range (cons (read fh nil) range))
    (setf (select r j) (reverse range))
    (read fh nil)
    (setf (select i j) (read fh nil))
    (read fh nil)
    (setf (select s j) (read fh nil)))
  (send self :hyperparameter-ranges 
        (append r 
         (list (list 0 (1- (slot-value 'number-of-months))))))
  (setf (slot-value 'number-of-slider-stops)
        (append s (list (slot-value 'number-of-months))))
  (setf (slot-value 'initially-specified-hyperparameter-values)
        (append i (list (* 0.5 (slot-value 'number-of-months))))))

<Process the table containing info on Markov chains>= (<-U)
;; Now read the table of file name, alpha, 
;;    shape, scale and log constant after ignoring the heading.
(read fh nil)
(dotimes (i m)
     (setf file-names (cons (read fh nil) file-names))
     (setf alpha-shape-scale (cons (read fh nil) alpha-shape-scale))
     (setf alpha-shape-scale (cons (read fh nil) alpha-shape-scale))
     (setf alpha-shape-scale (cons (read fh nil) alpha-shape-scale))
     (setf constants (cons (read fh nil) constants)))
  (setf (slot-value 'data-file-names) (reverse file-names))
  (setf (slot-value 'log-constants-of-proportionality)
     (if (= m 1)
         (make-array 1 :initial-element 0
                    :element-type 'c-double)
       (make-array (1- m) :initial-contents (rest (reverse constants))
                    :element-type 'c-double)))
  (setf (slot-value 'hyperparameters-used-in-markov-chains)
        (make-array (list m 3)
                 :initial-contents (reverse alpha-shape-scale)
                 :element-type 'c-double))

<Read summary data, log mixture density, indicator counts>= (<-U)
;; Ignore heading.
(read fh nil)
(setf indicator-counts 
      (make-array (list mn (slot-value 'number-of-months))
                  :element-type 'c-long))
(setf summary-data 
        (make-array (list mn 2) :initial-element 0.0 
                                :element-type 'c-double))
(setf log-hmix 
      (make-array mn :initial-element 0.0 :element-type 'c-double))
(dotimes (j n)
   (dotimes (k m)
       (setf index (+ (* n k) j))
       (setf (aref summary-data index 0) (read fh nil))
       (setf (aref summary-data index 1) (read fh nil))
       (setf (aref log-hmix index) (read fh nil))       
       (dotimes (l (slot-value 'number-of-months))
         (setf (aref indicator-counts index l) (truncate (read fh nil))))))
Defines :process-run-file (links are to index).

The :process-frequency-table Method


<The Master :process-frequency-table Method>= (<-U)
(defmeth master-proto :process-frequency-table (fh nd ind)
  "Args: (fh nd ind)
This is a convenience method used in reading the data files. It reads
the frequency table of size nd from fh, the file stream, and fills
the indicator-counts slot at index ind."
  (let ((x-vals (make-array nd))
        (freq (make-array nd))
        (sort-index nil)
        (indicator-counts (slot-value 'indicator-counts))
        (number-of-months (slot-value 'number-of-months))
        (j 0)
        (k 0)
        (freq-sum 0)
        (smallest-month 0))
     <Read frequency table and sort values>
     (dotimes (i nd)
        (setf smallest-month 
           <Find smallest month not less than i-th ordered x-val>)
        (when smallest-month
           <Fill table entries with current frequency sum>
           <Bump starting index for next stretch>
           <Update frequency sum>))
     <Handle situation when x-values run out before month values>))
Defines :process-frequency-table (links are to index).

<Read frequency table and sort values>= (<-U)
(dotimes (l nd)
         (setf (aref x-vals l) (read fh nil))
         (setf (aref freq l) (read fh nil)))
(setf sort-index (make-array nd :initial-contents (order x-vals)))

In the code snippet below, nil is returned if no such month is found.

<Find smallest month not less than i-th ordered x-val>= (<-U)
    (if (>= j number-of-months) 
           (return nil))
    (if (>= j (elt x-vals (elt sort-index i)))
          (return j))
    (setf j (1+ j)))

<Fill table entries with current frequency sum>= (<-U)
(dotimes (x (- smallest-month k))
   (setf (aref indicator-counts ind (+ x k)) freq-sum))

<Bump starting index for next stretch>= (<-U)
(setf k smallest-month)

<Update frequency sum>= (<-U)
(setf freq-sum (+ freq-sum (elt freq (elt sort-index i))))

<Handle situation when x-values run out before month values>= (<-U)
(dotimes (x (- number-of-months k))
     (setf (aref indicator-counts ind (+ x k)) freq-sum))

The :graphical-interface Method


<The Master :graphical-interface Method>= (<-U)
(defmeth master-proto :graphical-interface 
                            (&key identifier?
"Method args: (&key identifier?
Sets up a graphical interface for some inputs if not specified."
  (let* ((id (if identifier?
               <Get an identifier>))
         (m (if number-of-markov-chains?
              <Get the number of Markov chains>))
         (file-names (if file-names?
                        <Get data file names>))
         (n (if number-of-points?
               <Get the number of points>))
         (initial-guess (if log-constants?
                          (if (> m 1)
                              <Get initial guess>))))
    (setf (slot-value 'identifier) id)
    (setf (slot-value 'data-file-names) file-names)    
    (setf (slot-value 'number-of-markov-chains) m)    
    (setf (slot-value 'number-of-points) n)
    (setf (slot-value 'number-of-months) *default-number-of-months*)
    (setf (slot-value 'indicator-counts)
          (make-array (list (* m n) (slot-value 'number-of-months))
                   :element-type 'c-long))
    (setf (slot-value 'importance-weights) 
           (make-array (* m n) :initial-element 0 :element-type 'c-double))
    (setf (slot-value 'log-mixture-density) 
            (make-array (* m n) :initial-element 0 
                :element-type 'c-double))
    (setf (slot-value 'log-constants-of-proportionality)
       (if (= m 1)
           (make-array 1
                :initial-element 0
                :element-type 'c-double)
         (make-array (1- m) 
               :initial-contents initial-guess
               :element-type 'c-double)))
    (let* ((alphas nil)
           (shapes nil)
           (scales nil)
           (summary-data (make-array (list (* m n) 2) :initial-element 0
                                :element-type 'c-double )))
        <Read in data files and set up data>)))


<Get an identifier>= (<-U)
 (format nil "Please enter a unique short descriptive name~%~
              for this exploration.~%~
              Ex: CancerData") :initial "BreastCancer")

<Get the number of Markov chains>= (<-U)
(select (get-tested-value-dialog
         (format nil "How many Markov chains for ~a?" id)
         :initial *default-number-of-markov-chains*
         :test #'(lambda(x) (and (numberp x) (> x 0)))
         :error-message "No. of Markov chains must be >= 1!")

