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> pdf("rpd07_01r.pdf")



> alldata <- matrix(

+ c(1,676,33,5,1441.67,35184.5,16.4524,

+ 2,516,35,4.75,1299.19,28170.4,13.9852,

+ 3,1052,32,4.2,1154.27,26455,15.3276,

+ 4,868,30,4.4,1045.15,25072.9,17.3128,

+ 5,1008,33,5.55,521.62,31664.2,22.3312,

+ 6,436,33,5.05,1273.02,25491.7,12.2778,

+ 7,544,36,4.25,1346.35,20877.3,17.8225,

+ 8,680,30,4.45,1253.88,25621.3,14.3516,

+ 9,640,38,4.75,1242.65,27587.3,13.6826,

+ 10,492,30,4.6,1281.95,26511.7,11.7566,

+ 11,984,30,4.1,553.69,7886.5,9.882,

+ 12,1400,37,3.45,494.74,14596,16.6752,

+ 13,1276,33,3.45,525.97,9826.8,12.373,

+ 14,1736,36,4.1,571.14,11978.4,9.4058,

+ 15,1004,30,3.5,408.64,10368.6,14.9302,

+ 16,396,30,3.25,646.65,17307.4,31.2865,

+ 17,352,27,3.35,514.03,12822,30.1652,

+ 18,328,29,3.2,350.73,8582.6,28.5901,

+ 19,392,34,3.35,496.29,12369.5,19.8795,

+ 20,236,36,3.3,580.92,14731.9,18.5056,

+ 21,392,30,3.25,535.82,15060.6,22.1344,

+ 22,268,28,3.25,490.34,11056.3,28.6101,

+ 23,252,31,3.2,552.39,8118.9,23.1908,

+ 24,236,31,3.2,661.32,13009.5,24.6917,

+ 25,340,35,3.35,672.15,15003.7,22.6758,

+ 26,2436,29,7.1,528.65,10225,0.3729,

+ 27,2216,35,7.35,563.13,8024.2,0.2703,

+ 28,2096,35,7.45,497.96,10393,0.3205,

+ 29,1660,30,7.45,458.38,8711.6,0.2648,

+ 30,2272,30,7.4,498.25,10239.6,0.2105,

+ 31,824,26,4.85,936.26,20436,18.9875,

+ 32,1196,29,4.6,894.79,12519.9,20.9687,

+ 33,1960,25,5.2,941.36,18979,23.9841,

+ 34,2080,26,4.75,1038.79,22986.1,19.9727,

+ 35,1764,26,5.2,898.05,11704.5,21.3864,

+ 36,412,25,4.55,989.87,17721,23.7063,

+ 37,416,26,3.95,951.28,16485.2,30.5589,

+ 38,504,26,3.7,939.83,17101.3,26.8415,

+ 39,492,27,3.75,925.42,17849,27.7292,

+ 40,636,27,4.15,954.11,16949.6,21.5699,

+ 41,1756,24,5.6,720.72,11344.6,19.6531,

+ 42,1232,27,5.35,782.09,14752.4,20.3295,

+ 43,1400,26,5.5,773.3,13649.8,19.588,

+ 44,1620,28,5.5,829.26,14533,20.1328,

+ 45,1560,28,5.4,856.96,16892.2,19.242),byrow=T,ncol=7)




> bio <- alldata[,2]

> sal <- alldata[,3]

> ph <- alldata[,4]

> k <- alldata[,5]

> na <- alldata[,6]

> zn <- alldata[,7]




> linth5 <- data.frame(bio,sal,ph,k,na,zn)


> attach(linth5)


