Dataset: para_skeptic.dat Source: L. Storm and M.A. Thalbourne (2005). "The Effect of Change in Pro Attitude on Paranormal Performance: A Pilot Study Using Naive and Sophisticated Skeptics," Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol.19, #1, pp.11-29. Description: Experiment that 1) classified subjects as Believers or skeptics with respect to psi (based on scores on ASGS test, and 2) Measured successful matches in 50 trials with 5 Zener card symbols (star, waves, square, circle, and cross). The expected count is 10 under "no ESP" assumption Variables/Coluns Group 8 /* 1=Believer (ASGS >=17), 2=Skeptic (ASGS < 17) */ Correct matches 15-16 /* Out of 50 */