<Get data file names>= (<-U)
(let* ((dialog-items ())
       (filenames nil)
           (send text-item-proto :new
               (format nil "Please enter names of all data files without~%~
                 the extensions for run ~a and click OK.~%" id)))
       (col-1 (send text-item-proto :new "MC number"))
       (col-2 (send text-item-proto :new "   Data Filename   "))
       (headings (list col-1 col-2))
       (width-a (send col-1 :width))
       (width-b (send col-2 :width))
       (widths (map-elements #'send headings :width))
       (file-name-items (map-elements 
                         #'send edit-text-item-proto :new 
                         (repeat "" m)
                         :text-length 30))
       (mc-numbers (mapcar #'(lambda(x)
                               (send text-item-proto :new
                                    (format nil "~5d" x))) 
                                    (1+ (iseq m))))
       (abort (send modal-button-proto :new "Abort" :action #'top-level))
       (dialog nil)
       (ok (send modal-button-proto :new "OK" 
                     (map-elements #'send file-name-items :text)))))
  (dolist (x mc-numbers)
        (send x :width width-a))
  (dolist (x file-name-items)
        (send x :width width-b))
  (setf dialog-items
        (list prompt-item
              (list (mapcar #'(lambda (x y) (list x y)) 
                            mc-numbers file-name-items))
              (list ok abort)))
    (setf dialog (send modal-dialog-proto :new  dialog-items))
    (setf file-names (send dialog :modal-dialog))
    (if (or (some-files-dont-exist (map-elements #'strcat file-names ".in"))
            (some-files-dont-exist (map-elements #'strcat file-names ".out")))
        (message-dialog "Some files don't exist. Please try again!")
     (return file-names))))

<Get the number of points>= (<-U)
(select (get-tested-value-dialog
         (format nil "How many points to use for ~a in reweighting?" id)
         :initial *default-number-of-points*
         :test #'(lambda(x) (and (numberp x) (> x 0)))
         :error-message "No. of points must be > 0!")

<Get initial guess>= (<-U)
(select (get-nonnil-value-dialog
         (format nil "Enter an initial guess for estimating the ~% ~
                      constants in the format shown below.~% ~
                      Dimension should be ~d!~%" (1- m))
         :initial (1+ (iseq (1- m)))
         :test #'(lambda(x)
                   (let ((val (select x 0))) 
                        (and val (listp val) (= (length val (1- m))))))
         :error-message "Improper guess!")

To process the data, we use both the input and output file used in running the Markov chains.

<Read in data files and set up data>= (<-U) [D->]
(dotimes (j m)
;;; First process the input file parameters
    (let ((fh (open (strcat (select file-names j) ".in") :direction :input)))
;; discard the first four values
      (dotimes (i 4)
          (read fh nil))
      (setf shapes (cons (read fh nil) shapes))
      (setf scales (cons (read fh nil) scales))
      (setf alphas (cons (read fh nil) alphas))
;; discard next three values (warmup, iterations and gap)
;; Assumes all input files are consistent.
      (read fh nil) (read fh nil) (read fh nil)
      (setf (slot-value 'number-of-data-values) (read fh nil))      
      (close fh))
;;; Now process the corresponding output file.
    (let ((fh (open (strcat (select file-names j) ".out") :direction :input))
          (ind (* j n))
          (nd nil))
      (dotimes (i n)
          (setf (aref summary-data ind 1) (read fh nil))
          (setf nd (read fh nil))
          (setf (aref summary-data ind 0) nd)
          (send self :process-frequency-table fh nd ind)
          (setf ind (1+ ind)))
          (close fh)))

Now that all the Markov chain files have been processed, the slot-values can be set up.

<Read in data files and set up data>+= (<-U) [<-D]
(setf (slot-value 'hyperparameters-used-in-markov-chains)
      (make-array (list m 3) 
           :initial-contents (bind-columns (reverse alphas) 
                                           (reverse shapes)
                                           (reverse scales))
           :element-type 'c-double))
(setf (slot-value 'summary-data) summary-data)

The :create-run-file Method


<The Master :create-run-file Method>= (<-U)
(defmeth master-proto :create-run-file ()
"Method args: ()
Creates a data and a lisp file for subsequent runs."
(format t "~%Creating Run file for subsequent runs ... ")
(let ((mn nil)
      (index 0)
      (m (slot-value 'number-of-markov-chains))
      (n (slot-value 'number-of-points))
      (p (slot-value 'number-of-data-values))
      (file-names (slot-value 'data-file-names))
      (summary-data (slot-value 'summary-data))
      (indicator-counts (slot-value 'indicator-counts))
      (hypers-used (slot-value 'hyperparameters-used-in-markov-chains))
      (log-constants (slot-value 'log-constants-of-proportionality))
      (log-hmix (slot-value 'log-mixture-density))
      (fh (open (strcat (slot-value 'identifier) ".run") 
                :direction :output)))
  (setf mn (* m n))
  <Write number of Markov chains, etc.>
  <Write table of info on Markov chains>
  <Write info on hyperparameters>
  <Write summary data, log mixture density, indicator counts>
  (close fh))
<Create lisp file for subsequent runs>
(format t "done~%")
<Show informative message>)


<Write number of Markov chains, etc.>= (<-U)
(format fh "~s~%~%" "Automatically generated file. Do not edit unless~
                     you know what you are doing!")
(format fh "~s ~g~%" "Number of Markov Chains" m)
(format fh "~s ~g~%" "Number of Points" n)
(format fh "~s ~g~%" "Number of Data Values" 
        (slot-value 'number-of-data-values))
(format fh "~s ~g~%" "Number of Months used" 
        (slot-value 'number-of-months))

<Write info on hyperparameters>= (<-U)
(let ((r (send self :hyperparameter-ranges))
      (s (slot-value 'number-of-slider-stops))
      (i (slot-value 'initially-specified-hyperparameter-values)))
  (format fh "~%~s~%"
     "Hyperparameter Exploration Range, Initial Value, stops, etc.")
  (format fh "~%~s ~s ~g ~s ~g ~s ~g ~s ~g~%"
      "M(R)" "Min" (select (select r 0) 0) 
             "Max" (select (select r 0) 1) 
             "Initial" (select i 0)
             "Stops" (select s 0))
  (format fh "~%~s ~s ~g ~s ~g ~s ~g ~s ~g~%"
      "Theta-Shape" "Min" (select (select r 1) 0) 
             "Max" (select (select r 1) 1) 
             "Initial" (select i 1)
             "Stops" (select s 1))
  (format fh "~%~s ~s ~g ~s ~g ~s ~g ~s ~g~%"
      "Theta-Scale" "Min" (select (select r 2) 0) 
             "Max" (select (select r 2) 1) 
             "Initial" (select i 2)
             "Stops" (select s 2)))

<Write table of info on Markov chains>= (<-U)
(format fh "~%~%~s~%~%" 
     "Table of file name, alpha, shape, scale, log constants")
(dotimes (j m) 
     (format fh "~s ~g ~g ~g ~g~%" 
           (select file-names j)
           (aref hypers-used j 0)
           (aref hypers-used j 1)
           (aref hypers-used j 2)
           (if (= j 0) -1 (elt log-constants (1- j)))))

