Dataset: armour_quilt.dat Source: D.J. Carr, C. Lankester, A.Peare, N. Fibri, N. Gridley (2012). "Does Quilting Improve the Fragment Protective Performance of Body Armour?," Textile Research Journal, Vol. 82, #9, pp. 883-888. Description: Energy absorbed by body armour in a 3-Way Factorial ANOVA. Impact (slow, fast, edge) Specimen layers (1,2,3,5) Qulting: (None, square, diamond) Planned 12 replicates for eact treatment, 5 cells missing 1 value dur to instrument error. Data simulated to match mean, sd, sample size by treatment. Variables/Columns Impact 8 /* 1=slow, 2=fast, 3=edge */ Specimen layers 16 Quilting 24 /* 1=None, 2=square, 3=diamond */ Energy absorbed (joulles) 26-32