Dataset: pesticide.csv Source: K. Amirat, N. Ziani, D. Messadi (2016). "Chemometric Modeling to Predict Retention Times for a Large Set of Pesticides or Toxicants Using Hybrid Genetic Algorithm/Multiple Linear Regression Approach," Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal, Vol. 27, #3, pp. 313-325. Description: Regression model to predict log(Retention Time) to 6 Predictors for 84 pesticides. Predictors: Total Energy of Molecule Number of 6-membered rings Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of topological structure - lag 1 weighted by atomic masses Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of topological structure - lag 7 weighted by Van der Waals volumes Geary autocorrelation - lag 2 weighted by atomic Sanderson electronegativities Eigenvalue 05 from edge adjacent matrix weighted by dipole moments Note: First 67 pesticides were training sample, last 17 were test sample Variable Names: pestID (1-84) pestName (chemical name) logRT totEnergy num6Ring ATS1m ATS7v GAATS2e EEig05d crossval (1=training, 2=test)