<Write summary data, log mixture density, indicator counts>= (<-U)
(format fh "~%~%~s~%~%" 
    "Table of no of distinct values, theta, log-hmix, Delta-X-t.")
(dotimes (j n)
   (dotimes (k m)
      (setf index (+ (* k n) j))
      (format fh "~g ~g " (aref summary-data index 0) 
                          (aref summary-data index 1))
      (format fh "~g " (aref log-hmix index))
      (dotimes (l (slot-value 'number-of-months))
         (format fh "~d " (aref indicator-counts index l)))
      (format fh "~%")))

<Create lisp file for subsequent runs>= (<-U)
(let* ((id (slot-value 'identifier))
       (fh (open (strcat id ".lsp") :direction :output)))
    (format fh ";;;Automatically generated file. Do not edit~
                unless you know what you are doing.~%")
    (format fh "(require ~s)~%" "bsa")
    (format fh "(use-package ~s)~%" "BSA")
    (format fh "(defvar ~a-master (send master-proto :new 
                            :identifier? ~s))~%" id id)
  (close fh))

<Show informative message>= (<-U)
(let ((id (slot-value 'identifier)))
    (format nil "For your information: Two files~%~
             ~a.run  and  ~a.lsp~%were created.~%~
             To repeat this run quickly the next time around~%~
             you only need to load the file ~a.lsp into~%~
             xlispstat." id id id)))

The :synchronize Method


The :synchronize method is responsible for synchronizing the slaves so that the density estimates they display is for the current values of the hyperparameters. Thus, if any hyperparameter value is changed, the :synchronize method should be invoked.

<The Master :synchronize Method>= (<-U)
(defmeth master-proto :synchronize ()
  "Method args: ()
Synchronizes all slaves."
  (when (not (slot-value 'lazy))
        (send self :consolidate-computation)
        (let* ((t-format (select *default-hyperparameter-print-format* 3))
              (slave1 (first (slot-value 'slaves)))
              (slave2 (second (slot-value 'slaves)))
              (t-value (send self :current-hyperparameter-values 3)))
            (send slave1 
                  :title (format nil "Law of F(~v,vf)-~a"
                                       (first t-format)
                                       (second t-format) t-value
                                       (slot-value 'identifier)))
            (setf (select (slot-value 'statistics-labels) 0)
                (format nil "E(S(~g))" t-value))
            (setf (select (slot-value 'statistics-labels) 1)
                (format nil "SD(S(~g))" t-value))
    (send slave1 :start-buffering)
    (send slave1 :clear-lines :draw nil)
    (send slave1 :add-lines 
               (slot-value 'density-abscissae) 
               (slot-value 'density-ordinates))
    (send slave1 :adjust-to-data)
    (send slave1 :buffer-to-screen)
    (send slave2 :start-buffering)
    (send slave2 :clear-lines :draw nil)
    (send slave2 :add-lines 
                 (slot-value 'expectation-abscissae) 
                 (slot-value 'expectation-ordinates))
    (send slave2 :adjust-to-data)
    (send slave2 :buffer-to-screen))))
Defines :synchronize (links are to index).

The :consolidate-computation Method


In this method we compute all the relevant statistics such as E(S(t)) and sigma_S(t) for various values of t, as well as the effective sample size. This method was added to consolidate all computations for acceptable performance and makes several other methods above superfluous.

<The Master :consolidate-computation Method>= (<-U)
(defmeth master-proto :consolidate-computation ()
  "Method args: ()
Consolidates all computations for sake of speed. This method
recalculates the importance weights, computes relevant statistics and
saves them in the slots."
  (call-by-reference-oldcfun "consolidateComputation" 
          (slot-value 'shared-library) *default-number-of-plot-stops*
          (slot-value 'statistics) 
          (slot-value 'density-abscissae) (slot-value 'density-ordinates)
          (slot-value 'expectation-abscissae) 
          (slot-value 'expectation-ordinates) 
          (slot-value 'standard-deviation-ordinates)))
Defines :consolidate-computation (links are to index).

The :reset Method


<The Master :reset Method>= (<-U)
(defmeth master-proto :reset ()
  "Method args: ()
Resets the state of all objects."
  (send self :current-hyperparameter-values
        (send self :initially-specified-hyperparameter-values)))
Defines :reset (links are to index).

The :effective-sample-size Method


The actual computation of the effective sample size is now done in the C code that computes the importance weights (see section [->]). We note that that the formula for computing effective sample size was originally used in estimating standard deviations in stratified sampling. It can be used to give ballpark figures, but should not be taken too literally.

<The Master :effective-sample-size Method>= (<-U)
(defmeth master-proto :effective-sample-size ()
  (select (slot-value 'statistics) 2))
Defines :effective-sample-size (links are to index).

The :print-all-statistics Method


<The Master :print-all-statistics Method>= (<-U)
(defmeth master-proto :print-all-statistics ()
  (let* ((hyperparameter-names (slot-value 'hyperparameter-names))
         (hyper-strings (send self :labelled-hyperparameter-values))
         (max-name-len (max (mapcar #'length hyperparameter-names))))
     (format t "~%~%*** Statistics for ~a ***~%~%" (send self :identifier))
     (format t "Hyperparameter Settings:~%" )
     (dolist (x hyper-strings)
              (format t " ~a~%" x))
     (format t "Total Sample Size     = ~5d.~%" 
               (* (slot-value 'number-of-markov-chains) 
                  (slot-value 'number-of-points)))
     (format t "Effective Sample Size = ~5d.~%" 
               (select (slot-value 'statistics) 2)))
  (dolist (x (slot-value 'slaves))
        (send x :print-summary))
  (format t "~%*** End of Statistics ***~%~%"))
Defines :print-all-statistics (links are to index).

The :labelled-hyperparameter-values Method


<The Master :labelled-hyperparameter-values Method>= (<-U)
(defmeth master-proto :labelled-hyperparameter-values ()
  (let* ((hyper-names (slot-value 'hyperparameter-names))
         (max-name-len (max (mapcar #'length hyper-names))))
        #'(lambda(a b) 
           (let ((y (select *default-hyperparameter-print-format* a)))
              (if (listp y)
                    (format nil "~va = ~v,vf" max-name-len 
                                 b (first y) (second y)
                        (send self :current-hyperparameter-values a))
                  (format nil (strcat "~va = " y) max-name-len b
                        (send self :current-hyperparameter-values a)))))
    (iseq (send self :number-of-hyperparameters)) hyper-names)))
Defines :labelled-hyperparameter-values (links are to index).

The :statistics Method


The :statistics method for the master returns the value of the slot statistics.

<The Master :statistics Method>= (<-U)
(defmeth master-proto :statistics ()
  "Method args: ()
Returns the slot value statistics."
  (slot-value 'statistics))
Defines :statistics (links are to index).

