Kuehl -- Example 6.2 -- Concrete/Strength The MEANS Procedure Analysis Variable : strength N aggtype compmeth Obs Mean Std Dev ----------------------------------------------------------- B L 3 97.3333333 4.0414519 R 3 129.0000000 3.6055513 S 3 65.3333333 2.5166115 V 3 57.3333333 1.5275252 S L 3 60.6666667 2.0816660 R 3 111.0000000 4.5825757 S 3 67.6666667 2.8867513 V 3 41.6666667 2.0816660 ----------------------------------------------------------- Kuehl -- Example 6.2 -- Concrete/Strength The GLM Procedure Class Level Information Class Levels Values aggtype 2 B S compmeth 4 L R S V Number of Observations Read 24 Number of Observations Used 24 Kuehl -- Example 6.2 -- Concrete/Strength The GLM Procedure Dependent Variable: strength Sum of Source DF Squares Mean Square F Value Pr > F Model 7 19122.50000 2731.78571 287.56 <.0001 Error 16 152.00000 9.50000 Corrected Total 23 19274.50000 R-Square Coeff Var Root MSE strength Mean 0.992114 3.913914 3.082207 78.75000 Source DF Type I SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F aggtype 1 1734.00000 1734.00000 182.53 <.0001 compmeth 3 16243.50000 5414.50000 569.95 <.0001 aggtype*compmeth 3 1145.00000 381.66667 40.18 <.0001 Source DF Type III SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F aggtype 1 1734.00000 1734.00000 182.53 <.0001 compmeth 3 16243.50000 5414.50000 569.95 <.0001 aggtype*compmeth 3 1145.00000 381.66667 40.18 <.0001 Standard Parameter Estimate Error t Value Pr > |t| B vs S in Low 36.6666667 2.51661148 14.57 <.0001 B vs S in Regular 18.0000000 2.51661148 7.15 <.0001 B vs S in Static -2.3333333 2.51661148 -0.93 0.3676 B vs S in Very low 15.6666667 2.51661148 6.23 <.0001