      The following object(s) are masked _by_ .GlobalEnv :


       bio k na ph sal zn



> library(leaps)
> allpossreg <- regsubsets(bio ~ sal+ph+k+na+zn,nbest=5,data=linth5)
> aprout <- summary(allpossreg)
> with(aprout,round(cbind(which,rsq,adjr2,cp,bic),3))
  (Intercept) sal ph k na zn   rsq  adjr2     cp     bic
1           1   0  1 0  0  0 0.599  0.590  7.421 -33.548
1           1   0  0 0  0  1 0.390  0.376 32.738 -14.622
1           1   0  0 0  1  0 0.074  0.052 70.913   4.153
1           1   0  0 1  0  0 0.042  0.020 74.798   5.688
1           1   1  0 0  0  0 0.011 -0.012 78.573   7.132
2           1   0  1 0  1  0 0.658  0.642  2.282 -36.919
2           1   0  1 1  0  0 0.648  0.631  3.594 -35.511
2           1   0  1 0  0  1 0.608  0.590  8.343 -30.754
2           1   1  1 0  0  0 0.603  0.585  8.933 -30.197
2           1   1  0 0  0  1 0.553  0.531 15.070 -24.775
3           1   0  1 0  1  1 0.662  0.638  3.796 -33.645
3           1   0  1 1  1  0 0.660  0.636  4.049 -33.367
3           1   1  1 0  1  0 0.659  0.634  4.207 -33.194
3           1   1  1 1  0  0 0.652  0.627  5.037 -32.296
3           1   0  1 1  0  1 0.652  0.627  5.048 -32.285
4           1   1  1 1  0  1 0.675  0.642  4.296 -31.524
4           1   1  1 0  1  1 0.672  0.639  4.670 -31.099
4           1   0  1 1  1  1 0.664  0.631  5.588 -30.068
4           1   1  1 1  1  0 0.662  0.628  5.886 -29.739
4           1   1  0 1  1  1 0.577  0.535 16.087 -19.716
5           1   1  1 1  1  1 0.677  0.636  6.000 -28.058
> # These Stepwise Methods are based on Model Criteria, not individual regression coefficients
> # direction="both" begins like backward and works down
> # Criteria:  k=2 uses AIC (default)   k=log(length(y))  uses BIC
> reg.full <- lm(bio ~ sal+ph+k+na+zn)
> reg.null <- lm(bio ~ 1)
> summary(reg.full)



lm(formula = bio ~ sal + ph + k + na + zn)



   Min     1Q Median     3Q    Max

-748.2 -223.7  -85.2  139.9 1072.4



              Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)  

(Intercept)  1.252e+03  1.235e+03   1.014  0.31674  

sal         -3.029e+01  2.403e+01  -1.260  0.21507  

ph           3.055e+02  8.788e+01   3.477  0.00126 **

k           -2.851e-01  3.484e-01  -0.818  0.41817  

na          -8.673e-03  1.593e-02  -0.544  0.58927  

zn          -2.068e+01  1.505e+01  -1.373  0.17746  


Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1


Residual standard error: 398.3 on 39 degrees of freedom

Multiple R-squared: 0.6773,   Adjusted R-squared: 0.6359

F-statistic: 16.37 on 5 and 39 DF,  p-value: 1.082e-08



> forward.reg <- step(reg.null,direction="forward",scope=list(upper=reg.full,lower=reg.null))

Start:  AIC=585.3

bio ~ 1


       Df Sum of Sq      RSS      AIC

+ ph    1  11490388  7680575      546

+ zn    1   7474474 11696489      565

+ na    1   1419069 17751894      584

<none>              19170963      585

+ k     1    802872 18368091      585

+ sal   1    204048 18966915      587


Step:  AIC=546.14

bio ~ ph


       Df Sum of Sq     RSS     AIC

+ na    1   1132401 6548174     541

+ k     1    924266 6756309     542

<none>              7680575     546

+ zn    1    170933 7509642     547

+ sal   1     77327 7603247     548


Step:  AIC=540.96

bio ~ ph + na


       Df Sum of Sq     RSS     AIC

<none>              6548174     541

+ zn    1     77026 6471149     542

+ k     1     36938 6511236     543

+ sal   1     11778 6536396     543


> summary(forward.reg)



lm(formula = bio ~ ph + na)