The :statistics-print-formats Method


The :statistics-print-formats method for the master returns the value of the slot

<The Master :statistics-print-formats Method>= (<-U)
(defmeth master-proto :statistics-print-formats ()
  "Method args: ()
Returns the slot value statistics-print-formats."
  (slot-value 'statistics-print-formats))
Defines :statistics-print-formats (links are to index).

The :statistics-labels Method


The :statistics-labels method for the master returns the value of the slot statistics-labels.

<The Master :statistics-labels Method>= (<-U)
(defmeth master-proto :statistics-labels ()
  "Method args: ()
Returns the slot value statistics-labels."
  (slot-value 'statistics-labels))
Defines :statistics-labels (links are to index).

The :toggle-timing Method


This method toggles timing on and off.

<The Master :toggle-timing Method>= (<-U)
(defmeth master-proto :toggle-timing ()
  "Method args: ()
Toggles timing on and off."
  (send self :hide-window)
  (setf (slot-value 'timing) (not (slot-value 'timing)))
  (if (slot-value 'timing)
      (send (slot-value 'timing-button) 
            :slot-value 'text "Timing:ON")
     (send (slot-value 'timing-button) :slot-value 'text 
  (send self :show-window))
Defines :toggle-timing (links are to index).

The :superimpose Method


This method returns the value of the superimpose slot.

<The Master :superimpose Method>= (<-U)
(defmeth master-proto :superimpose ()
  "Method args: ()
Returns the value of slot superimpose."
  (slot-value 'superimpose))
Defines :superimpose (links are to index).

The :close Method


The :close method for the master must close the slaves window that are active. Finally, it must commit hara-kiri.

<The Master :close Method>= (<-U)
(defmeth master-proto :close ()
  "Method args: ()
Kills all subordinate slave and commits suicide."
  (dolist (x (slot-value 'slaves))
          (send x :remove))
Defines :close (links are to index).

Defaults for Master


We shall use the prefix ``BSA'' for Bayesian Sensitivity Analysis.

<Defaults for Master>= (<-U)
(defvar *default-master-object-prefix* "BSA-")
(defvar *default-number-of-markov-chains* 8)
(defvar *default-number-of-points* 50)
(defvar *default-number-of-plot-stops* 51)
(defvar *default-no-of-slider-stops* '(64 51 121 61))
(defvar *default-hyperparameter-print-format* 
         '((7 2) (7 2) (7 2) (7 2)))
(defvar *default-number-of-months* 61)
(defvar *default-maximization-tolerance* 1e-5)
(defvar *default-shared-lib-name* 
        (if (member ':msdos xlisp::*features*)
Defines *default-hyperparameter-print-format*, *default-master-object-prefix*, *default-maximization-tolerance*, *default-no-of-slider-stops*, *default-number-of-markov-chains*, *default-number-of-months*, *default-number-of-points*, *default-shared-lib-name (links are to index).

The Slave Object Prototype


The Slave prototype inherits from scatterplot-proto.

<The Slave Prototype>= (<-U)
(defproto slave-proto '(master survival-plot color-index)
  () scatterplot-proto
  "The Slave prototype. Master is its master upon whom the slave
  relies for all data. Survival-plot is nil or t indicating what is
  to be plotted. Color-index is used in superimposition.")
<Methods for Slave Prototype>
<Defaults for Slave>
Defines slave-proto (links are to index).

The methods for slave-proto follow.

<Methods for Slave Prototype>= (<-U)
<The Slave :isnew Method>
<The Slave :redraw-background Method>
<The Slave :redraw-statistics Method>
<The Slave :print-summary Method>
<The Slave :close Method>

The :isnew Method


<The Slave :isnew Method>= (<-U)
(defmeth slave-proto :isnew (master &key (go-away t) (survival-plot nil))
  "Method args: master &rest args
Creates a new instance of the slave-proto object."
  (setf (slot-value 'master) master)
  (setf (slot-value 'survival-plot) survival-plot)
  (setf (slot-value 'color-index) 0)
  (call-next-method 2 :go-away go-away :draw nil)
  (if (not (slot-value 'survival-plot))
    (let ((skip (+ (send self :text-ascent) (send self :text-descent)))
          (len (length (send master :statistics-print-formats))))
         (send self :margin 
                    0 (+ (* len skip) (send self :text-descent)) 0 0
                    :draw nil)))
  (send self :redraw))
Defines :isnew (links are to index).

The :redraw-background Method


<The Slave :redraw-background Method>= (<-U)
(defmeth slave-proto :redraw-background ()
  "Method args: ()
   Redraws the background of the screen"
   (send self :start-buffering)
   (unless (slot-value 'survival-plot)
        (send self :redraw-statistics))
   (send self :buffer-to-screen))
Defines :redraw-background (links are to index).

The :redraw-statistics Method


<The Slave :redraw-statistics Method>= (<-U)
(defmeth slave-proto :redraw-statistics ()
  "Method args: ()
   Redraws the statistics on the screen"
  (let* ((master (slot-value 'master))
         (ascent (send self :text-ascent))
         (descent (send self :text-descent))
         (skip (+ ascent descent))
         (em (send self :text-width "m"))
         (en (send self :text-width "n"))
         (canvas-width (send self :canvas-width))
         (y 0)
         (stats-labels (send master :statistics-labels))
         (name-width (max (mapcar #'(lambda(x) (send self :text-width x))
         (value-strings (mapcar #'(lambda(x y)
                                (format nil x y))
                           (send master :statistics-print-formats)
                           (coerce (send master :statistics) 'list)))
         (value-width (max (mapcar #'(lambda(x) 
                                       (send self :text-width x))
         (x2 (- canvas-width value-width em))
         (x1 (- x2 name-width em)))
      (dotimes (i (length stats-labels))
           (let ((sl (select stats-labels i))
                 (sv (select value-strings i)))
              (setf y (+ y skip))
              (send self :draw-text sl x1 y 0 0)
              (send self :draw-text sv x2 y 0 0)))))
Defines :redraw-statistics (links are to index).

The :print-summary Method


This method basically calculates the mean and variance of beta distributions.

<The Slave :print-summary Method>= (<-U)
(defmeth slave-proto :print-summary ()
  "Method args: ()
Prints the mean and variance of the Law of F(t)."
  (if (slot-value 'survival-plot)
       (let* ((master (slot-value 'master))
              (x (send master :slot-value 'expectation-abscissae))
              (y (send master :slot-value 'expectation-ordinates))
              (stddevs (send master :slot-value 
          (format t "~%Table of E(S(t))~%")
          (format t "------------------------------------~%")
          (format t "Time t (months)   E(S(t))   SD(S(t))~%")
          (format t "------------------------------------~%")
          (dotimes (i (length x))
             (format t "~14d      ~5,3f   ~5,3f~%" (aref x i)
                        (aref y i) (aref stddevs i))))
     (let* ((master (slot-value 'master))
            (stats (send master :slot-value 'statistics))
            (stat-print-formats (send master :slot-value 
            (hypers (send master :current-hyperparameter-values))
            (alpha (aref hypers 0))
            (t-value-index (truncate (aref hypers 3))))
        (format t (strcat "Mean of S(~d):      " 
                       (first stat-print-formats) "~%") 
               t-value-index (elt stats 0))
        (format t (strcat "Std. Dev. of S(~d): "
                       (second stat-print-formats) "~%")
               t-value-index (elt stats 1)))))
Defines :print-summary (links are to index).

