Dataset: psycho.dat Source: C.A. Kirkman (2005). "From Soap Opera to Science: Towards Gaining Access to the Psychopaths Among Us", Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, Vol. 78, #3, pp.379-396. Description: Scores on three facets (and total) on the Hare P-SCAN scale by an experimental group (women who had dated psychopaths and were recruited by having had similar experience as a character on a very popular British soap opera) and a control group (women recruited at a shopping mall). The ratings were with respect to the psychopath ex (experimental group) and last partner (control group). High scores are associated with higher levels of psychopathy. Variables/Columns Facet 1 /* 1=interpersonal 2=affective 3=lifestyle 4=Total */ Group 3 /* 1=Control 2=Experimental */ Mean 5-9 Std. Dev. 11-15 Sample Size 17-19