A data set from Oehlert (2000) \emph{A First Course in Design and Analysis of Experiments}, New York: W. H. Freeman. Data originally from Caro, M.~R., E.~Zamora, L.~Leon, F.~Cuello, J.~Salinas, D.~Megias, M.~J. Cubero, and A.~Contreras (1990). ``Isolation and identification of {\em Listeria monocytogenes\/} in vegetable byproduct silages containing preservative additives and destined for animal feeding.'' {\em Animal Feed Science and Technology\/}~{\em 31}, 285--291. Moisture content of orange pulp silage subjected to four treatments. Column 1 is treatment (1 through 4 indicates NaCl, formic acid, beet pulp, and control). Column 2 is moisture content.