The :close Method


<The Slave :close Method>= (<-U)
(defmeth slave-proto :close () 
   (ok-or-cancel-dialog "Please use the master to quit"))

Defaults for Slave


<Defaults for Slave>= (<-U)
(defvar *default-slave-plot-size* '(300 265))
(defvar *default-slave-plot-stops* 51)
(defvar *default-statistics-labels* 
        '("E(S(t))" "SD(S(t))" "Eff. Sample Size"))
(defvar *default-statistics-print-formats* 
        '("~5,3f" "~5,3f" "~5,0f"))
Defines *default-slave-plot-size*, *default-slave-plot-stops*, *default-statistics-labels*, *default-statistics-print-formats* (links are to index).

The C Programs


In designing the C programs, we assume one thing---that no compaction is done during the lifetime of the master object. This allows us to refrain from passing pointers to data arrays each time a routine is called. Instead, all required pointers could be passed once when the master object is created and they remain fixed for the life of the master. Current versions of Lisp-Stat don't do memory compaction or move objects around.

Here's our copyright for C programs.

<C Copyright>= (U->)
***  $Revision: 1.34 $ of $Date: 1998/07/02 17:16:33 $
***  Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1998. Doss and Narasimhan
***  Hani J. Doss (doss@stat.ohio-state.edu) and 
***  B. Narasimhan (naras@stat.stanford.edu)
***  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
***  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
***  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
***  (at your option) any later version.
***  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
***  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
***  GNU General Public License for more details.
***  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
***  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
***  Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

Our C routines follow.

<C Routines>=
<C Copyright>
<Header files>
<Beta functions>
<Global Variables>
<Address Initialization Routine>
<The Density Routine>
<The LogProbability Routine>
<The LogLikelihood Routine>
<The hthetaOverHmix Routine>
<The compute-log-hmix Routine>
<The calcWeights Routine>
<The computeStatistics Method>
<The computeLawOfFOfT Method>
<The computeMeanOfFBarOfT Method>
<The consolidateComputation Routine>

Here are the headers files we will need. Note the declaration for the prototype of the gamma function that comes with Lisp-Stat. This function is not declared static in the Lisp-Stat source and is therefore available to us.

<Header files>= (<-U)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>

Beta Functions


We need two other functions, betdens and logbeta are indeed declared static in the Lisp-Stat source. Therefore, a copy of these routines is needed. In Lisp-Stat, the lnGamma function is known as mygamma.

<Beta functions>= (<-U)
extern double mygamma(double a);

static double logbeta (double a, double b)
  static double da = 0.0, db = 0.0, lbeta = 0.0;

  if (a != da || b != db) { /* cache most recent call */
    da = a; db = b;
    lbeta = mygamma(da) + mygamma(db) - mygamma(da + db);

static double betadens (double x, double a, double b)
  if (x <= 0.0 || x >= 1.0) 
     return 0.0;
  return exp(log(x) * (a - 1) + log(1 - x) * (b - 1) - logbeta(a, b));
Defines betadens, logbeta, mygamma (links are to index).

Global Variables


We begin with some global variables for all these C routines. Note that these are declared static.

<Global Variables>= (<-U)
static double *summaryData, *hyperValuesUsedInMarkovChains,
        *currentHyperValues, *importanceWeights,

static double *statistics;

static int numberOfMarkovChains, numberOfPoints, 
        numberOfDataValues, numberOfMonths, numberOfDataValues,
#define LOW_LOG_PROBABILITY -1e10;
Defines currentHyperValues, hyperValuesUsedinMarkovChains, importanceWeights, indicatorCounts, logConstantsOfProportionality, logMixtureDensity, LOW_LOG_PROBABILITY, numberOfDataValues, numberOfMarkovChains, numberOfMonths, numberOfPoints, numberOfPointsForConstants, statistics, summaryData (links are to index).

Initialization Routine


This initialization routine gathers addresses and stores them a static storage area. On the Windows platform, we also need to export the routines defined here.

<Address Initialization Routine>= (<-U)
#ifdef _Windows
__declspec(dllexport) void initializeAddress (double *a, double *b,
             double *c, double *d, double *e, double *ff, int *g, int *h,
             int *i, int *j, int *k, double *l, int *m);

 * Initialization routine, must be called as soon as the slots
 * are created in the master :isnew method.
void initializeAddress (argSummaryData, argHyperValuesUsedinMarkovChains,
        argCurrentHyperValues, argImportanceWeights,
        argLogMixtureDensity, argLogConstantsOfProportionality,
        argNumberOfMarkovChains, argNumberOfPoints,
        argNumberOfMonths, argNumberOfDataValues, 
        argIndicatorCounts, argStatistics, argNumberOfPointsForConstants)
    double *argSummaryData, *argHyperValuesUsedinMarkovChains,
        *argCurrentHyperValues, *argImportanceWeights,
        *argLogMixtureDensity, *argLogConstantsOfProportionality;
    double *argStatistics;
    int *argNumberOfMarkovChains, *argNumberOfPoints,
        *argNumberOfMonths, *argNumberOfDataValues, *argIndicatorCounts,
    summaryData = argSummaryData;
    hyperValuesUsedInMarkovChains = argHyperValuesUsedinMarkovChains;
    currentHyperValues = argCurrentHyperValues;
    importanceWeights = argImportanceWeights;
    logMixtureDensity = argLogMixtureDensity;
    logConstantsOfProportionality = argLogConstantsOfProportionality;
    indicatorCounts = argIndicatorCounts;

    numberOfMarkovChains = *argNumberOfMarkovChains;
    numberOfPoints = *argNumberOfPoints;
    numberOfMonths = *argNumberOfMonths;
    numberOfDataValues = *argNumberOfDataValues;
    statistics = argStatistics;
    numberOfPointsForConstants = *argNumberOfPointsForConstants;
Defines initializeAddress (links are to index).

The C Equivalent of :f Method


This routine calculates the j-th posterior density at a point. See :f method for master-proto. The formulas used for this and the next three methods all follow the development in [cite geye:1994].

<The Density Routine>= (<-U)
double f (argJ, argEta, argIndex)
    int argJ, argIndex;
    double *argEta;
   double nj, numberOfDistinctXS = summaryData[2 * argIndex],
          theta = summaryData[2 * argIndex + 1], alpha, shape, scale;
   int index = argJ * 3;
   if (argJ == 0) 
      nj = -1.0;
      nj = argEta[argJ - 1];
   alpha = hyperValuesUsedInMarkovChains[index];
   shape = hyperValuesUsedInMarkovChains[index + 1];
   scale = hyperValuesUsedInMarkovChains[index + 2];
   return exp(numberOfDistinctXS * log(alpha) +
              shape * log(scale) + (shape - 1.0) * log(theta) -
              scale * theta - mygamma(shape) + nj);
Defines f (links are to index).

