Dataset: lightsat.dat Source: H. Helson (1942). "Multiple-Variable Analysis of Factors Affecting Lightness and Saturation," The American Journal of Psychology, Vol.55, #1,pp46-57 Description: Saturation and Lightness scores (mean of 18 samples viewed by 5 Ss) for 3 backgrounds, 4 Spectral Hues, at 4 Illumination Levels. Backgrounds: 1=White 2=Gray 3=Black Hues 1=Red 2=Yellow 3=Green 4=Blue Intensities (Foot-Candles) 1=135 2=72 3=4.5 4=1.4 Variables/Columns Intensity 8 Background 16 Hue 24 Saturation Score 29-32 Lighting score 45-48