Dataset: air_int_incap.dat Source: J.C. Spurgeon (1978). "The Correlation of animal response Data with the Yields of Selected Thermal Decomposition Products for Typical Aircraft Interior Materials," U.S. D.O.T. Report No. FAA-RD-78-131. Description: Times to animal incapacitation after exposure to burning of 71 aircraft interior materials and combustion yields of 7 gases: CO, HCN, H2S, HCL, HBR, NO2, SO2. Material Categories: 1=Panels, 2=Components, 3=Foams, 4=Fabrics, 5=Coated Fabrics, 6=Flooring, 7=Thermoplastics and Transparencies, 8=Elastometers, Insulation, and Cargo Liners Regression used 1000/(Time-to-incapacitation) as Y, and gas yields as X's Variables/Columns Material Category 8 Material ID # 10-16 Time-to-Incapacitation (min) 18-24 1000/Time-to-Incapacitaion 26-32 CO (mg/g) 34-40 HCN " 42-48 H2S " 50-56 HCL " 58-64 HBr " 66-72 NO2 " 74-80 SO2 " 82-88