The C Equivalent of :logp Method


This routine calculates the probability that a given point comes from a particular Markov chain. See :logp method for master-proto.

<The LogProbability Routine>= (<-U)
double logp (argJ, argEta, argIndex)
    int argJ, argIndex;
    double *argEta;
   double tmp, tmp1, sum = 0;
   int k;

   for (k = 0; k < numberOfMarkovChains; k++) {
      tmp = f(k, argEta, argIndex);
      if (k == argJ) 
         tmp1 = tmp;
      sum += tmp;
   if (tmp1 > 0.0) 
      return log(tmp1 / sum);
Defines logp (links are to index).

The C Equivalent of :loglik Method


The routine that calculates the log-likelihood. See :loglik method for master-proto.

<The LogLikelihood Routine>= (<-U)
#ifdef _Windows
__declspec(dllexport) void logLikelihood (double *a, double *b);

void logLikelihood (argEta, result)
    double *argEta, *result;
   double sum = 0.0;
   int i, j, index = 0;

   for (j = 0; j < numberOfMarkovChains; j++) {
      for (i = 0; i < numberOfPointsForConstants; i++) {
         sum += logp(j, argEta, index);
   *result = sum;
Defines loglik (links are to index).

The C Equivalent of :htheta-over-hmix Method


See :htheta-over-hmix method for master-proto.

<The hthetaOverHmix Routine>= (<-U)
double hthetaOverHmix (argIndex)
    int argIndex;
   double numberOfDistinctXS, theta, alpha, shape, scale;

   numberOfDistinctXS = summaryData[2 * argIndex];
   theta = summaryData[2 * argIndex + 1];
   alpha = currentHyperValues[0];
   shape = currentHyperValues[1];
   scale = currentHyperValues[2];

   return exp(numberOfDistinctXS * log(alpha) +
                    shape * log(scale) + (shape - 1.0) * log(theta) -
                    scale * theta - mygamma(shape) 
                    - logMixtureDensity[argIndex]);
Defines hthetaOverHmix (links are to index).

The C Equivalent of :compute-log-hmix Method


See :compute-log-hmix method for master-proto.

<The compute-log-hmix Routine>= (<-U)
#ifdef _Windows
__declspec(dllexport) void computeLogHmix ();
void computeLogHmix ()
   int i, k, mn;
   double sum;
   mn = numberOfMarkovChains * numberOfPoints;

   for (i = 0; i < mn; i++) {
        sum = 0.0;
        for (k = 0; k < numberOfMarkovChains; k++) {
            sum += f(k, logConstantsOfProportionality, i);
        logMixtureDensity[i] = log(sum);
Defines computeLogHmix (links are to index).

The C Equivalent of :calc-weights Method


See :calc-weights method for master-proto.

<The calcWeights Routine>= (<-U)
#ifdef _Windows
__declspec(dllexport) void calcWeights ();

void calcWeights ()
   int i, j, index = 0, sampleSize;
   double tmp, sum = 0.0, meanWeight, sumCenteredWeightsSquared;

   for (j = 0; j < numberOfMarkovChains; j++) {
        for (i = 0; i < numberOfPoints; i++) {
            tmp = hthetaOverHmix(index);
            importanceWeights[index] = tmp;
            sum += tmp;
   index = 0;
   sampleSize = numberOfMarkovChains * numberOfPoints;
   meanWeight = 1.0 / sampleSize;
   sumCenteredWeightsSquared = 0.0;
   for (j = 0; j < numberOfMarkovChains; j++) {
        for (i = 0; i < numberOfPoints; i++) {
            importanceWeights[index] /= sum;
            tmp = importanceWeights[index] - meanWeight;
            sumCenteredWeightsSquared += tmp * tmp;
   tmp = sumCenteredWeightsSquared / (sampleSize - 1);
   statistics[2] = floor(sampleSize / 
                        (1 +  sampleSize * sampleSize * tmp));
Defines calcWeights (links are to index).

The C Equivalent of :compute-statistics Method


See :compute-statistics method for slave-proto. In computing the mean and variance of the mixture of Beta densities, we have to use the facts E(X) = E(E(X|W)) and V(X) = E(V(X|W)) + V(E(X|W)). In our case, F(t) is a Beta random variable X_i with probability w_i, the normalized importance weight.

<The computeStatistics Method>= (<-U)
#ifdef _Windows
__declspec(dllexport) void computeStatistics (double *a);

void computeStatistics (argStatistics)
     double *argStatistics;
  double alpha = currentHyperValues[0],
        expectation = 0.0,
        expectationOfConditionalSquaredMean = 0.0,
        expectationOfVariance = 0.0,
        sumCenteredWeightsSquared = 0,
        betaMean, betaVariance,
        betaParam1, betaParam2;
  int i, j, index = 0, tValueIndex = (int) currentHyperValues[3];
  <Compute Mean and Variance in C>  
  argStatistics[0] = 1.0 - expectation;
  argStatistics[1] = sqrt(expectationOfConditionalSquaredMean - 
                       expectation * expectation);
Defines computeStatistics (links are to index).

<Compute Mean and Variance in C>= (<-U U->)
for (j = 0; j < numberOfMarkovChains; j ++) {
   for (i = 0; i < numberOfPoints; i++) {
      betaParam1 = <C Expression for first beta parameter>;
      betaParam2 = <C Expression for second beta parameter>;
      betaMean = betaParam1 / (betaParam1 + betaParam2);
      tmp = importanceWeights[index] * betaMean;
      betaVariance = betaMean * betaParam2 / 
           ((betaParam1 + betaParam2) * (betaParam1 + betaParam2 + 1));
      expectation += tmp;
      expectationOfVariance += importanceWeights[index] * betaVariance;
      expectationOfConditionalSquaredMean += tmp * betaMean;

The C Equivalent of :compute-law-of-f-of-t Method


See :compute-law-of-f-of-t method for slave-proto. Note the difference in that some parameters need to be passed in this C routine unlike the Lisp routine.

This method basically calculates for equally spaced values of u in [0,1] the weighted sum

where denotes the beta density with parameters a and b evaluated at u.

<The computeLawOfFOfT Method>= (<-U)
#ifdef _Windows
__declspec(dllexport) void computeLawOfFOfT (int *n, double *a, double *b);

void computeLawOfFOfT (int *n, double *x, double *y)
  double alpha, sum, betaParam1, betaParam2;
  int i, j, k, index, tValueIndex;

  alpha = currentHyperValues[0];
  tValueIndex = (int) currentHyperValues[3];
  for (k = 0; k < *n; k++) {
     sum = 0.0;
     index = 0;
     for (j = 0; j < numberOfMarkovChains; j++) {
         for (i = 0; i < numberOfPoints; i++) {
            betaParam1 = <C Expression for first beta parameter>;
            betaParam2 = <C Expression for second beta parameter>;
            sum += importanceWeights[index] * 
                     betadens(x[k], betaParam1, betaParam2);
     y[k] = sum;
Defines computeLawOfFOfT (links are to index).

