options nodate pagesize=54 linesize=80; /* Read in the input file */ data ex0701; * infile '../../../data/biostat/ex0701.dat'; infile 'C:\biostat\data\ex0701.dat'; input subject cl_cr cl_g_s cl_g_m; /* Run the regression with dependent variable=cl_g_m (multiple dose gemfibrozil clearance) and independent variable = cl_cr (creatinine clearance) */ proc reg; model cl_g_m = cl_cr; run; /* Obtain the correlation between cl_g_m and cl_cr */ proc corr; var cl_cr cl_g_m; run; /* Obtain plot of data and regression line */ /* i=rl puts the linear regression line on plot v=star has plotting points for data as stars */ symbol i=rl v=star; proc gplot; plot cl_g_m*cl_cr=1; run; */ quit;