> summary(big20.rcr1) Linear mixed-effects model fit by REML Data: NULL AIC BIC logLik 4105.031 4122.896 -2048.516 Random effects: Formula: ~0 + minutes | player_id minutes Residual StdDev: 0.0635688 5.640528 Fixed effects: points ~ minutes Value Std.Error DF t-value p-value (Intercept) -2.6411425 1.2754322 624 -2.070782 0.0388 minutes 0.5911134 0.0424749 624 13.916764 0.0000 Correlation: (Intr) minutes -0.928 Standardized Within-Group Residuals: Min Q1 Med Q3 Max -2.65660656 -0.68868388 -0.03207019 0.61335420 3.50984372 Number of Observations: 645 Number of Groups: 20 > > random.effects(big20.rcr1) minutes 1 0.147194828 2 0.050750300 3 0.058664523 4 0.069043739 5 0.025511981 6 0.017228086 7 0.012918292 8 0.061212356 9 -0.017264861 10 -0.001445245 11 0.013302621 12 -0.036365168 13 -0.051118273 14 -0.034977912 15 -0.031759933 16 -0.033011110 17 -0.056998020 18 -0.068410087 19 -0.039736160 20 -0.084739959 > > library(lme4) > library(lattice) > require(optimx) > > xyplot(points ~ minutes | player_id) > > big20.rcr2 <- lmer(points~ minutes + + (0 + minutes|player_id),REML=TRUE) > > # control=lmerControl(opt="optimx",optCtrl = list(method="nlminb"))) > > summary(big20.rcr2) Linear mixed model fit by REML ['lmerMod'] Formula: points ~ minutes + (0 + minutes | player_id) REML criterion at convergence: 4097 Scaled residuals: Min 1Q Median 3Q Max -2.6566 -0.6887 -0.0321 0.6134 3.5098 Random effects: Groups Name Variance Std.Dev. player_id minutes 0.004041 0.06357 Residual 31.815557 5.64053 Number of obs: 645, groups: player_id, 20 Fixed effects: Estimate Std. Error t value (Intercept) -2.64114 1.27543 -2.071 minutes 0.59111 0.04247 13.917 Correlation of Fixed Effects: (Intr) minutes -0.928 > > random.effects(big20.rcr2) $player_id minutes 1 0.147194829 2 0.050750300 3 0.058664524 4 0.069043739 5 0.025511981 6 0.017228086 7 0.012918293 8 0.061212356 9 -0.017264861 10 -0.001445245 11 0.013302622 12 -0.036365168 13 -0.051118274 14 -0.034977912 15 -0.031759933 16 -0.033011110 17 -0.056998021 18 -0.068410088 19 -0.039736160 20 -0.084739960 >