Here are the formulas for the two beta density parameters. The first one is of course

with the understanding that indicates degree of concentration around the exponential family for theta.

The expression for the first beta parameter follows.

<C Expression for first beta parameter>= (<-U <-U)
(indicatorCounts[index * numberOfMonths + tValueIndex] +
 alpha * (1 - exp(-tValueIndex * summaryData[2*index + 1])))

The second one is

which in C is given by the snippet below.

<C Expression for second beta parameter>= (<-U <-U)
(alpha + numberOfDataValues - betaParam1)

The C Equivalent of :compute-mean-of-fbar-of-t Method


See :compute-mean-of-fbar-of-t method for slave-proto. This method basically calculates for several values of t, the quantity E(S(t)). The values of t for which this is done is the same as the list of values used in the slider for t.

<The computeMeanOfFBarOfT Method>= (<-U)
#ifdef _Windows
__declspec(dllexport) void computeMeanOfFBarOfT (int *n, double *a, 
                              double *b, double *c);

void computeMeanOfFBarOfT (n, x, y, standardDeviations)
     double *x, *y, *standardDeviations;
     int *n;
  double alpha = currentHyperValues[0],
        expectation = 0.0,
        expectationOfConditionalSquaredMean = 0.0,
        expectationOfVariance = 0.0,
        sumCenteredWeightsSquared = 0,
        betaMean, betaVariance,
        betaParam1, betaParam2;
  int i, j, k, index = 0, tValueIndex;
  y[0] = 1.0;
  standardDeviations[0] = 0.0;
  for (k = 1; k < *n; k++) {
     index = 0;
     expectation = 0.0;
     expectationOfConditionalSquaredMean = 0.0;
     expectationOfVariance = 0.0;
     tValueIndex = (int) (x[k]);
     <Compute Mean and Variance in C>
     y[k] = 1 - expectation;
     standardDeviations[k] = sqrt(expectationOfConditionalSquaredMean - 
                       expectation * expectation);
Defines computeMeanOfFBarOfT (links are to index).

The :consolidate-computation Method in C


This method consolidates all computation by first computing importance weights, then computing all the statistics in one shot.

<The consolidateComputation Routine>= (<-U)
#ifdef _Windows
__declspec(dllexport) void consolidateComputation (int *n,
        double *a, double *b, double *c, double *d, double *e, 
        double *ff);

void consolidateComputation (n, argStatistics, argDensityAbscissae, 
                argExpectationAbscissae, argExpectationOrdinates, 
     double *argStatistics, *argDensityAbscissae, *argDensityOrdinates, 
        *argExpectationAbscissae, *argExpectationOrdinates,
     int *n;
  int k;

  computeLawOfFOfT(n, argDensityAbscissae, argDensityOrdinates);
        argExpectationAbscissae, argExpectationOrdinates,
  k = (int) currentHyperValues[3];
  statistics[0] = argExpectationOrdinates[k];
  statistics[1] = argStandardDeviationOrdinates[k];
Defines consolidateComputation (links are to index).

Installation Information

[*] We present some information on how to compile and use the software on various platforms. This is presented as a README file.

<README file>=
Copyright (C) Hani J. Doss and B. Narasimhan

This file provides information on installing and using 
BSA (Bayesian Sensitivity Analysis) software. We expect any 
serious user of the software to read our paper that has now
appeared in 

  author =       {Hani J. Doss and B. Narasimhan},
  title =        {Practical Nonparametric and Semiparametric 
                  Bayesian Statistics},
  chapter =      {Dynamic Display of Changing Posterior in Bayesian
                  Survival Analysis},
  publisher =    {Springer},
  year =         {1998},
  editor =       {Dipak Dey, Peter M\"uller, Debajyoti Sinha},
  number =       {133},
  series =       {Lecture Notes in Statistics},
  pages =        {63--87}

We have included a copy of this paper (ddg.ps.gz) in the subdirectory ddg.


 A) XLisp-Stat 3.53-5 or higher. Freely available from

 B) Windows or Unix. Windows includes 95 and NT. 
                 (Mac version is in development.)

 C) On Unix, you will also need a C compiler.

Step 1.

You probably received the entire package as a compressed archive
named bsa.tgz. On Unix, the contents of the archive may be
extracted into a directory called bsa by executing the commands:

    gunzip -c bsa.tgz | tar -xvf -

If you are using GNU tar, this can be done in one shot via:

    tar -xvzf bsa.tgz

To extract the files on Windows, you need to use an extractor 
like WinZip. See http://www.winzip.com for more details.

Step 2

On Windows, you skip this step. Macs are not supported yet because
the authors don't know how to create a dynamic shared library.

On Unix, you need to configure the software to your environment.
Change to the bsa directory and type


This will compile the lisp files and create a shared library for your

Step 3

Start using the program. In Unix, the command 

  xlispstat BreastCancerRadiationOnly


  xlispstat BreastCancerRadiationChemo

will fire up the readymade examples.

On Windows, you fire up Lisp-Stat and load the files 


to proceed. 

If you are inclined to use commands instead of mouse-clicks, you can
send ``messages'' to the master object in the listener window as
shown in the following examples:

  (send BreastCancerRadiationOnly-master :current-hyperparameter-values
                                         '(1 4 150 12))

  (send BreastCancerRadiationOnly-master :print-all-statistics)

  (send BreastCancerRadiationOnly-master :slot-value 

Note how the master-objects names are related to the lisp file names and
how internal slot-names have to be prefixed by the package name.

For dealing with a new problem, we provide a few points regarding the
software. A number of inputs are required for running the
program. These are discussed in detail in the literate program
(bsa.ps) under the section titled ``Introduction.'' For convenience we
repeat the details here. This excerpted part is indented two spaces
for easy reference.

  First note that the software only does sensitivity analysis.
  No general facility is provided for generating observations from
  Markov chains.  Indeed, since the range of models for which MCMC
  methods are applicable are large and such methods most likely involve
  problem-specific issues, it is our opinion that building such a
  supertool, if it is at all possible, is a non-trivial task. However,
  the Fortran program used in generating the output for our example is
  included along with this software and can be used for models similar
  to ours.  Of course, any appropriate method may be used to generate
  the samples as long as the output is available in a form usable by our
  software. The requirements on the data that can be used with our
  software are spelt out below. 
  Corresponding to each Markov chain output, there must be two files
  with the extensions ".in" (input file) and ".out" (output file). 
  For example, "mc1.in" and "mc1.out".
  The input file must have the following structure. The first four items
  in the file can be anything, string or number, either on a single line
  or any conceivable combination of lines. The next three items
  *must* be the shape of the Gamma distribution on theta, the
  scale of the Gamma distribution on theta---the parametrization for
  shape a and scale b is proportional to x^{a-1} exp(-bx)---and 
  M(R). The next three values values following these quantities can 
  be anything, but the one following it should be the number of data points, 
  that is, the number of sets or intervals. In the Fortran program we use 
  -99 is used to denote infinity. Nothing else is read from the input file.
  The output file must have the following structure for each data point
  generated by the Markov chain. The value of theta must be followed
  by the number of distinct values of the data points, which must be
  followed by a frequency table of the actual data value and the
  corresponding frequency. The layout of the values on lines does not
  matter as long as at least a single white space delimits values. If
  this structure is violated, errors will result. A peek at the data
  files included with this software will help the reader.
  It is assumed that a proper installation of XLisp-Stat is available.