    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max

-677.93 -229.76  -97.47  207.51 1168.40



              Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)   

(Intercept) -4.757e+02  2.735e+02  -1.739   0.0893 . 

ph           4.049e+02  4.777e+01   8.477 1.22e-10 ***

na          -2.333e-02  8.655e-03  -2.695   0.0101 * 


Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1


Residual standard error: 394.9 on 42 degrees of freedom

Multiple R-squared: 0.6584,   Adjusted R-squared: 0.6422

F-statistic: 40.48 on 2 and 42 DF,  p-value: 1.596e-10



> backward.reg <- step(reg.full,direction="backward",k=log(length(bio)))

Start:  AIC=555.24

bio ~ sal + ph + k + na + zn


       Df Sum of Sq     RSS     AIC

- na    1     47011 6233274     552

- k     1    106211 6292475     552

- sal   1    251921 6438184     553

- zn    1    299209 6485473     554

<none>              6186263     555

- ph    1   1917306 8103569     564


Step:  AIC=551.78

bio ~ sal + ph + k + zn


       Df Sum of Sq     RSS     AIC

- zn    1    434796 6668070     551

- sal   1    436496 6669770     551

<none>              6233274     552

- k     1    732606 6965880     553

- ph    1   1885805 8119079     560


Step:  AIC=551

bio ~ sal + ph + k


       Df Sum of Sq      RSS      AIC

- sal   1     88239  6756309      548

<none>               6668070      551

- k     1    935178  7603247      553

- ph    1  11478835 18146905      592


Step:  AIC=547.79

bio ~ ph + k


       Df Sum of Sq      RSS      AIC

<none>               6756309      548

- k     1    924266  7680575      550

- ph    1  11611782 18368091      589


> summary(backward.reg)



lm(formula = bio ~ ph + k)



   Min     1Q Median     3Q    Max

-679.4 -253.4  -95.4  259.4 1135.8



             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)   

(Intercept) -506.9774   279.7714  -1.812   0.0771 . 

ph           412.0395    48.4975   8.496 1.15e-10 ***

k             -0.4871     0.2032  -2.397   0.0211 * 


Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1


Residual standard error: 401.1 on 42 degrees of freedom

Multiple R-squared: 0.6476,   Adjusted R-squared: 0.6308

F-statistic: 38.59 on 2 and 42 DF,  p-value: 3.079e-10



> stepwise.reg <- step(reg.full,direction="both")

Start:  AIC=544.4

bio ~ sal + ph + k + na + zn


       Df Sum of Sq     RSS     AIC

- na    1     47011 6233274     543

- k     1    106211 6292475     543

- sal   1    251921 6438184     544

<none>              6186263     544

- zn    1    299209 6485473     545

- ph    1   1917306 8103569     555


Step:  AIC=542.74

bio ~ sal + ph + k + zn


       Df Sum of Sq     RSS     AIC

<none>              6233274     543

- zn    1    434796 6668070     544

- sal   1    436496 6669770     544

+ na    1     47011 6186263     544

- k     1    732606 6965880     546

- ph    1   1885805 8119079     553


> summary(stepwise.reg)



lm(formula = bio ~ sal + ph + k + zn)



   Min     1Q Median     3Q    Max

-749.1 -229.2  -94.2  127.2 1037.4



             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)  

(Intercept) 1505.4882  1133.6940   1.328  0.19172  

sal          -35.9433    21.4761  -1.674  0.10201  

ph           293.8611    84.4738   3.479  0.00123 **

k             -0.4388     0.2024  -2.168  0.03615 *

zn           -23.4519    14.0399  -1.670  0.10265  


Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1


Residual standard error: 394.8 on 40 degrees of freedom

Multiple R-squared: 0.6749,   Adjusted R-squared: 0.6423

F-statistic: 20.76 on 4 and 40 DF,  p-value: 2.528e-09



> dev.off()

null device



