Alan Agresti: 6127-Spring 2007

Statistical Methods for the Social Sciences II

Syllabus (pdf file)


Alan Agresti, Department of Statistics

Office Hours

204 Griffin-Floyd Hall: Tuesday & Thursday, 2:00-3:45 pm, or by appointment

Contact Information

Phone number: (352) 392-1941 ext. 234, e-mail

Teaching Assistant

Dhiman Bhadra, office McCarty C 428, e-mail, office hours MWF 1-3 pm or by appointment.

Data at website for 3rd edition:

Some of the large data sets from the text are available at Datasets.

Useful links about software

SAS and SPSS are available in all the CIRCA labs, such as CSE 211.


A student version of SPSS is available at the UF Bookstore next to Reitz Union. You can get it more cheaply for your home PC with a one-year license through the Student Home-Use Program. You may prefer to use the full-fledged version of SPSS in CIRCA labs.

When getting started, it can be helpful to use a primer such as "SPSS for Windows Step by Step" by D. George and P. Mallery.

Here are some basic instructions for using SPSS and SAS for various statistical analyses (pdf file). The first half deals with SPSS. This is a revised version of the appendix in the course text, and is being updated for the fourth edition. Please point out any errors you notice.

Homework Announcements

Review homework (pdf file)

Review homework solutions (pdf file)

Homework on multiple regression (Chap. 11) (pdf file)

Multiple regression homework solutions (Chap. 11) (pdf file)

ANOVA homework solutions (Chap. 12) (pdf file)

Chap. 13 homework solutions (pdf file)

Chap. 14 homework solutions (pdf file)

Chap. 15 homework solutions (pdf file)

Data Sets

Text file of crime data in Florida counties

SPSS file of crime data in Florida counties

Text file of 2004 statewide crime data in U.S.

Text file of house selling prices in Gainesville in 2006.

Text material (no longer available; this is published in the 3rd edition of the book "Statistical Methods for the Social Sciences" by Alan Agresti and Barbara Finlay.

Chapter 11 draft (pdf file, copyright Alan Agresti, 2007)

Chapter 12 draft (pdf file, copyright Alan Agresti, 2007)

Chapter 13 draft (pdf file, copyright Alan Agresti, 2007)

Chapter 14 draft (pdf file, copyright Alan Agresti, 2007)

Chapter 15 draft (pdf file, copyright Alan Agresti, 2007)

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