For a new problem, you probably have several Markov chain output files 
although even one should work. (In the latter case, reweighting reduces
to simple Importance Sampling.)

  a) It is best to create a new directory for your problem and have 
     your data files there. For example, the directory "BreastCancer"
     contains relevant data files for our Breast Cancer data. 

  b) The only files you actually need to run the program are:
      1) Either one of bsa.fsl or bsa.lsp
      2) Either one of utility.fsl or utility.lsp
      3) Either one of call-by-reference.fsl or call-by-reference.lsp
      4) the shared library libbsa.so or libbsa.sl as the case
         may be. On Windows, instead of the shared library,
         we need the whole subdirectory "win".

         Copy these files/directories to where you have the data 
         files and work there.
      5) The file new-problem.lsp.

Invoke Lisp-Stat and load the file named "new-problem.lsp".

The first time (and first time only), the following inputs will be

1) An indentifier for uniquely identifying the run. Use a meaningful
   name here. Let us assume this is BreastCancer (the default) 
   in the discussion below.

2) The number of Markov chain outputs that you want to use for
   reweighting. Must be >= 1, with 1 denoting straight Importance

3) The names of the files containing output from Markov chains, 
   *without the extensions*. The software will automatically
   tag on the extensions .in and .out when looking for files.

4) The number of points per chain to use in the dynamic reweighting.
   Thus if you specify 50 and have 8 chains, then 50 points from each
   of the eight chains (= 400) will be used.

5) An initial guess for maximizing the log-quasilikelihood which 
   will provide an estimate of the constants of proportionality.
6) The range between which you want to vary the hyperparameters. If
   you use only one chain, then you *must* specify the range. Otherwise,
   the range will be a single point. If you specified many chains,
   the default settings for each hyperparameter will be the minimum and
   maximum values from values used in all Markov chains. The number of
   stops should be an odd number if you want to hit the middle of the

7) The number of points to use in estimating the constants of 
   proportionality. If you use all of the data, the estimation can
   take a while. It is almost always better to go with the default 
   or less. (If you are really interested in using more points,
   then start off with 10, and use the estimates thus obtained
   to start your larger optimization. This will save you a lot of
   Once you specify this, the maximization will take place. This is a
   good point to go refill your coffee cup. 

   After the estimation, two files are created so that you are not
   bombarded with questions in subsequent explorations. For example,

       BreastCancer.lsp   (and)

   For repeating the exploration next time, you only need to load
   the file BreastCancer.lsp into XLisp-Stat. This will bypass
   all the inputs we discussed above except for the question about
   ranges. The file BreastCancer.run contains pre-processed 
   information for faster loading and will be used when 
   BreastCancer.lsp is loaded.

   All files are text files and can be viewed with a text viewer.

Examples for Breast Cancer Data

The two files 

     BreastCancerRadiationOnly.lsp (and)

and the corresponding run files are provided for experimentation.
These exist in the main directory "bsa" itself and concern the
dataset on two treatments described in the paper 

  Dynamic Display of Changing Posterior in 
                   Bayesian Survival Analysis
  Hani J. Doss and B. Narasimhan

By default, they use 50 points each and 8 Markov chains. We wish to
note that an earlier version of the software was used to produce the
results in the paper and subsequently a bug was found. This does not
change any of the conclusions of the paper but the numbers shown in
table 1.1 in the paper are off from the actual values obtained using
the software. A replacement is provided in the file newtable.tex
and shows that the agreement between estimates obtained by reweighting
and those obtained by actual runs of Markov chains is, if anything,
better that what the original table indicated.

Just load the lisp files into XLisp-Stat to do the dynamic exploration.
If you have a sufficiently fast machine, you can use more points.

To completely reproduce our work from scratch, you need to use the
data files in the subdirectory "BreastCancer".

The authors may be contacted via email at:

  doss@stat.ohio-state.edu (Hani J. Doss)
  naras@stat.Stanford.EDU  (B. Narasimhan)

Note on the program itself

The programs are written in a literate style using the Noweb literate
programming tools. We provide two utility packages that one can use
independently of the program: utility.lsp and call-by reference.lsp.
The former contains functions we have found useful in writing Lispstat
programs; the latter implements a call-by-reference glue between 
Lispstat and C.


Improvements needed




This research was supported by Air Force Office of Scientific Research Grant F49620-94-1-0028.

We are indebted to Fred W. Huffer for the Fortran program dirichlet that comes with this software. All we did was modify it slightly to suit our data.

Index of Code Chunks


This list is generated automatically. The numeral is that of the first definition of the chunk.

Index of Identifiers


Here is a list of the identifiers used, and where they appear. Underlined entries indicate the place of definition. This index is generated automatically.


[1] Hani J. Doss and B. Narasimhan. Bayesian Poisson regression: Sensitivity analysis through dynamic graphics. Technical report, Penn State Erie, The Behrend College, 1994.

[2] Hani J. Doss and B. Narasimhan. Dynamic display of changing posterior in Bayesian survival analysis. In Practical Nonparametric and Semiparametric Bayesian Statistics, D. Dey, P. Müller, and D. Sinha, eds, 1998. Springer-Verlag, N. Y.

[3] C. J. Geyer. Estimating normalizing constants and reweighting mixtures in Markov chain Monte Carlo. Technical report, School of Statistics, University of Minnesota, 1994.

[4] Donald E. Knuth. Literate Programming. Center for Study of Language and Information, Stanford University, 1992.

[5] A. Kong, J. S. Liu, and W. H. Wong. Sequential imputations and Bayesian missing data problems. J. Amer. Statist. Assoc., 1994.

[6] Christopher Lee. Literate programming---propaganda and tools. World Wide Web, 1994. Available from http://www.ius.cs.cmu.edu/help/Programming/literate.html.

[7] Norman Ramsey. Literate programming simplified. IEEE Software, 1994.

[8] Norman Ramsey. The Noweb Hacker's Guide, 1994. Manual for Noweb.

[9] Norman Ramsey. The noweb home page. World Wide Web, 1995. On the Web at http://www.cs.virginia.edu/ nr/noweb/.

[10] Luke Tierney. LISP-STAT: An Object-Oriented Environment for Statistical Computing and Dynamic Graphics. John Wiley &Sons, 1990.