Dataset: lead_lipstick.csv Source: P. Piccinini, M. Piecha, S.F. Torrent (2013). "European Survey of the Content in Lead in Lip Products," Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, Vol. 76, pp. 225-233 Description: Lead content was determined in 223 lip products (149 lipstick and 74 lip gloss). Each measurement was made on 6 replicates. Variable Names JRC_code (European Commission's Joint Reseach Centre) purchCntry (Country of Purchase) prodCntry (Country of Production) Pb (Mean lead content mg/kg) sdPb (Std Dev lead content) Shade (Color: Pink, Red, Brown, Purple) prodType (LP=lipstick, LG=lip gloss) priceCatgry (1 = <5 euro, 2 = 5-15, 3 = >15)