Dataset: mozart_goldenratio.csv Sources: N. Broder (1960). "Mozart: Sonatas and Fantasies for the Piano." Revised Ed. Theodore Presser, Bryn Mahr, PA. J.F. Putz (1995). "The Golden Section and the Piano Sonatas of Mozart," Mathematics Magazine, Vol. 6, #4, pp. 275-282. Description: Empirical study of ratio of length Development and Recapulation (b) to the sum of Exposition and Development and Recapitulations (a+b) for 29 of Mozart's Sonatas. Hypothesis is that b/(a+b) can be approximated by Golden Ratio. Letting x=a, 1-x=b, phi=a/b=b/(a+b)=x/(1-x)=(1-x)/1 solves phi = (sqrt(5)-1)/2. Variable Names: Kochel (cataloguing index) expos_a (Exposition, a) devRec_b (Development and Recapitulations)