options ps=54 ls=76; goptions reset=all device=pdf gsfname=output gsfmode=replace; FILENAME website HTTP "http://www.stat.ufl.edu/~winner/data/caffeine.dat"; data caffeine; infile website; input subject dose endurance; run; filename output 'caffeine1.pdf'; proc gplot; plot endurance*subject=dose; run; proc glm; class subject dose; model endurance = dose subject; means dose / bon tukey; output out=caffout r=caffres p=caffpred; run; filename output 'caffeine2.pdf'; proc gchart; vbar caffres; run; /* The statistic for Friedman's Test is Statistic 2: "Row Mean Scores Differ". In the tables statement, use the ordering: block*treatment*response */ proc freq; tables subject*dose*endurance / cmh2 scores=rank noprint; run; quit;