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Large-sample score confidence interval for a difference of proportions in 2x2 table (Mee 1984, Miettinen and Nurminen 1985, Nurminen 1986)

diffscoreci <- function(x1,n1,x2,n2,conflev){ 
   px = x1/n1
   py = x2/n2
   z = qchisq(conflev,1)
   proot = px-py
   dp = 1-proot
   niter = 1
   while(niter <= 50){
     dp = 0.5*dp
     up2 = proot+dp
     score = z2stat(px,n1,py,n2,up2)
     if(score<z){ proot = up2 }
     niter = niter+1
     if((dp<0.0000001) || (abs(z-score)<.000001)){
       niter = 51
       ul = up2}
   proot = px-py
   dp = 1+proot
   niter = 1
   while(niter <= 50){
     dp = 0.5*dp
     low2 = proot-dp
     score = z2stat(px,n1,py,n2,low2)
     if(score<z){ proot = low2 }
     niter = niter+1
     if((dp<0.0000001) || (abs(z-score)<.000001)){
     ll = low2
     niter = 51}

z2stat <- function (p1x,nx,p1y,ny,dif){

      diff = p1x-p1y-dif
      if ( abs(diff) == 0 ) {
        fmdiff = 0}
        t = ny/nx
        a = 1+t
        b = -(1+ t + p1x + t*p1y + dif*(t+2))
        c = dif*dif + dif*(2*p1x + t +1) + p1x + t*p1y
        d = -p1x*dif*(1+dif)
        v = (b/a/3)^3 - b*c/(6*a*a) + d/a/2
        s = sqrt( (b/a/3)^2 - c/a/3)
        w = (3.141592654+acos(v/u^3))/3
        p1d = 2*u*cos(w) - b/a/3
        p2d = p1d - dif
        var = p1d*(1-p1d)/nx + p2d*(1-p2d)/ny
        fmdiff = diff^2/var

# Computes the score two-sample interval for (p1 - p2)
# with success counts x1, x2 and trials n1, n2
# and with confidence coefficient = conflev 
# written by Yongyi Min

Wald confidence interval for difference of proportions in 2x2 table

wald2ci <- function(x1, n1, x2, n2, conflev){
   p1hat = x1/n1
   p2hat = x2/n2
   z = abs(qnorm((1-conflev)/2))
   ll = (p1hat - p2hat)  - z*sqrt((p1hat*(1-p1hat))/n1 + (p2hat*(1-p2hat))/n2)
   ul = (p1hat - p2hat)  + z*sqrt((p1hat*(1-p1hat))/n1 + (p2hat*(1-p2hat))/n2)

#Computes the Wald two-sample interval for (p1 - p2)
#with success counts x1, x2 and trials n1, n2
#and with confidence coeff conflev.  Returns a
#list with the lower and upper end points
#in that order.  Add 1 to x1 and x2 and add 2 to n1 and n2
#to get Agresti-Caffo adjusted CI (American Statistician, 2000).

R Code for large-sample score confidence interval for a relative risk in a 2x2 table (Koopman 1984, Miettinen and Nurminen 1985, Nurminen 1986).

