airperm <- read.csv("", header=TRUE) attach(airperm) names(airperm) Y <- mean_ap X1 <- warp X2 <- weft X3 <- mass n <- length(Y) X0 <- rep(1,n) X <- as.matrix(cbind(X0,X1,X2,X3)) # Form the X-matrix (n=30 rows, 4 Cols) Y <- as.matrix(Y,ncol=1) # Form the Y-vector (n=30 rows, 1 col) p <- ncol(X) # Notes: t(X) = transpose of X, %*% = matrix multiplication, solve(A) = A^(-1) (XX <- t(X) %*% X) # Obtain X'X matrix (4 rows, 4 cols) (XY <- t(X) %*% Y) # Obtain X'Y vector (4 rows, 1 col) (XXI <- solve(XX)) # Obtain (X'X)^(-1) matrix (4 rows, 4 cols) (b <- XXI %*% XY) # Obtain b-vector (4 rows, 1 col) Y_hat <- X %*% b # Obtain the vector of fitted values (n=30 rows, 1 col) e <- Y - Y_hat # Obtain the vector of residuals (n=30 rows, 1 col) print(cbind(Y_hat,e)) H <- X %*% XXI %*% t(X) # Obtain the Hat matrix J_n <- matrix(rep(1/n,n^2),ncol=n) # Obtain the (1/n)J matrix (n=30 rows, n=30 cols) I_n <- diag(n) # Obtain the identity matrix (n=30 rows, n=30 cols) (SSTO <- t(Y) %*% (I_n - J_n) %*% Y) # Obtain Total Sum of Squares (SSTO) # SSTO can also be computed as: # (SSTO <- (t(Y) %*% Y) - (t(Y) %*% (I_n - J_n) %*% Y)) (SSE <- t(Y) %*% (I_n - H) %*% Y) # Obtain Error Sum of Squares (SSE) # SSE can also be computed as: # (SSE <- (t(Y) %*% Y) - (t(b) %*% XY)) (SSR <- t(Y) %*% (H - J_n) %*% Y) # Obtain Regression Sum of Squares (SSR) # SSR can also be computed as: # (SSR <- (t(b) %*% XY) - (t(Y) %*% J_n %*% Y)) (MSE <- SSE/(n-p)) # Obtain MSE = s^2 (s2_b <- MSE[1,1] * XXI) # Obtain s^2{b}, must use MSE[1,1] and * to do scalar multiplication se_b <- sqrt(diag(s2_b)) # Obtain SE's of individual regression coefficients print(cbind((b-qt(.975,n-p)*se_b),(b+qt(.975,n-p)*se_b))) # Print CI's for Beta coefficients (X_h <- matrix(c(1,60,35,125),ncol=1)) # Create X_h vector, for case where X1=60,X2=35,X3=125 (Y_hat_h <- t(X_h) %*% b) # Obtain the fitted value when budget=20 (s2_yhat_h <- t(X_h) %*% s2_b %*% X_h) # Obtain s^2{Y_hat_h} (s2_pred <- MSE + (t(X_h) %*% s2_b %*% X_h)) # Obtain s^2{pred} ### Print 95% CI for Mean at X_h and 95% PI for Individual Observation print(cbind((Y_hat_h-qt(.975,n-p)*sqrt(s2_yhat_h)),(Y_hat_h+qt(.975,n-p)*sqrt(s2_yhat_h)))) print(cbind((Y_hat_h-qt(.975,n-p)*sqrt(s2_pred)),(Y_hat_h+qt(.975,n-p)*sqrt(s2_pred))))