options nodate nonumber ps=54 ls=80; goptions device=ps gaccess=gsasfile gend='0a'x gsflen=72 vsize=3.2 hsize=4.5; data ex0903; * infile '../../../data/biostat/ex0903.dat'; infile 'C:\biostat\data\ex0903.dat'; input pair remission group remisstime censor; run; proc print; /* Run the proportional hazards regression model */ proc phreg; model remisstime*censor(1) = group /ties=exact; run; /* Obtain the Kaplan-Meier estimates and log-rank test for the 2 groups */ proc lifetest notable plots=(s) graphics; time remisstime*censor(1); strata group; symbol1 c=blk v=circle; symbol2 c=rbk v=square; filename gsasfile 'ex0903.ps'; run;