riskscoreci <- function(x1,n1,x2,n2,conflev)
  z =  abs(qnorm((1-conflev)/2))
  if ((x2==0) &&(x1==0)){
    ul = Inf
    ll = 0
     a1 =  n2*(n2*(n2+n1)*x1+n1*(n2+x1)*(z^2))
     a2 = -n2*(n2*n1*(x2+x1)+2*(n2+n1)*x2*x1+n1*(n2+x2+2*x1)*(z^2))  
     a3 = 2*n2*n1*x2*(x2+x1)+(n2+n1)*(x2^2)*x1+n2*n1*(x2+x1)*(z^2)
     a4 = -n1*(x2^2)*(x2+x1)
     b1 = a2/a1
     b2 = a3/a1
     b3 = a4/a1
     c1 = b2-(b1^2)/3
     c2 = b3-b1*b2/3+2*(b1^3)/27
     ceta = acos(sqrt(27)*c2/(2*c1*sqrt(-c1)))
     t1 = -2*sqrt(-c1/3)*cos(pi/3-ceta/3)
     t2 = -2*sqrt(-c1/3)*cos(pi/3+ceta/3)
     t3 = 2*sqrt(-c1/3)*cos(ceta/3)
     p01 = t1-b1/3
     p02 = t2-b1/3
     p03 = t3-b1/3
     p0sum = p01+p02+p03
     p0up = min(p01,p02,p03)
     p0low = p0sum-p0up-max(p01,p02,p03)
     if( (x2==0) && (x1!=0) ){
        ll = (1-(n1-x1)*(1-p0low)/(x2+n1-(n2+n1)*p0low))/p0low 
        ul = Inf 
     else if( (x2!=n2) && (x1==0)){
        ul = (1-(n1-x1)*(1-p0up)/(x2+n1-(n2+n1)*p0up))/p0up
        ll = 0
     else if( (x2==n2) && (x1==n1)){
         ul = (n2+z^2)/n2
         ll =  n1/(n1+z^2)
     else if( (x1==n1) || (x2==n2) ){
         if((x2==n2) && (x1==0)) { ll = 0 }
         if((x2==n2) && (x1!=0)) {
           phat1  = x2/n2
           phat2  =  x1/n1
           phihat = phat2/phat1
           phil = 0.95*phihat
           chi2 = 0
           while (chi2 <= z){
             a = (n2+n1)*phil
             b = -((x2+n1)*phil+x1+n2)
             c = x2+x1
             p1hat = (-b-sqrt(b^2-4*a*c))/(2*a)
             p2hat = p1hat*phil
             q2hat = 1-p2hat
             var = (n2*n1*p2hat)/(n1*(phil-p2hat)+n2*q2hat)
             chi2 = ((x1-n1*p2hat)/q2hat)/sqrt(var)
             ll = phil
             phil = ll/1.0001}} 
         i = x2
         j = x1
         ni = n2 
         nj = n1 
         if( x1==n1 ){               
            i = x1
            j = x2
            ni = n1 
            nj = n2
         phat1  = i/ni
         phat2  =  j/nj
         phihat = phat2/phat1
         phiu = 1.1*phihat
         if((x2==n2) && (x1==0)) { 
            if(n2<100) {phiu = .01}
            else {phiu=0.001}
         chi1 = 0
         while (chi1 >= -z){
         a = (ni+nj)*phiu
         b = -((i+nj)*phiu+j+ni)
         c = i+j
         p1hat = (-b-sqrt(b^2-4*a*c))/(2*a)
         p2hat = p1hat*phiu
         q2hat = 1-p2hat
         var = (ni*nj*p2hat)/(nj*(phiu-p2hat)+ni*q2hat)
         chi1  = ((j-nj*p2hat)/q2hat)/sqrt(var)
         phiu1 = phiu
         phiu = 1.0001*phiu1

         if(x1==n1) {
          ul = (1-(n1-x1)*(1-p0up)/(x2+n1-(n2+n1)*p0up))/p0up  
          ll = 1/phiu1       
         else{ ul = phiu1}                        

     ul = (1-(n1-x1)*(1-p0up)/(x2+n1-(n2+n1)*p0up))/p0up
     ll = (1-(n1-x1)*(1-p0low)/(x2+n1-(n2+n1)*p0low))/p0low 

# computes the score CI for the relative risk p1/p2
# with success counts x1, x2 and trials n1, n2
# and with confidence coefficient = conflev 
# written by Yongyi Min

R Code for large-sample score confidence interval for an odds ratio in a 2x2 table (Cornfield 1956, Miettinen and Nurminen 1985)

orscoreci <- function(x1,n1,x2,n2,conflev){
  px = x1/n1
  py = x2/n2
  if(((x1==0) && (x2==0)) || ((x1==n1) && (x2==n2))){
      ul = 1/0
      ll = 0   
  else if((x1==0) || (x2==n2)){
       ll = 0
       theta = 0.01/n2 
       ul = limit(x1,n1,x2,n2,conflev,theta,1)      
  else if((x1==n1) || (x2==0)){
       ul = 1/0
       theta = 100*n1
       ll = limit(x1,n1,x2,n2,conflev,theta,0)       
      theta = px/(1-px)/(py/(1-py))/1.1
      ll = limit(x1,n1,x2,n2,conflev,theta,0)       
      ul = limit(x1,n1,x2,n2,conflev,theta,1)      

limit <- function(x,nx,y,ny,conflev,lim,t){
      z = qchisq(conflev,1)
      px = x/nx
      score= 0
      while ( score < z){
        a = ny*(lim-1)
        b = nx*lim+ny-(x+y)*(lim-1)
        c = -(x+y)
        p2d = (-b+sqrt(b^2-4*a*c))/(2*a)
        p1d = p2d*lim/(1+p2d*(lim-1))
        score = ((nx*(px-p1d))^2)*(1/(nx*p1d*(1-p1d))+1/(ny*p2d*(1-p2d)))
        ci = lim
        if(t==0) { lim = ci/1.001 }
        else{ lim = ci*1.001 }
# computes the score CI for the odds ratio  p1(1-p2)/(p2(1-p1))
# with success counts x1, x2 and trials n1, n2
# and with confidence coefficient = conflev 
# written by Yongyi Min

Alan Agresti 2003-11-18